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r5933 - in trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers: postgresql/psycopg

From: johannes
Subject: r5933 - in trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers: postgresql/psycopg sqlite/Schema/Discovery sqlite/sqlite
Date: Wed, 7 Jul 2004 17:14:13 -0500 (CDT)

Author: johannes
Date: 2004-07-02 09:40:44 -0500 (Fri, 02 Jul 2004)
New Revision: 5933

Reactivated the sqlite driver, fixed sqlite introspection

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/postgresql/psycopg/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/postgresql/psycopg/      
2004-07-01 09:38:43 UTC (rev 5932)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/postgresql/psycopg/      
2004-07-02 14:40:44 UTC (rev 5933)
@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
   raise GConnections.DependencyError, ('psycopg', None)
-print dir (psycopg)
+#print dir (psycopg)
 class Connection(Base.Connection):
   _driver = psycopg
 #  _DatabaseError = (psycopg.DatabaseError, psycopg.Error, 

  2004-07-01 09:38:43 UTC (rev 5932)
  2004-07-02 14:40:44 UTC (rev 5933)
@@ -23,168 +23,137 @@
+# $Id$
 __all__ = ['Introspection']
 import string
-from string import lower, join, split
-import sys
+import re
-from gnue.common.apps import GDebug, GConfig
-from gnue.common.apps import GDebug, GConfig
 from gnue.common.datasources import GIntrospection
-class Introspection(GIntrospection.Introspection):
+class Introspection (GIntrospection.Introspection):
   # list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  types =[ ('view',_('Views'),1),
-           ('table',_('Tables'),1) ]
+  types      = [ ('view', _('Views'), True), ('table', _('Tables'), True) ]
-  #
-  # TODO: This is a quick hack to get this class
-  # TODO: into the new-style schema format.
-  # TODO: getSchema* should be merged into find()
-  #
-  def find(self, name=None, type=None):
-    if name is None:
-      return self.getSchemaList(type)
-    else:
-      rs = self.getSchemaByName(name, type)
-      if rs:
-        return [rs]
-      else:
-        return None
+  _REPCOMMAS = re.compile ('\(\s*(\d+)\s*,\s*(\d+)\s*\)')
+  _ALIGN     = re.compile ('\s*\(\s*(.*?)\s*\)')
+  _LEN_SCALE = re.compile ('^\s*(\w+)\s*\((\d+)[;]{0,1}(\d*)\)\s*')
+  _TEXTTYPE  = re.compile ('.*(BLOB|CHAR|CLOB|TEXT){1}.*')
+  _BLANKS    = re.compile ('\s+')
+  _NOTNULL   = re.compile ('(.*)(NOT NULL)(.*)', re.IGNORECASE)
+  _CONSTRAINTS = re.compile ('.*?((UNIQUE|CHECK|PRIMARY KEY)\s*\(.*?\)).*', \
+                             re.IGNORECASE)
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Get a schema object matching name and type
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-  # TODO: Merge into find()
-  # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
+  def find (self, name = None, type = None):
+    """
+    """
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" WHERE type='%s'" % type
+    result    = []
+    condition = ""
+    if name is None:
+      if type is not None:
+        condition = "WHERE type = '%s'" % type.lower ()
-      where=""
+      condition = "WHERE name = '%s'" % name
-    statement = "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM master "+\
-                where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM temp_master "+\
-                where+" ORDER BY name;"
+    cmd = "SELECT type, name, sql FROM sqlite_master %s" % condition
+    cursor = self._connection.makecursor (cmd)
-    cursor = self._connection.native.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
+    try:
+      for rs in cursor.fetchall ():
+        if not rs [0] in [tp [0] for tp in self.types]:
+          continue
-    list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-      if rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-        list.append(GIntrospection.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                               'type':rs[0],},
-                                        getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
+        attrs = {'id'  : rs [1],
+                 'name': rs [1],
+                 'type': rs [0],
+                 'sql' : rs [2]}
+        result.append ( \
+          GIntrospection.Schema (attrs, getChildSchema = self._getChildSchema))
-    cursor.close()
-    print list
-    return list
+    finally:
+      cursor.close ()
+    return len (result) and result or None
-  # Find a schema object with specified name
-  def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" AND type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Get all fields from a table / view
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s'"+where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s' "+where+" ORDER BY name;") % (name,name)
+  def _getChildSchema (self, parent):
+    result = []
