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CVSROOT: /cvsroot/gnue

From: Jan Ischebeck
Subject: CVSROOT: /cvsroot/gnue
Date: Wed, 19 Nov 2003 16:47:52 -0500

Module name:    gnue-common
Branch:         datasource-cleanup
Changes by:     Jan Ischebeck <address@hidden>  03/11/19 16:47:51
Reply-to: address@hidden

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/gnue
Module name:    gnue-common
Branch:         datasource-cleanup
Changes by:     Jan Ischebeck <address@hidden>  03/11/19 16:47:51

Modified files:

Log message:
        update RecordSet, ResultSet and DataObject to new structure
        update Connection with the fix for non-string or None passwords


Index: gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/
diff -c gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/ 
*** gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/       
Tue Nov 18 21:07:08 2003
--- gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/       Wed Nov 
19 16:47:51 2003
*** 39,45 ****
    import MySQLdb
  except ImportError, message:
!   tmsg = _("Driver not installed: sapdbapi for SAP-DB 7.x \n[%s]") % message
    raise GConnections.AdapterNotInstalled, tmsg
  from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
--- 39,49 ----
    import MySQLdb
  except ImportError, message:
!   tmsg = _("\nCould not load MySQLdb.  For MySQL support, please install \n") 
!        + _("mysql-python 0.9.0 or later from") \
!        + "\n"; \
!        + _("[Error:  %s]") % message
    raise GConnections.AdapterNotInstalled, tmsg
  from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
*** 60,75 ****
      'sql':    DataObject_SQL
!   self._mysql = MySQLdb
    def connect(self, connectData={}):
      GDebug.printMesg(1,"Mysql database driver initializing")
!       self.native = MySQLdb.connect(user=connectData['_username'],
!                    passwd=connectData['_password'],
      except self._DatabaseError, value:
        raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
--- 64,84 ----
      'sql':    DataObject_SQL
!   _mysql = MySQLdb
    def connect(self, connectData={}):
      GDebug.printMesg(1,"Mysql database driver initializing")
!     # 1. just allow string type username/password 2. None -> ''
!     user   = str(connectData['_username'] or '')
!     passwd = str(connectData['_password'] or '')
!       self.native = MySQLdb.connect(user=user,
!                    passwd=passwd,
      except self._DatabaseError, value:
        raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
*** 83,98 ****
! # Return the current date, according to database
! #  def getDate(self):
! #    pass
    # Return a sequence number from sequence 'name'
! #  def getSequence(self, name):
! #    pass
    # Run the SQL statement 'statement'
! #  def sql(self, statement):
! #    pass
--- 92,135 ----
!   #########
!   #
!   # Extensions to the basic GConnection object
!   #
!   # Return the current date, according to database
!   def getTimeStamp(self):
!     return self.__singleQuery("select current_timestamp")
    # Return a sequence number from sequence 'name'
!   #def getSequence(self, name):
!   #  raise "Not supported"
    # Run the SQL statement 'statement'
!   def sql(self, statement):
!     cursor = self.native.cursor()
!     try:
!       cursor.execute(statement)
!       cursor.close()
!     except:
!       cursor.close()
!       raise
+   # Used internally
+   def __singleQuery(self, statement):
+     cursor = self.native.cursor()
+     try:
+       cursor.execute(statement)
+       rv = cursor.fetchone()
+       cursor.close()
+     except:
+       print "", "You've got your bar in my foo! And you've got 
your foo on my bar!  Two great reams that ream well together!"
