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[Chicken-users] Problem w/ Meroon

From: Matt Gushee
Subject: [Chicken-users] Problem w/ Meroon
Date: Sat, 16 Feb 2008 15:58:03 -0700
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20071212)

Hi, all--

I wanted to try the Meroon object system, so I installed the Meroon egg (about 2 days ago, so I guess it's up to date; also, I have Chicken 3.0.0). I then tried evaluating the examples from the _Meroon by Example_ section of the docs. The first few were fine, but then:

  (define-method (foo x (np NamedPoint) . str)
    (apply display (NamedPoint-name-length np) str)
    (call-next-method) )

  Error: malformed expression: ((or (and g24 (find-method1 \
    (careless-Generic-dispatcher g21) (number->class g24))) \
    (Generic-default g21)) x np . str)

        Call history:

<syntax> [call-next-method] (if g24 (and (find-method1 (careless-Generic-dispatcher g21) (number->class g24))) #f) <syntax> [call-next-method] (and (find-method1 (careless-Generic-dispatcher g21) (number->class g24))) <syntax> [call-next-method] (find-method1 (careless-Generic-dispatcher g21) (number->class g24))
        <syntax>          [call-next-method] (careless-Generic-dispatcher g21)
        <syntax>          [call-next-method] (instance-ref g21 3)
<syntax> [call-next-method] (##sys#slot g21 (fx+ meroon-starting-offset 3))
        <syntax>          [call-next-method] (fx+ meroon-starting-offset 3)
        <syntax>          [call-next-method] (number->class g24)       <--

Urgh. Perhaps the egg doesn't work w/ Chicken 3.0? Or ...? Anyway, I have no idea what to do about this. Any tips are appreciated.

Matt Gushee
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