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[gnue] r7338 - in trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources: . drivers/Base driv

From: reinhard
Subject: [gnue] r7338 - in trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources: . drivers/Base drivers/DBSIG2
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2005 19:03:17 -0500 (CDT)

Author: reinhard
Date: 2005-04-11 19:03:16 -0500 (Mon, 11 Apr 2005)
New Revision: 7338

Removed a lot of code that's not used any more now.

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/    2005-04-11 23:49:06 UTC 
(rev 7337)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/    2005-04-12 00:03:16 UTC 
(rev 7338)
@@ -379,9 +379,6 @@
       self.__setResultSet( resultSet )
       return resultSet
-  def getQueryString(self,conditions={},forDetailSQL=None,additionalSQL=""):
-    return self._dataObject.getQueryString(conditions, 
   # Master/detail stuff

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base/        
2005-04-11 23:49:06 UTC (rev 7337)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base/        
2005-04-12 00:03:16 UTC (rev 7338)
@@ -102,9 +102,6 @@
     return resultset
-  # Do not over-ride by vendor code
-  def getQueryString(self,conditions={},forDetailSQL=None,additionalSQL=""):
-    return self._buildQuery(conditions,forDetailSQL,additionalSQL)
   def createEmptyResultSet(self, readOnly=0, masterRecordSet=None):

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base/ 2005-04-11 
23:49:06 UTC (rev 7337)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/Base/ 2005-04-12 
00:03:16 UTC (rev 7338)
@@ -392,11 +392,7 @@
         if do.primarykey and do.primarykeyseq and ',' not in do.primarykey and 
            hasattr(do._connection,'getsequence') and \
            self.getField(do.primarykey) is None:
-          try:
-          except do._connection._DatabaseError:
-            raise exceptions.InvalidDatasourceDefintion, \
-                errors.getException () [2]
     # If we have a connection (i.e. we aren't static or unbound), do the post
     if self._parent._dataObject._connection:

