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Re: [Chicken-users] Building C Libraries with chicken

From: Thomas Chust
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] Building C Libraries with chicken
Date: Wed, 1 Sep 2010 21:32:15 +0200

2010/9/1 Christian Kellermann <address@hidden>:
> [...]
> I see! Is there anything I need to call to cleanup the runtime
> system again?  I am asking all this because I want to hide even
> that from the user of this library. So I would wrap the CHICKEN_run(!)
> into an init() function of some sort and have the user call that
> instead. I could provide a cleanup() function as well, if that's
> needed.
> [...]


it has already been mentioned that cleanup is not necessary. But
actually it should even be possible to avoid having to call an
initialization routine manually by declaring a library constructor

I'm attaching example code for a library implemented in Scheme and a
client implemented in C that works at least under Linux and Win32
using GCC and requires no library setup from the client side at all.


When C++ is your hammer, every problem looks like your thumb.

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