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Re: [coreutils] Re: crtime on ext4 or ntfs

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [coreutils] Re: crtime on ext4 or ntfs
Date: Fri, 22 Oct 2010 08:56:42 -0600
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On 10/22/2010 08:15 AM, Jim Meyering wrote:
Vincent GACOUGNOLLE wrote:
Sorry if I am wrong, I am a new-by.

I am looking for core utils manipulating crtime on ext4 and ntfs.

In a large vision, I would like get from coreutils the ability to use new
file attributes we can found on modern FS like ext4 and ntfs.

After seen sources ofr last version, I found ls command from GNU coreutils is
laking crtime usage. We have an answer here:

With  new option to ls:
        /usr/bin/ls [-aAbcCdeEfFghHilLmnopqrRsStuvVx1@]
        [-/ c | v] [-% atime | crtime | ctime | mtime | all] [file]...

Thanks to say me if there is any improvement planned and where I can find it
on this site.

Please write to address@hidden (Cc'd) in the future.
You probably want the new %W format (it prints a file's 'birth-time')
that is supported in coreutils-8.6's stat program.

By the way, this works out of the box on BSD and Cygwin systems where birthtime is part of stat(2), but for Linux, you'll have to wait until the kernel implements xstat(2) before coreutils can print anything meaningful.

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library

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