+       GDebug.printMesg(1,"**** Unable to execute extension query")
+       GDebug.printMesg(1,"**** %s" % sys.exc_info()[1])
+       cursor.close()
+       raise
+     try:
+       return rv[0]
+     except:
+       return None
Index: gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/
diff -c gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/ 
*** gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/       
Sat Nov  8 11:14:56 2003
--- gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/       Wed Nov 
19 16:47:51 2003
*** 29,311 ****
  # (which it does NOT by default)
! import string
! import sys
! from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions
! from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
! from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
- import MySQLdb
! class MySQL_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
- class MySQL_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet):
-   def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
-     DBSIG2.ResultSet.__init__(self, dataObject, \
-             cursor, defaultValues, masterRecordSet)
-     self._recordSetClass = MySQL_RecordSet
-     # Compensate for bug in python mysql drivers older than 0.9.2a2
-     if MySQLdb.__version__ >= '0.9.2a2':
-       self.fetchBugFix = self._cursor.fetchmany
-     else:
-       self.__done = 0
-       self.fetchBugFix = self.__mySqlNeedsLotsOfTLC
!   # Compensate for MySQ bug
!   def __mySqlNeedsLotsOfTLC(self):
!     if self.__done:
!       return None
!     self.__done = 1
!     return self._cursor.fetchall()
!   def _loadNextRecord(self):
!     if self._cursor:
!       rs = None
!       try:
!         # See __init__ for details
!       rsets = self.fetchBugFix()
!       except self._dataObject._DatabaseError, err:
!         raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, err
!       if rsets and len(rsets):
!         for rs in(rsets):
!           if rs:
!             i = 0
!             dict = {}
!             for f in (rs):
!               dict[string.lower(self._fieldNames[i])] = f
!               i += 1
!             self._cachedRecords.append (self._recordSetClass(parent=self, \
!           else:
!             return 0
!         return 1
!       else:
!         return 0
!     else:
!      return 0
! class MySQL_DataObject(DBSIG2.DataObject):
!   def __init__(self):
!     DBSIG2.DataObject.__init__(self)
!     self._DatabaseError = MySQLdb.DatabaseError
!     self._resultSetClass = MySQL_ResultSet
!   def connect(self, connectData={}):
!     GDebug.printMesg(1,"Mysql database driver initializing")
!     try:
!       self._dataConnection = MySQLdb.connect(user=connectData['_username'],
!                    passwd=connectData['_password'],
!                    host=connectData['host'],
!                    db=connectData['dbname'])
!     except self._DatabaseError, value:
!       raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
!     self._beginTransaction()
!     self._postConnect()
!   def _postConnect(self): 
!     self.triggerExtensions = TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
!   def _beginTransaction(self):
!     try:
!       self._dataConnection.begin()
!     except: 
!       pass
!   #
!   # Schema (metadata) functions
!   #
!   # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
!   def getSchemaTypes(self):
!     return [('table',_('Tables'),1)]
!   # Return a list of Schema objects
!   def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
!     # TODO: This excludes any system tables and views. Should it?
!     statement = "SHOW TABLES"
!     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
!     cursor.execute(statement)
!     list = []
!     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
!       list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[0], 'name':rs[0],
!                          'type':'table',
!                          'primarykey': self.__getPrimaryKey(rs[0])},
!                          getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
!     cursor.close()
!     return list
!   # Find a schema object with specified name
!   def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
!     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" % (name)
!     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
!     cursor.execute(statement)
!     rs = cursor.fetchone()
!     if rs:
!       schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':name, 'name':name,
!                            'type':'table',
!                            'primarykey': self.__getPrimaryKey(name,cursor)},
!                            getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
!     else:
!       schema = None
!     cursor.close()
!     return schema
!   def __getPrimaryKey(self, id, cursor=None):
!     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" % id
!     if not cursor:
!       cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
!       close_cursor = 1
!     else:
!       close_cursor = 0
!     cursor.execute(statement)
!     lst = []
!     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
!       if rs[3] == 'PRI':
!         lst.append(rs[0])
!     if close_cursor:
!       cursor.close()
!     return tuple(lst)
!   # Get fields for a table
!   def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
!     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" %
!     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
!     cursor.execute(statement)
!     list = []
!     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
!       nativetype = string.split(string.replace(rs[1],')',''),'(')
!       attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, rs[0]), 'name': rs[0],
!              'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype[0],
!              'required': rs[2] != 'YES'}
!       if nativetype[0] in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