-    cursor = self._connection.native.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
+    cmd = "SELECT sql FROM sqlite_master WHERE type = '%s' AND name = '%s'" \
+        % (parent.type,
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    if rs and rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-      schema = GIntrospection.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                          'type':rs[0],},
-                                   getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
-    else:
-      schema = None
+    cursor = self._connection.makecursor (cmd)
-    cursor.close()
-    return schema
+    try:
+      for rs in cursor.fetchall ():
+        code = string.join (rs [0].splitlines (), ' ')
+        code = code [string.find (code, '(') + 1:string.rfind (code, ')')]
-  # Get fields for a table
-  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
+        code = self._BLANKS.sub (' ', code)
+        code = self._REPCOMMAS.sub (r'(\1;\2)', code)
+        code = self._ALIGN.sub (r' (\1)', code)
-    if parent.type=='view':
-      print "Views are not supported at the moment"
-      return None
+        # we currently skip all constraints (primary key, unique, check)
+        cma = self._CONSTRAINTS.match (code)
+        while cma is not None:
+          constraint = cma.groups () [0]
+          code = string.replace (code, constraint, '')
+          cma = self._CONSTRAINTS.match (code)
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' and name='%s' UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' "+\
-                 "and name='%s' ORDER BY name;") % (parent.type,,\
-                                                    parent.type,
+        for item in [i.strip () for i in code.split (',')]:
+          if not len (item):
+            continue
-    cursor = self._connection.native.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    columns = cursor.description
+          parts = item.split ()
+          attrs = {'id'  : "%s.%s" % (, parts [0]),
+                   'name': parts [0],
+                   'type': 'field'}
-    # Because sqlite don't store column definitions, but computes it
-    # every time anew from the 'create table' statement, we have to
-    # parse that statement to get the data
+          datatype = string.join (parts [1:], ' ')
+          lsmatch = self._LEN_SCALE.match (datatype)
+          if lsmatch is not None:
+            (typename, length, scale) = lsmatch.groups ()
+          else:
+            typename = parts [1]
+            length   = 0
+            scale    = 0
-    # get sql definition of table
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    cursor.close()
-    if rs:
-      sql=rs[3]
-    else:
-      return None
+          nativetype = typename
+          add = []
+          if length: add.append (length)
+          if scale : add.append (scale)
+          if len (add):
+            nativetype += "(%s)" % string.join (add, ",")
-    # parse the sql definition
-    GDebug.printMesg(3,"** Table definition: %s **" % sql)
+          attrs ['length']     = length
+          attrs ['precision']  = scale or 0
+          attrs ['nativetype'] = nativetype
+          attrs ['required']   = self._NOTNULL.match (item) is not None
-    sql=sql[find(sql,'(')+1:rfind(sql,')')]
-    fields = split(sql,',')
-    list = []
-    for field in fields:
+          if self._TEXTTYPE.match (typename.upper ()):
+            attrs ['datatype'] = 'text'
+          elif typename.lower () in ['date', 'datetime']:
+            attrs ['datatype'] = 'date'
+          else:
+            attrs ['datatype'] = 'number'
-      fls=split(strip(field),' ',2)
+          print "ATTR:", attrs
+          result.append (GIntrospection.Schema (attrs))
-      if not fls[0] in ('Constraint','Primary'):
-        try:
-          nativetype= fls[1][:find(fls[1],'(')]
+    finally:
+      cursor.close ()
-          size=int(fls[1][find(fls[1],'(')+1:-1])
-        except:
-          nativetype = fls[1]
-          size=None
-        attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, fls[0]), 'name': fls[0],
-               'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype,
-               'required':fls[2]=="NOT NULL"}
-        if size!=None:
-          attrs['length'] = size
-        if nativetype in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
-                           'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
-                           'double','decimal'):
-          attrs['datatype']='number'
-        elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
-          attrs['datatype']='date'
-        else:
-          attrs['datatype']='text'
-        list.append(GIntrospection.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-    return list
+    return result

