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Re: [Chicken-users] requesting addition/inclusion of new egg in egg-loca

From: masukomi
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] requesting addition/inclusion of new egg in egg-locations
Date: Wed, 2 Dec 2015 08:12:26 -0500

On Wed, Dec 2, 2015 at 5:51 AM, Mario Domenech Goulart <address@hidden> wrote:
Please see some notes that may be relevant to improve your egg:

- the source repository should not contain binary files (.so).  .import
  files are automatically generated by csc, so they are not necessary
  either.  You can safely remove them from the repository.  This is the
  only critical point, as we don't want to distribute binary files.



- s/Paramaters/Parameters/

Doh! Corrected.

- The code style is a bit unusual for Lisp/Scheme programmers, but still
  a matter of personal taste.  In case you are interested in idiomatic
  style, I recommend

Thanks, I'm still having a hard time with idiomatic lisp formatting. ;) The end parens all bunched together makes it nigh-impossible for me to *look* at the code  and know where one block ends, and as a lisp-newb that's crazy important to me. I get that the tooling in Emacs/Vim makes it easy to highlight the matching paren, but I prefer to not have to ask a machine to explain what I'm looking at to me, especially when I wrote it. ;) I find that as the code stabilizes I tend to reformat it to be more inline with the standard. So, it'll get there, eventually...  I do appreciate the pointer though.

Speaking of eggs and Salmonella there is one thing that I noticed from Salmonella that I haven’t been able to figure out, that I’ll fix in the next version if someone can tell me how:

==== Tests
Ok: 1
Failed: 0
No tests: 0

I can’t find any docs that tell me how to make the Ok: 1 actually show the real number of tests that were run, and I can’t find any docs that tell me the correct / standard way to deal with multi-file tests (multiple load calls in run.scm is what i did).

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