!                            'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
!                            'double','decimal'):
!         attrs['datatype']='number'
!       elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
!         attrs['datatype']='date'
!       else:
!         attrs['datatype']='text'
!       try:
!         if len(nativetype) == 2:
!           try:
!             ln, prec = nativetype[1].split(',')
!           except:
!             ln = nativetype[1]
!             prec = None
!           attrs['length'] = int(ln.split()[0])
!           if prec != None:
!             attrs['precision'] = int(prec)
!       except ValueError:
!         GDebug.printMesg(1,'WARNING: mysql native type error: %s' % 
!       if rs[4] not in ('NULL', '0000-00-00 00:00:00','', None):
!         attrs['defaulttype'] = 'constant'
!         attrs['defaultval'] = rs[4]
!       if rs[5] == 'auto_increment':
!         attrs['defaulttype'] = 'serial'
!       list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
!     cursor.close()
!     return list
! class MySQL_DataObject_Object(MySQL_DataObject, \
!       DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
!   def __init__(self):
!     MySQL_DataObject.__init__(self)
!   def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
!     return DBSIG2.DataObject_Object._buildQuery(self, 
! class MySQL_DataObject_SQL(MySQL_DataObject, \
!       DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
!   def __init__(self):
!     # Call DBSIG init first because MySQL_DataObject needs to overwrite
!     # some of its values
!     DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL.__init__(self)
!     MySQL_DataObject.__init__(self)
!   def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}):
!     return DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL._buildQuery(self, conditions)
! #
! #  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
! #  
! class TriggerExtensions: 
!   def __init__(self, connection): 
!     self.__connection = connection
!   # Return the current date, according to database
! #  def getDate(self): 
! #    pass
!   # Return a sequence number from sequence 'name' 
! #  def getSequence(self, name): 
! #    pass
!   # Run the SQL statement 'statement'
! #  def sql(self, statement): 
! #    pass
! ######################################
! #
! #  The following hashes describe 
! #  this driver's characteristings.
! #
! ######################################
! #
! #  All datasouce "types" and corresponding DataObject class
! # 
! supportedDataObjects = {
!   'object': MySQL_DataObject_Object,
!   'sql':    MySQL_DataObject_SQL
! }
--- 29,47 ----
  # (which it does NOT by default)
! __all__ = ['DataObject_SQL','DataObject_Object']
+ from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
+ class _Base:
+   _escapeSingleQuote = '\\'
+   _dateTimeFormat = "'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'"
! class DataObject_SQL(_Base, DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
! class DataObject_Object(_Base, DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
!   pass
Index: gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/
diff -c gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/ 
*** gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/        
Thu Oct  9 21:21:21 2003
--- gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/        Wed Nov 
19 16:47:51 2003
*** 19,323 ****
  # Copyright 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation
  # FILE:
! # mysql/
  # Driver to provide access to data vi MySQL
  # NOTES:
- # Supports transactions if the MySQL server is compiled w/transaction support
- # (which it does NOT by default)
  import string
! import sys
! from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions
! from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
! from gnue.common.datasources.drivers.DBSIG2.Driver \
!    import DBSIG2.RecordSet, DBSIG2.ResultSet, DBSIG2.DataObject, \
!           DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL, DBSIG2.DataObject_Object
! try:
!   import MySQLdb
! except ImportError, mesg:
!   GDebug.printMesg(1,mesg)
!   print "-"*79
!   print _("\nCould not load MySQLdb.  For MySQL support, please install \n") \
!       + _("mysql-python 0.9.0 or later from") \
!       + "\n";
!   print _("Error:  %s") % mesg
!   print "-"*79
!   sys.exit()
  class MySQL_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
- class MySQL_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet): 
-   def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
-     DBSIG2.ResultSet.__init__(self, dataObject, \
-             cursor, defaultValues, masterRecordSet)
-     self._recordSetClass = MySQL_RecordSet
-     # Compensate for bug in python mysql drivers older than 0.9.2a2
-     if MySQLdb.__version__ >= '0.9.2a2':
-       self.fetchBugFix = self._cursor.fetchmany
-     else:
-       self.__done = 0
-       self.fetchBugFix = self.__mySqlNeedsLotsOfTLC
-   # Compensate for MySQ bug
-   def __mySqlNeedsLotsOfTLC(self):
-     if self.__done:
-       return None
-     self.__done = 1
-     return self._cursor.fetchall()
-   def _loadNextRecord(self):
-     if self._cursor:
-       rs = None
-       try:
-         # See __init__ for details
-       rsets = self.fetchBugFix()
-       except self._dataObject._DatabaseError, err:
-         raise GDataObjects.ConnectionError, err
-       if rsets and len(rsets):
-         for rs in(rsets):
-           if rs:
-             i = 0
-             dict = {}
-             for f in (rs):
-               dict[string.lower(self._fieldNames[i])] = f
-               i += 1
-             self._cachedRecords.append (self._recordSetClass(parent=self, \
-           else:
-             return 0
-         return 1
-       else:
-         return 0
-     else:
-      return 0