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + Id

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/       
2004-07-01 09:38:43 UTC (rev 5932)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/       
2004-07-02 14:40:44 UTC (rev 5933)
@@ -31,6 +31,7 @@
 #     dbname=    This is the SQLite database to use (required)
+# $Id: $
 __all__ = ['Connection']
@@ -39,14 +40,15 @@
 ####                                   ####
-from string import lower,find,rfind,split,strip
-import sys
-from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions, GConnections
 from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
+from gnue.common.datasources import Exceptions
 from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
+from DataObject import *
   import sqlite as SIG2api
 except ImportError:
   raise GConnections.DependencyError, ('SQLitedbapi', None)
@@ -57,24 +59,41 @@
 #  GConnection object for PostgreSQL-based drivers
-class Connection(DBSIG2.Connection):
+class Connection (DBSIG2.Connection):
-  _driver = SIG2api
-  _DatabaseError = SIG2api.DatabaseError
+  _driver         = SIG2api
+  _DatabaseError  = SIG2api.DatabaseError
   defaultBehavior = Introspection
   supportedDataObjects = {
     'object': DataObject_Object,
     'sql':    DataObject_SQL
-  def connect(self, connectData={}):
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  # Connect to a given database according to the connectData dictionary
+  # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  def connect (self, connectData):
+    """
+    """
     GDebug.printMesg(1,"SQLite database driver initializing")
+    if not hasattr (self, '_DatabaseError'):
+      try:
+        self._DatabaseError = self._driver.Error
+      except:
+        self._DatabaseError = self._driver.DatabaseError
-      self.native = SIG2api.connect(  \
-                   db=connectData['dbname'], \
-                   mode=077 )
+      self.native = SIG2api.connect (db = connectData['dbname'],
+                                     mode = 077,
+                                     encoding = self._encoding)
     except self._DatabaseError, value:
-      raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
+      GDebug.printMesg (1, "Exception %s" % value)
+      raise Exceptions.LoginError, u_("The SQLite driver returned the "
+          "following error:\n\t%s") % value
   # Return a list of necessary login fields (e.g., user/pass).

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + +Id

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/       
2004-07-01 09:38:43 UTC (rev 5932)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/       
2004-07-02 14:40:44 UTC (rev 5933)
@@ -25,255 +25,19 @@
 # Driver to provide access to data via SQLite's Python Driver.
 # Requires PySQLite (
-#   Supported attributes (via connections.conf or <database> tag)
-#     dbname=    This is the SQLite database to use (required)
+# $Id: $
+__all__ = ['DataObject_SQL', 'DataObject_Object']
-from string import lower,find,rfind,split,strip
-import sys
-from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions, GConnections
-from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
 from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
-raise "This data driver has not been upgraded to the new format."
+class _Base:
+  pass
-  import sqlite as SIG2api
-except ImportError, message:
-  tmsg = _("Driver not installed: SQLitedbapi for SQLite 7.x \n[%s]") % message
-  raise GConnections.AdapterNotInstalled, tmsg
+class DataObject_SQL (_Base, DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
+  pass
-class SQLite_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
+class DataObject_Object (_Base, DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
-class SQLite_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet):
-  def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
-    DBSIG2.ResultSet.__init__(self, dataObject, \
-            cursor, defaultValues, masterRecordSet)
-    self._recordSetClass = SQLite_RecordSet
-class SQLite_DataObject(DBSIG2.DataObject):
-  def __init__(self):
-    DBSIG2.DataObject.__init__(self)
-    self._DatabaseError = SIG2api.DatabaseError
-    self._resultSetClass = SQLite_ResultSet
-  def connect(self, connectData={}):
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"SQLite database driver initializing")
-    try:
-      self._dataConnection = SIG2api.connect(  \
-                   db=connectData['dbname'], \
-                   mode=077 )
-    except self._DatabaseError, value:
-      raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
-    self._postConnect()
-  def _postConnect(self):
-    self.triggerExtensions = TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
-  # Return a list of necessary login fields (e.g., user/pass).
-  # Each list item is another list of ["field label", isPassword?]
