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Re: RFC: improved support for grouping in uniq

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: RFC: improved support for grouping in uniq
Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2011 09:57:13 -0700
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On 03/02/2011 09:44 AM, Pádraig Brady wrote:
> -d, -D and -u make sense when used in isolation:
> $ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n2 c\n3 a\n" | uniq -w1 -D
> 2 a
> 2 b
> 2 c
> $ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n2 c\n3 a\n" | uniq -w1 -u
> 1 a
> 3 a
> pb-laptop:~$ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n2 c\n3 a\n" | uniq -w1 -d
> 2 a
> However when you combine -u (suppress last output entry
> in a repeated group) with -d or -D it doesn't seem useful:
> $ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n2 c\n3 a\n" | uniq -w1 -d -u

This behavior is required by POSIX (-d suppresses unique lines, -u
suppresses duplicate lines, so all lines are suppressed).

> $ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n2 c\n3 a\n" | uniq -w1 -D -u
> 2 a
> 2 b

-D is a GNU invention, so we are free to make it more useful.

> Why I'm asking is to perhaps overload -u -D
> to support grouping like:
> $ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n2 c\n3 a\n" |
>   uniq -w1 --unique=separated --all-repeated=separated
> 1 a
> 2 a
> 2 b
> 2 c
> 3 a
> Or maybe we should just add a new --group option to do the above?

A --group option sounds interesting, even in combination with the others:

$ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n3 a\n3 b\n4 a\n" | uniq -w1 -u --group
1 a

4 a
$ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n3 a\n3 b\n4 a\n" | uniq -w1 -D --group
2 a
2 b

3 a
3 b
$ printf "1 a\n2 a\n2 b\n3 a\n3 b\n4 a\n" | uniq -w1 --group
1 a

2 a
2 b

3 a
3 b

4 a

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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