- class MySQL_DataObject(DBSIG2.DataObject):
-   def __init__(self):
-     DBSIG2.DataObject.__init__(self)
-     self._DatabaseError = MySQLdb.DatabaseError
-     self._resultSetClass = MySQL_ResultSet
-   def connect(self, connectData={}):
-     GDebug.printMesg(1,"Mysql database driver initializing")
-     try:
-       self._dataConnection = MySQLdb.connect(user=connectData['_username'],
-                    passwd=connectData['_password'],
-                    host=connectData['host'],
-                    db=connectData['dbname'])
-     except self._DatabaseError, value:
-       raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
-     self._beginTransaction()
-     self._postConnect()
-   def _postConnect(self): 
-     self.triggerExtensions = TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
-   def _beginTransaction(self):
-     try:
-       self._dataConnection.begin()
-     except: 
-       pass
-   #
-   # Schema (metadata) functions
-   #
-   # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-   def getSchemaTypes(self):
-     return [('table',_('Tables'),1)]
-   # Return a list of Schema objects
-   def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
-     # TODO: This excludes any system tables and views. Should it?
-     statement = "SHOW TABLES"
-     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     list = []
-     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-       list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[0], 'name':rs[0],
-                          'type':'table',
-                          'primarykey': self.__getPrimaryKey(rs[0])},
-                          getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
-     cursor.close()
-     return list
-   # Find a schema object with specified name
-   def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" % (name)
-     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     rs = cursor.fetchone()
-     if rs:
-       schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':name, 'name':name,
-                            'type':'table',
-                            'primarykey': self.__getPrimaryKey(name,cursor)},
-                            getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
-     else:
-       schema = None
-     cursor.close()
-     return schema
-   def __getPrimaryKey(self, id, cursor=None):
-     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" % id
-     if not cursor:
-       cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-       close_cursor = 1
-     else:
-       close_cursor = 0
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     lst = []
-     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-       if rs[3] == 'PRI':
-         lst.append(rs[0])
-     if close_cursor:
-       cursor.close()
-     return tuple(lst)
-   # Get fields for a table
-   def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
-     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" %
-     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     list = []
-     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-       nativetype = string.split(string.replace(rs[1],')',''),'(')
-       attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, rs[0]), 'name': rs[0],
-              'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype[0],
-              'required': rs[2] != 'YES'}
-       if nativetype[0] in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
-                            'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
-                            'double','decimal'):
-         attrs['datatype']='number'
-       elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
-         attrs['datatype']='date'
-       else:
-         attrs['datatype']='text'
-       try:
-         if len(nativetype) == 2:
-           try:
-             ln, prec = nativetype[1].split(',')
-           except:
-             ln = nativetype[1]
-             prec = None
-           attrs['length'] = int(ln.split()[0])
-           if prec != None:
-             attrs['precision'] = int(prec)
-       except ValueError:
-         GDebug.printMesg(1,'WARNING: mysql native type error: %s' % 
-       if rs[4] not in ('NULL', '0000-00-00 00:00:00','', None):
-         attrs['defaulttype'] = 'constant'
-         attrs['defaultval'] = rs[4]
-       if rs[5] == 'auto_increment':
-         attrs['defaulttype'] = 'serial'
-       list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-     cursor.close()
-     return list
- class MySQL_DataObject_Object(MySQL_DataObject, \
-       DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
-   def __init__(self):
-     MySQL_DataObject.__init__(self)
-   def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
-     return DBSIG2.DataObject_Object._buildQuery(self, 
- class MySQL_DataObject_SQL(MySQL_DataObject, \
-       DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
-   def __init__(self):
-     # Call DBSIG init first because MySQL_DataObject needs to overwrite
-     # some of its values
-     DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL.__init__(self)
-     MySQL_DataObject.__init__(self)
-   def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}):
-     return DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL._buildQuery(self, conditions)
- #
- #  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
- #  
- class TriggerExtensions: 
-   def __init__(self, connection): 
-     self.__connection = connection
-   # Return the current date, according to database
- #  def getDate(self): 
- #    pass
-   # Return a sequence number from sequence 'name' 
- #  def getSequence(self, name): 
- #    pass
-   # Run the SQL statement 'statement'
- #  def sql(self, statement): 
- #    pass
- ######################################
- #
- #  The following hashes describe 
- #  this driver's characteristings.