-  def getLoginFields(self):
-    return []
-  #
-  # Schema (metadata) functions
-  #
-  # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  def getSchemaTypes(self):
-    return [('view',_('Views'),1),
-            ('table',_('Table'),1)]
-  # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" WHERE type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
-    statement = "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                where+" ORDER BY name;"
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)    
-    list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-      if rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-        list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                               'type':rs[0],},
-                                        getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
-    cursor.close()
-    print list
-    return list
-  # Find a schema object with specified name
-  def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" AND type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s'"+where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s' "+where+" ORDER BY name;") % (name,name)
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    if rs and rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-      schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                          'type':rs[0],},
-                                   getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
-    else:
-      schema = None
-    cursor.close()
-    return schema
-  # Get fields for a table
-  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
-    if parent.type=='view':
-      print "Views are not supported at the moment"
-      return None
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' and name='%s' UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' "+\
-                 "and name='%s' ORDER BY name;") % (parent.type,,\
-                                                    parent.type,
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    columns = cursor.description
-    # Because sqlite don't store column definitions, but computes it
-    # every time anew from the 'create table' statement, we have to
-    # parse that statement to get the data
-    # get sql definition of table
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    cursor.close()
-    if rs:
-      sql=rs[3]
-    else:
-      return None
-    # parse the sql definition
-    GDebug.printMesg(3,"** Table definition: %s **" % sql)
-    sql=sql[find(sql,'(')+1:rfind(sql,')')]
-    fields = split(sql,',')
-    list = []
-    for field in fields:
-      fls=split(strip(field),' ',2)
-      if not fls[0] in ('Constraint','Primary'):
-        try:
-          nativetype= fls[1][:find(fls[1],'(')]
-          size=int(fls[1][find(fls[1],'(')+1:-1])
-        except:
-          nativetype = fls[1]
-          size=None
-        attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, fls[0]), 'name': fls[0],
-               'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype,
-               'required':fls[2]=="NOT NULL"}
-        if size!=None:
-          attrs['length'] = size
-        if nativetype in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
-                           'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
-                           'double','decimal'):
-          attrs['datatype']='number'
-        elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
-          attrs['datatype']='date'
-        else:
-          attrs['datatype']='text'
-        list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-    return list
-class SQLite_DataObject_Object(SQLite_DataObject, \
-      DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    SQLite_DataObject.__init__(self)
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
-    return DBSIG2.DataObject_Object._buildQuery(self, conditions,forDetail, 
-class SQLite_DataObject_SQL(SQLite_DataObject, \
-      DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Call DBSIG init first because SQLite_DataObject needs to overwrite
-    # some of its values
-    DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL.__init__(self)
-    SQLite_DataObject.__init__(self)
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}):
-    return DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL._buildQuery(self, conditions)
-#  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
-class TriggerExtensions:
-  def __init__(self, connection):
-    self.__connection = connection
-#  The following hashes describe
-#  this driver's characteristings.
-#  All datasouce "types" and corresponding DataObject class
-supportedDataObjects = {
-  'object': SQLite_DataObject_Object,
-  'sql':    SQLite_DataObject_SQL