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/      
2005-04-11 23:49:06 UTC (rev 7337)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/DBSIG2/      
2005-04-12 00:03:16 UTC (rev 7338)
@@ -35,14 +35,7 @@
 __all__ = ['DataObject','DataObject_SQL','DataObject_Object']
-from gnue.common.datasources import GConditions, Exceptions
 from gnue.common.datasources.drivers.Base import DataObject as BaseDataObject
-from gnue.common.apps import errors
-import string
-import types
-import mx.DateTime
-from string import join, replace
 from ResultSet import ResultSet
@@ -53,267 +46,23 @@
   _escapeSingleQuote = "'"
   _resultSetClass = ResultSet
-  _DatabaseError = None
   # The date/time format used in insert/select statements
   # (based on format used for time.strftime())
   _dateTimeFormat = "'%c'"
   _timeFormat = "'%X'"
-  conditionElements = {
-       'add':             (2, 999, '(%s)',                   '+'       ),
-       'sub':             (2, 999, '(%s)',                   '-'       ),
-       'mul':             (2, 999, '(%s)',                   '*'       ),
-       'div':             (2, 999, '(%s)',                   '/'       ),
-       'and':             (1, 999, '(%s)',                   ' AND '   ),
-       'or':              (2, 999, '(%s)',                   ' OR '    ),
-       'not':             (1,   1, '(NOT %s)',               None      ),
-       'negate':          (1,   1, '-%s',                    None      ),
-       'null':            (1,   1, '(%s IS NULL)',           None      ),
-       'notnull':         (1,   1, '(%s IS NOT NULL)',       None      ),
-       'eq':              (2,   2, '(%s = %s)',              None      ),
-       'ne':              (2,   2, '(%s != %s)',             None      ),
-       'gt':              (2,   2, '(%s > %s)',              None      ),
-       'ge':              (2,   2, '(%s >= %s)',             None      ),
-       'lt':              (2,   2, '(%s < %s)',              None      ),
-       'le':              (2,   2, '(%s <= %s)',             None      ),
-       'like':            (2,   2, '%s LIKE %s',             None      ),
-       'notlike':         (2,   2, '%s NOT LIKE %s',         None      ),
-       'between':         (3,   3, '%s BETWEEN %s AND %s',   None      ),
-       'notbetween':      (3,   3, '(%s NOT BETWEEN %s AND %s)', None  ),
-       # These two are hacks... these are not really valid tags
-       # Used when the 2nd value of EQ or NE is NULL.
-       '__iseq':          (2,   2, '(%s IS %s)',             None      ),
-       '__isne':          (2,   2, '(%s IS NOT %s)',         None      ),
-       'upper':           (1,   1, 'UPPER(%s)',              None      ),
-       'lower':           (1,   1, 'LOWER(%s)',              None      )}
-  def __init__(self, *args, **params):
-    BaseDataObject.__init__(self, *args, **params)
-    gDebug (8, "DB-SIG database driver backend initializing")
-    self.distinct = False
-    # If possible, this will contain the field names used in the last select
-    # in the same order used in the SELECT statement.
-    self._fieldOrder = []
-  def _toSqlString(self, value):
-    if isinstance (value, mx.DateTime.DateTimeType):
-      if (value.year, value.month, == (1, 1, 1):
-        return value.strftime (self._timeFormat)
-      else:
-        return value.strftime (self._dateTimeFormat)
-    else:
-      if value == None:
-        return "NULL"
-      elif type(value) == types.IntType:
-        return "'%d'" % value
-      elif type(value) == types.LongType:
-        return "'%d'" % value
-      elif type(value) == types.FloatType:
-        if value==int(value):
-          return "'%d'" % value
-        else:
-          return "'" + str (value) + "'"
-      elif type(value) == types.StringType:
-        if self._unicodeMode:
-          gDebug (1, 'WARNING: non-unicode passed to the dbdriver (%s)' % 
-        return "'%s'" % replace(value,
-                                       "'",
-                                       "%s'" % self._escapeSingleQuote)
-      elif type(value) == types.UnicodeType:
-        return "'%s'" % replace(value,
-                                       "'",
-                                       "%s'" % self._escapeSingleQuote)
-      # TODO: make this test faster, possibly move type check to GTypecast
-      elif hasattr(types,'BooleanType') and type(value) == types.BooleanType:
-        if value:
-          return 'TRUE'
-        else:
-          return 'FALSE'
-      else:
-        err = u_("Object of unknown type (%s) passed to DBSIG2 based 
dbdriver.") % type(value)
-        # FIXME: raise an error instead of just printing a warning, after some 
transition time
-        #raise Exceptions.UnknownDataType, err
-        gDebug (1, err)
-        return "'%s'" % replace(str(value),
-                                       "'",
-                                       "%s'" % self._escapeSingleQuote)
-  # Used to convert a condition tree to an sql where clause
-  def _conditionToSQL (self, condition):
-    if condition == {} or condition == None:
-      return ""
-    elif type(condition) == types.DictType:
-      cond = GConditions.buildConditionFromDict(condition)
-    else:
-      cond = condition
-    if not len(cond._children):
