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[Chicken-users] Reading binary files

From: Siegfried Gonzi
Subject: [Chicken-users] Reading binary files
Date: Tue, 18 Dec 2007 11:41:27 +0100


[posted it also on Gambit list because I am shopping for new Scheme because I 
cannot install Bigloo on Mac OSX Leopard]

Is there an easy way in Chicken to read binary files? I have got binary files 
created on my desktop Linux machine with the help of IDL. The binary files are 
created in Fortran 77 binary format and BIG_ENDIAN mode (IDL has such a 
feature). I read the files from a data base with IDL and store it in big_endian 
Fortran 77.

I'd like to read it on my Macintosh. However, the gdl clone of idl has some 
problems with that particular files (I scp it from my desktop machine).

The first 3 numbers in the file are Fortran integer numbers which describe the 
3d dimension of the array and the following numbers in the binary file are the 
content of the array.

Or do I need a C-binding?

Thanks very much,
Siegfried Gonzi
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