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + +Id

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + +Id

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/        
2004-07-01 09:38:43 UTC (rev 5932)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/        
2004-07-02 14:40:44 UTC (rev 5933)
@@ -25,255 +25,11 @@
 # Driver to provide access to data via SQLite's Python Driver.
 # Requires PySQLite (
-#   Supported attributes (via connections.conf or <database> tag)
-#     dbname=    This is the SQLite database to use (required)
+# $Id: $
-from string import lower,find,rfind,split,strip
-import sys
-from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions, GConnections
-from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
 from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
-raise "This data driver has not been upgraded to the new format."
-  import sqlite as SIG2api
-except ImportError, message:
-  tmsg = _("Driver not installed: SQLitedbapi for SQLite 7.x \n[%s]") % message
-  raise GConnections.AdapterNotInstalled, tmsg
-class SQLite_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
+class RecordSet (DBSIG2.RecordSet):
-class SQLite_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet):
-  def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
-    DBSIG2.ResultSet.__init__(self, dataObject, \
-            cursor, defaultValues, masterRecordSet)
-    self._recordSetClass = SQLite_RecordSet
-class SQLite_DataObject(DBSIG2.DataObject):
-  def __init__(self):
-    DBSIG2.DataObject.__init__(self)
-    self._DatabaseError = SIG2api.DatabaseError
-    self._resultSetClass = SQLite_ResultSet
-  def connect(self, connectData={}):
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"SQLite database driver initializing")
-    try:
-      self._dataConnection = SIG2api.connect(  \
-                   db=connectData['dbname'], \
-                   mode=077 )
-    except self._DatabaseError, value:
-      raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
-    self._postConnect()
-  def _postConnect(self):
-    self.triggerExtensions = TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
-  # Return a list of necessary login fields (e.g., user/pass).
-  # Each list item is another list of ["field label", isPassword?]
-  def getLoginFields(self):
-    return []
-  #
-  # Schema (metadata) functions
-  #
-  # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  def getSchemaTypes(self):
-    return [('view',_('Views'),1),
-            ('table',_('Table'),1)]
-  # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" WHERE type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
-    statement = "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                where+" ORDER BY name;"
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)    
-    list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-      if rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-        list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                               'type':rs[0],},
-                                        getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
-    cursor.close()
-    print list
-    return list
-  # Find a schema object with specified name
-  def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" AND type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s'"+where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s' "+where+" ORDER BY name;") % (name,name)
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    if rs and rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-      schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                          'type':rs[0],},
-                                   getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
-    else:
-      schema = None
-    cursor.close()
-    return schema
-  # Get fields for a table
-  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
-    if parent.type=='view':
-      print "Views are not supported at the moment"
-      return None
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' and name='%s' UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' "+\
-                 "and name='%s' ORDER BY name;") % (parent.type,,\
-                                                    parent.type,
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    columns = cursor.description
-    # Because sqlite don't store column definitions, but computes it
-    # every time anew from the 'create table' statement, we have to
-    # parse that statement to get the data
-    # get sql definition of table
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    cursor.close()
-    if rs:
-      sql=rs[3]
-    else:
-      return None
-    # parse the sql definition
-    GDebug.printMesg(3,"** Table definition: %s **" % sql)
-    sql=sql[find(sql,'(')+1:rfind(sql,')')]
-    fields = split(sql,',')
-    list = []
-    for field in fields:
-      fls=split(strip(field),' ',2)
-      if not fls[0] in ('Constraint','Primary'):
-        try:
-          nativetype= fls[1][:find(fls[1],'(')]
-          size=int(fls[1][find(fls[1],'(')+1:-1])
-        except:
-          nativetype = fls[1]
-          size=None
-        attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, fls[0]), 'name': fls[0],
-               'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype,
-               'required':fls[2]=="NOT NULL"}
-        if size!=None:
-          attrs['length'] = size
-        if nativetype in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
-                           'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
-                           'double','decimal'):
-          attrs['datatype']='number'
-        elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
-          attrs['datatype']='date'
-        else:
-          attrs['datatype']='text'
-        list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-    return list
-class SQLite_DataObject_Object(SQLite_DataObject, \
-      DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    SQLite_DataObject.__init__(self)
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
-    return DBSIG2.DataObject_Object._buildQuery(self, conditions,forDetail, 
-class SQLite_DataObject_SQL(SQLite_DataObject, \
-      DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Call DBSIG init first because SQLite_DataObject needs to overwrite
-    # some of its values
-    DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL.__init__(self)
-    SQLite_DataObject.__init__(self)
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}):
-    return DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL._buildQuery(self, conditions)
-#  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
-class TriggerExtensions:
-  def __init__(self, connection):
-    self.__connection = connection
-#  The following hashes describe
-#  this driver's characteristings.
-#  All datasouce "types" and corresponding DataObject class
-supportedDataObjects = {
-  'object': SQLite_DataObject_Object,
-  'sql':    SQLite_DataObject_SQL

