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Re: [Confuse-devel] (no subject)

From: Martin Hedenfalk
Subject: Re: [Confuse-devel] (no subject)
Date: Tue, 31 Aug 2004 19:46:25 +0200

Hello Xu Hao,

Removing the equal sign, or making it optional, would not require a very big change in the sources. However, it would be inconsistent with the "option += value" syntax. I also chose to use the equal sign because, IMHO, "option is equal to value" is more logical/natural than just "option value". I disagree that libConfuse will be much more useful if the equal sign is removed.

What would require a bigger change, in Amits case, is that 1) some option names are two words (eg, "option domain-name"), and 2) section names include options ("subnet netmask {...}").

Adding support for many different kinds of configuration files syntaxes is not the goal of libConfuse. Feel free to modify the sources to your liking.

I guess this also answers your previous question about parsing Apaches configuration file. I recommend that you take a look at dot.conf ( I think it is able to parse those files.

/Martin Hedenfalk

2004-08-31 kl. 03.27 skrev Xu Hao:

Hi Martin!

I read this topic this morning.

I think that what Amit said is right. If libconfuse could support things like this: "ListenPort 80", "ServerRoot /var" (without the "="), it will be much more useful.

I don't understand why you choose "key = value", since most linux and windows configuration files don't use the "=". And I don't understand why you said that "Adding support for this syntax would require a very big change in the libConfuse library." Anyway, I didn't look into the source code carefully :)




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