- #
- ######################################
- #
- #  All datasouce "types" and corresponding DataObject class
- # 
- supportedDataObjects = {
-   'object': MySQL_DataObject_Object,
-   'sql':    MySQL_DataObject_SQL
- }
--- 19,38 ----
  # Copyright 2000-2003 Free Software Foundation
  # FILE:
! # mysql/
  # Driver to provide access to data vi MySQL
  # NOTES:
+ __all__ = ['RecordSet']
  import string
! from gnue.common.datasources.drivers import DBSIG2
  class MySQL_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
Index: gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/
diff -c gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/ 
*** gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/        
Thu Oct  9 21:21:21 2003
--- gnue-common/src/datasources/drivers/mysql/mysql/        Wed Nov 
19 16:47:51 2003
*** 31,59 ****
  import string
  import sys
! from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects, GConditions
! from gnue.common.apps import GDebug
! from gnue.common.datasources.drivers.DBSIG2.Driver \
!    import DBSIG2.RecordSet, DBSIG2.ResultSet, DBSIG2.DataObject, \
!           DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL, DBSIG2.DataObject_Object
! try:
!   import MySQLdb
! except ImportError, mesg:
!   GDebug.printMesg(1,mesg)
!   print "-"*79
!   print _("\nCould not load MySQLdb.  For MySQL support, please install \n") \
!       + _("mysql-python 0.9.0 or later from") \
!       + "\n";
!   print _("Error:  %s") % mesg
!   print "-"*79
!   sys.exit()
! class MySQL_RecordSet(DBSIG2.RecordSet):
!   pass
  class MySQL_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet): 
    def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
--- 31,38 ----
  import string
  import sys
! from gnue.common.datasources.drivers.DBSIG2.Driver import DBSIG2
! from gnue.common.datasources import GDataObjects.ConnectionError
  class MySQL_ResultSet(DBSIG2.ResultSet): 
    def __init__(self, dataObject, cursor=None, defaultValues={}, 
*** 106,323 ****
          return 0
       return 0
- class MySQL_DataObject(DBSIG2.DataObject):
-   def __init__(self):
-     DBSIG2.DataObject.__init__(self)
-     self._DatabaseError = MySQLdb.DatabaseError
-     self._resultSetClass = MySQL_ResultSet
-   def connect(self, connectData={}):
-     GDebug.printMesg(1,"Mysql database driver initializing")
-     try:
-       self._dataConnection = MySQLdb.connect(user=connectData['_username'],
-                    passwd=connectData['_password'],
-                    host=connectData['host'],
-                    db=connectData['dbname'])
-     except self._DatabaseError, value:
-       raise GDataObjects.LoginError, value
-     self._beginTransaction()
-     self._postConnect()
-   def _postConnect(self): 
-     self.triggerExtensions = TriggerExtensions(self._dataConnection)
-   def _beginTransaction(self):
-     try:
-       self._dataConnection.begin()
-     except: 
-       pass
-   #
-   # Schema (metadata) functions
-   #
-   # Return a list of the types of Schema objects this driver provides
-   def getSchemaTypes(self):
-     return [('table',_('Tables'),1)]
-   # Return a list of Schema objects
-   def getSchemaList(self, type=None):
-     # TODO: This excludes any system tables and views. Should it?