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + +Id

Modified: trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/
--- trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/        
2004-07-01 09:38:43 UTC (rev 5932)
+++ trunk/gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/sqlite/sqlite/        
2004-07-02 14:40:44 UTC (rev 5933)
@@ -25,255 +25,11 @@
 # Driver to provide access to data via SQLite's Python Driver.
 # Requires PySQLite (
-#   Supported attributes (via connections.conf or <database> tag)
-#     dbname=    This is the SQLite database to use (required)
+# $Id: $
-from string import lower,find,rfind,split,strip
-import sys
-from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions, GConnections
-from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
 from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
+from RecordSet import RecordSet
-raise "This data driver has not been upgraded to the new format."
-  import sqlite as SIG2api
-except ImportError, message:
-  tmsg = _("Driver not installed: SQLitedbapi for SQLite 7.x \n[%s]") % message
-  raise GConnections.AdapterNotInstalled, tmsg
-class SQLite_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
-  pass
-class SQLite_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet):
-  def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
-    DBSIG2.ResultSet.__init__(self, dataObject, \
-            cursor, defaultValues, masterRecordSet)
-    self._recordSetClass = SQLite_RecordSet
-class SQLite_DataObject(DBSIG2.DataObject):
-  def __init__(self):
-    DBSIG2.DataObject.__init__(self)
-    self._DatabaseError = SIG2api.DatabaseError
-    self._resultSetClass = SQLite_ResultSet
-  def connect(self, connectData={}):
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"SQLite database driver initializing")
-    try:
-      self._dataConnection = SIG2api.connect(  \
-                   db=connectData['dbname'], \
-                   mode=077 )
-    except self._DatabaseError, value:
-      raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
-    self._postConnect()
-  def _postConnect(self):
-    self.triggerExtensions = TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
-  # Return a list of necessary login fields (e.g., user/pass).
-  # Each list item is another list of ["field label", isPassword?]
-  def getLoginFields(self):
-    return []
-  #
-  # Schema (metadata) functions
-  #
-  # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-  def getSchemaTypes(self):
-    return [('view',_('Views'),1),
-            ('table',_('Table'),1)]
-  # Return a list of Schema objects
-  def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" WHERE type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
-    statement = "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                where+" ORDER BY name;"
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)    
-    list = []
-    for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-      if rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-        list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                               'type':rs[0],},
-                                        getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
-    cursor.close()
-    print list
-    return list
-  # Find a schema object with specified name
-  def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-    if type!=None:
-      where=" AND type='%s'" % type
-    else:
-      where=""
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s'"+where+" UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE name='%s' "+where+" ORDER BY name;") % (name,name)
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    if rs and rs[0] in ('table','view'):
-      schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[1], 'name':rs[1], \
-                                          'type':rs[0],},
-                                   getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
-    else:
-      schema = None
-    cursor.close()
-    return schema
-  # Get fields for a table
-  def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
-    if parent.type=='view':
-      print "Views are not supported at the moment"
-      return None
-    statement = ("SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' and name='%s' UNION ALL "+\
-                 "SELECT type,name,tbl_name,sql FROM sqlite_temp_master "+\
-                 "WHERE type='%s' "+\
-                 "and name='%s' ORDER BY name;") % (parent.type,,\
-                                                    parent.type,
-    cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-    GDebug.printMesg(1,"** Executing: %s **" % statement)
-    cursor.execute(statement)
-    columns = cursor.description
-    # Because sqlite don't store column definitions, but computes it
-    # every time anew from the 'create table' statement, we have to
-    # parse that statement to get the data
-    # get sql definition of table
-    rs = cursor.fetchone()
-    cursor.close()
-    if rs:
-      sql=rs[3]
-    else:
-      return None
-    # parse the sql definition
-    GDebug.printMesg(3,"** Table definition: %s **" % sql)
-    sql=sql[find(sql,'(')+1:rfind(sql,')')]
-    fields = split(sql,',')
-    list = []
-    for field in fields:
-      fls=split(strip(field),' ',2)
-      if not fls[0] in ('Constraint','Primary'):
-        try:
-          nativetype= fls[1][:find(fls[1],'(')]
-          size=int(fls[1][find(fls[1],'(')+1:-1])
-        except:
-          nativetype = fls[1]
-          size=None
-        attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, fls[0]), 'name': fls[0],
-               'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype,
-               'required':fls[2]=="NOT NULL"}
-        if size!=None:
-          attrs['length'] = size
-        if nativetype in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
-                           'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
-                           'double','decimal'):
-          attrs['datatype']='number'
-        elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
-          attrs['datatype']='date'
-        else:
-          attrs['datatype']='text'
-        list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-    return list
-class SQLite_DataObject_Object(SQLite_DataObject, \
-      DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
-  def __init__(self):
-    SQLite_DataObject.__init__(self)
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
-    return DBSIG2.DataObject_Object._buildQuery(self, conditions,forDetail, 
-class SQLite_DataObject_SQL(SQLite_DataObject, \
-      DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
-  def __init__(self):
-    # Call DBSIG init first because SQLite_DataObject needs to overwrite
-    # some of its values
-    DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL.__init__(self)
-    SQLite_DataObject.__init__(self)
-  def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}):
-    return DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL._buildQuery(self, conditions)
-#  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
-class TriggerExtensions:
-  def __init__(self, connection):
-    self.__connection = connection
-#  The following hashes describe
-#  this driver's characteristings.
-#  All datasouce "types" and corresponding DataObject class
-supportedDataObjects = {
-  'object': SQLite_DataObject_Object,
-  'sql':    SQLite_DataObject_SQL
+class ResultSet (DBSIG2.ResultSet):
+  _recordSetClass = RecordSet

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + +Id

Property changes on: 
Name: svn:keywords
   + +Id

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