-      return ""
-    elif len(cond._children) > 1:
-      chillun = cond._children[:]
-      cond._children = []
-      _and = GConditions.GCand(cond)
-      _and._children = chillun
-    where = " WHERE (%s)" % (self.__conditionToSQL (cond._children[0]))
-    gDebug (8, where)
-    return where
-  #
-  # Used internally by _conditionToSQL
-  #
-  # This code recursively travels down a condition tree replacing the objects
-  # with a strings representation
-  def __conditionToSQL (self, element):
-    if type(element) != types.InstanceType:
-      return "%s" % element
-    else:
-      # Note that we strip the GC from the object types and lowercase the rest
-      otype = string.lower(element._type[2:])
-      #print "Otype: ",otype
-      if otype == 'cfield':
-        return "%s" %
-      elif otype == 'cconst':
-        if element.value == None:
-          return "NULL"
-        elif element.type == 'number':
-          return "%s" % element.value
-        else:
-          return self._toSqlString(element.value)
-      elif otype == 'cparam':
-        v = element.getValue()
-        return (v == None and "NULL") or ("'%s'" % v)
-      elif self.conditionElements.has_key(otype):
-        result=[]
-        for i in range(0, len(element._children)):
-          result.append(self.__conditionToSQL(element._children[i]))
-        if len(result) == 2 and \
-           otype in ('eq','ne') and \
-           result[1] == 'NULL':
-           otype = "__is%s" % otype
-        if len(result) < self.conditionElements [otype][0]:
-          tmsg = u_('Condition element "%(element)s" expects at least '
-                    '%(expected)s arguments; found %(found)s') \
-                 % {'element' : otype,
-                    'expected': self.conditionElements[otype][0],
-                    'found'   : len (result)}
-          raise GConditions.ConditionError, tmsg
-        if len(result) > self.conditionElements [otype][1]:
-          tmsg = u_('Condition element "%(element)s" expects at most '
-                    '%(expected)s arguments; found %(found)s') \
-                 % {'element' : otype,
-                    'expected': self.conditionElements[otype][1],
-                    'found'   : len (result)}
-          raise GConditions.ConditionError, tmsg
-        if self.conditionElements[otype][3] == None:
-          return self.conditionElements[otype][2] % tuple(result)
-        else:
-          return self.conditionElements[otype][2] % \
-            (join(result, self.conditionElements[otype][3]))
-      else:
-        tmsg = u_('Condition clause "%s" is not supported by this db driver.') 
% otype
-        raise GConditions.ConditionNotSupported, tmsg
-class DataObject_Object(DataObject):
+class DataObject_Object (DataObject):
+  pass
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}, forDetail=None, additionalSQL=""):
-    gDebug (8, 'DBSIG2-DO::Implicit Fields: %s' % self._fieldReferences)
-    if self.distinct:
-      distinct = "distinct "
-    else:
-      distinct = ""
-    whereClause = self._conditionToSQL(conditions)
-    if additionalSQL:
-      if len(whereClause):
-        whereClause += ' and %s' % (additionalSQL)
-      else:
-        whereClause = ' WHERE %s' % (additionalSQL)
-    if forDetail:
-      q = "(%s) in (SELECT %s FROM %s%s)" % \
-                     (join(self._masterfields,","),
-                      join(self._detailfields,","),
-                      self.table, whereClause)
-    elif hasattr (self, '_dataSource') and 
-      # Explicitly referenced fields give, no need to select *
-      self._fieldOrder = fields = self._fieldReferences.keys()
-      q = "SELECT %s%s FROM %s%s" % \
-           (distinct, join(fields,","), self.table,
-            whereClause)
-    elif self._fieldReferences:
-      # All referenced fields were added in the background (like primarykey or
-      # rowid), so we add * to the query
-      self._fieldOrder = fields = self._fieldReferences.keys()
-      q = "SELECT %s%s, * FROM %s%s" % \
-           (distinct, join(fields,","), self.table,
-            whereClause)
-    else:
-      # No fields at all referenced (neither explicitly nor automatically), so
-      # only select * in the query
-      self._fieldOrder = []
-      q = "SELECT %s* FROM %s%s" % (distinct, self.table,
-                        whereClause)
-    if hasattr (self, 'sorting') and not forDetail and self.sorting:
-      order = []
-      for item in self.sorting:
-        field      = item ['name']
-        descending = item.get ('descending') or False
-        ignorecase = item.get ('ignorecase') or False
-        fmt = ignorecase and "LOWER(%s)%s" or "%s%s"
-        order.append (fmt % (field, descending and ' desc' or ''))
-      q = "%s ORDER BY %s " % (q, string.join (order, ", "))
-    gDebug (8, q)
-    return q
-class DataObject_SQL(DataObject):
-  # Set by GDataSource
-  # (GDataSource.GSql instance)
-  _rawSQL = None
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}, forDetail=None, additionalSQL=""):
-    try:
-      sql= self.__sql
-    except AttributeError:
-      sql = self.__sql = self._rawSQL.getChildrenAsContent()
-    return sql
+class DataObject_SQL (DataObject):
+  pass

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