-     statement = "SHOW TABLES"
-     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     list = []
-     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-       list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':rs[0], 'name':rs[0],
-                          'type':'table',
-                          'primarykey': self.__getPrimaryKey(rs[0])},
-                          getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema))
-     cursor.close()
-     return list
-   # Find a schema object with specified name
-   def getSchemaByName(self, name, type=None):
-     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" % (name)
-     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     rs = cursor.fetchone()
-     if rs:
-       schema = GDataObjects.Schema(attrs={'id':name, 'name':name,
-                            'type':'table',
-                            'primarykey': self.__getPrimaryKey(name,cursor)},
-                            getChildSchema=self.__getFieldSchema)
-     else:
-       schema = None
-     cursor.close()
-     return schema
-   def __getPrimaryKey(self, id, cursor=None):
-     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" % id
-     if not cursor:
-       cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-       close_cursor = 1
-     else:
-       close_cursor = 0
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     lst = []
-     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-       if rs[3] == 'PRI':
-         lst.append(rs[0])
-     if close_cursor:
-       cursor.close()
-     return tuple(lst)
-   # Get fields for a table
-   def __getFieldSchema(self, parent):
-     statement = "DESCRIBE %s" %
-     cursor = self._dataConnection.cursor()
-     cursor.execute(statement)
-     list = []
-     for rs in cursor.fetchall():
-       nativetype = string.split(string.replace(rs[1],')',''),'(')
-       attrs={'id': "%s.%s" % (, rs[0]), 'name': rs[0],
-              'type':'field', 'nativetype': nativetype[0],
-              'required': rs[2] != 'YES'}
-       if nativetype[0] in ('int','integer','bigint','mediumint',
-                            'smallint','tinyint','float','real',
-                            'double','decimal'):
-         attrs['datatype']='number'
-       elif nativetype[0] in ('date','time','timestamp','datetime'):
-         attrs['datatype']='date'
-       else:
-         attrs['datatype']='text'
-       try:
-         if len(nativetype) == 2:
-           try:
-             ln, prec = nativetype[1].split(',')
-           except:
-             ln = nativetype[1]
-             prec = None
-           attrs['length'] = int(ln.split()[0])
-           if prec != None:
-             attrs['precision'] = int(prec)
-       except ValueError:
-         GDebug.printMesg(1,'WARNING: mysql native type error: %s' % 
-       if rs[4] not in ('NULL', '0000-00-00 00:00:00','', None):
-         attrs['defaulttype'] = 'constant'
-         attrs['defaultval'] = rs[4]
-       if rs[5] == 'auto_increment':
-         attrs['defaulttype'] = 'serial'
-       list.append(GDataObjects.Schema(attrs=attrs))
-     cursor.close()
-     return list
- class MySQL_DataObject_Object(MySQL_DataObject, \
-       DBSIG2.DataObject_Object):
-   def __init__(self):
-     MySQL_DataObject.__init__(self)
-   def _buildQuery(self, conditions={},forDetail=None,additionalSQL=""):
-     return DBSIG2.DataObject_Object._buildQuery(self, 
- class MySQL_DataObject_SQL(MySQL_DataObject, \
-       DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL):
-   def __init__(self):
-     # Call DBSIG init first because MySQL_DataObject needs to overwrite
-     # some of its values
-     DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL.__init__(self)
-     MySQL_DataObject.__init__(self)
-   def _buildQuery(self, conditions={}):
-     return DBSIG2.DataObject_SQL._buildQuery(self, conditions)
- #
- #  Extensions to Trigger Namespaces
- #  
- class TriggerExtensions: 
-   def __init__(self, connection): 
-     self.__connection = connection
-   # Return the current date, according to database
- #  def getDate(self): 
- #    pass
-   # Return a sequence number from sequence 'name' 
- #  def getSequence(self, name): 
- #    pass
-   # Run the SQL statement 'statement'
- #  def sql(self, statement): 
- #    pass
- ######################################
- #
- #  The following hashes describe 
- #  this driver's characteristings.
- #
- ######################################
- #
- #  All datasouce "types" and corresponding DataObject class
- # 
- supportedDataObjects = {
-   'object': MySQL_DataObject_Object,
-   'sql':    MySQL_DataObject_SQL
- }
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