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Re: [PATCH] maint: sort THANKS using our own gear

From: Bernhard Voelker
Subject: Re: [PATCH] maint: sort THANKS using our own gear
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 02:45:13 +0100
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On 02/11/2015 04:05 PM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> +1.

Here's v2 with the FIXME comment to remove the dependency to
build sort.

For the preparation of the list coming from, I squashed
the 2x perl + 1x grep calls into one perl expression.

Have a nice day,

>From a07026f62bdf0ef96ee9d2078c50d6baae7d4f6e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bernhard Voelker <address@hidden>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2015 02:35:07 +0100
Subject: [PATCH-v2] maint: sort THANKS using our own gear
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At least 'sort' on openSUSE/Fedora have a bug in the case-folding code
of their I18N downstream patch which leads to wrong sort results,
e.g. "Dániel" coming after "Dylan".

* (THANKS): Sort the final contributor list using our
own sort implementation - as others may result in a different order;
add a FIXME comment to remove this again once common platforms have
a functional 'sort -f'.  Add '-k1,1' for a better sort order.
While at it, save a grep and perl call to prepare the list from
'' by doing all in the first perl call.
--- | 13 +++++++++----
 1 file changed, 9 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index cf0c8a0..e07bba2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -158,16 +158,21 @@ ASSORT = LC_ALL=C sort
 # Extract all lines up to the first one starting with "##".
 prologue = perl -ne '/^\#\#/ and exit; print' $(srcdir)/

-THANKS: .mailmap thanks-gen .version
+# FIXME: avoid dependency to build our own 'sort' for 'make dist' ...
+# when common platforms have a functional case-folding implementation:
+#   $ test 'abácad' = "$(printf '%s\n' 'ab' 'ác' 'ad' \
+#                          | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort -f \
+#                          | tr -d '\n')" && echo GOOD || echo BAD
+THANKS: .mailmap thanks-gen .version $(srcdir)/src/sort
        $(AM_V_GEN)rm -f $@-t $@;                                       \
        {                                                               \
          $(prologue); echo;                                            \
-         { perl -ne '/^$$/.../^$$/ and print' $(srcdir)/      \
-             | grep -v '^$$' | perl -pe 's/  +/\0/';                   \
+         { perl -ne '/^$$/.../^$$/ and !/^$$/ and s/  +/\0/ and print' \
+             $(srcdir)/;                                      \
            git log --pretty=format:'%aN%x00%aE'                        \
              | $(ASSORT) -u;                                           \
          } | $(srcdir)/thanks-gen                                      \
-           | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 sort -f;                               \
+           | LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8  $(srcdir)/src/sort -f -k1,1;          \
          echo;                                                         \
          printf ';; %s\n' 'Local Variables:' 'coding: utf-8' End:;     \
        } > $@-t && chmod a-w $@-t && mv $@-t $@

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