;; $Id: stream-wiki.scm 5587 2006-05-19 06:24:51Z azul $ ;; ;; This file is in the public domain and may be reproduced or copied without ;; permission from its author. Citation of the source is appreciated. ;; ;; Alejandro Forero Cuervo ;; ;; This file implements an egg for Chicken Scheme for parsing files in wiki ;; format and rendering them to HTML. ;; ;; Documentation is available in HTML format. ;; ;; Newer versions might be available at: ;; ;; http://anonymous:@afc.no-ip.info:8000/svn/home/src/chicken-eggs/stream-wiki (declare (export make-html-header wiki->html wiki->text wiki->toc wiki->sections load-linktypes wiki->latex latex-page wiki->texi texi-page wiki-links wiki-tags load-extensions-from-file extension-update extension-files-actions-links extension-toc-header extension-data ; Exports for extensions: driver-horizontal-line driver-math driver-literal driver-literal-line driver-center driver-big driver-em driver-strong driver-small driver-header driver-blockquote driver-line-break driver-anchor *extensions*) (usual-integrations) (run-time-macros)) (include "chicken-more-macros") (use srfi-1 uri ) (use srfi-40 stream-ext html-stream stream-parser sandbox posix format-modular stream-sections) ; An output driver is simply a table of functions. ; For each field FIELD in our driver record, we also want to define a function ; wikidata-FIELD such that ; ; (wikidata-FIELD x) ; ; evaluates to whatever ; ; (driver-FIELD (wikidata-driver x)) ; ; evaluates to. This is just to save some typing, since actually the driver is ; usuall stored inside a wikidata record everywhere. ; ; That's all there is to the following macro. (define-macro (define-driver-record . funcs) `(begin (define-record driver ,@funcs) ,@(map (lambda (sym) `(define (,(string->symbol (format #f "wikidata-~A" sym)) info . args) (apply (,(string->symbol (format #f "driver-~A" sym)) (wikidata-driver info)) args))) funcs))) ; Now lets define all the functions that make up an output driver. ; ; linktypes is a hashing table: the first element is a symbol for the name of ; the type of link and the second is what we should use, with escape character ; %t (replaced with the link's target). (define-driver-record output-format horizontal-line header blockquote center small big literal literal-line paragraph strong em link image math ordered-list unordered-list list-item definition-list definition-item toc special-char tags comment line-break anchor) (let ((get driver-anchor)) (set! driver-anchor (lambda (driver) (lambda (anchor . rest) (let-optionals rest ((text stream-null)) ((get driver) (text->html-id anchor) text)))))) ; An extension tag for the wiki syntax. ; name is a symbol with the name for the tag (all in lower). (define-record extension name table) ; Output is an output driver. See html-driver for an example. ; linktypes-current is a list with the currently applied linktypes. When ; expanding a linktype (parsing its output recursively), we append its type ; to linktypes-current. That way we can detect infinite loops and react ; gracefully. ; tags is a hash table of record objects of type tags. (define-record wikidata driver open include name linktypes extensions extension-args linktypes-current previous-sections) ; Macro used to generate the functions in the HTML driver. (define-macro (tags-func . tags) (let ((arg (gensym "arg"))) `(lambda (,arg) (html-stream ,(fold-right list arg tags))))) ;;; Helper functions ; ; Functions useful for all the drivers. ; Is URL external? Currently we simply check to see if it is an absolute URL. ; We could be smarter than this if we had more information about the canonical ; URL for the repository and of the current file but this is not that easy (for ; instance, "/foo", "http://bar/foo" and "../foo" might be external or not). ; ; This function is replicated in svnwiki's links.scm. (define (url-external? url) (let ((rest (stream-drop-while (disjoin char-alphabetic? char-numeric?) url))) (and (not (stream-null? rest)) (not (stream-null? (stream-cdr rest))) (char=? (stream-car rest) #\:)))) (define (name-to-base str) (stream-downcase (stream-map (lambda (c) (if (char-whitespace? c) #\- c)) (stream-filter (disjoin char-alphabetic? char-numeric? char-whitespace?) str)))) (define (fix-suffix suffix) (receive (querystring anchor) (stream-break (cut char=? <> #\#) suffix) (if (stream-null? anchor) suffix (stream-append querystring (stream-cons #\# (text->html-id (stream-cdr anchor))))))) ; Function to handle links intelligently. ; ; Analyzes the target and returns two things: ; ; - The type of link ("external", "internal" or "unexistant") ; ; - The URL that should be used as the target. This is based on the input ; target but it might be modified. For instance, its case might be changed ; to match a file (so users won't have to worry about the case of files when ; creating links) or a relative URL might be turned into an absolute URL. (define (parse-link dst check-exists? url-adjust) (assert (and 'parse-link (stream? dst))) (if (url-external? dst) (values 'external dst) (receive (dst-file dst-suffix) (stream-break (disjoin (cut char=? <> #\?) (cut char=? <> #\#)) dst) (let ((dst-real (stream-find check-exists? (parse-link-file dst-file)))) (if dst-real (values "internal" (url-adjust (stream-append dst-real (fix-suffix dst-suffix)))) (values "unexistant" (name-to-base dst-file))))))) (define (parse-link-file file) (stream-map (lambda (f) (f file)) (stream identity stream-downcase name-to-base))) ;;; OpenOffice.org Driver ;; ; Wildly incomplete. (define (ooo-driver header-start) (make-driver 'open-document-format (constantly (html-stream (hr))) (lambda (name depth id) (stream-append (html-stream ((a name (text->html-id name)))) (string->stream (format #f "" (min 6 (+ depth header-start)))) name (string->stream (format #f "" (min 6 (+ depth header-start)))))) (tags-func blockquote) (tags-func center) (tags-func small) (tags-func big) (tags-func pre) (tags-func tt) (tags-func p) (tags-func strong) (tags-func em) (lambda (dst name) (html-stream ((a href dst) name))) (lambda (dst name) (receive (type alt) (stream-break (cut char=? <> #\|) name) (cond ((stream-null? alt) (html-stream ((img src dst alt name)))) ((stream= char=? type (stream #\r #\i #\g #\h #\t)) (html-stream ((img style "margin-top: 1em; margin-left: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;" align "right" src dst alt (stream-cdr alt))))) ((stream= char=? type (stream #\l #\e #\f #\t)) (html-stream ((img style "margin-top: 1em; margin-right: 1em; margin-bottom: 1em;" align "left" src dst alt (stream-cdr alt))))) (else (html-stream ((img src dst alt name))))))) (lambda (text) (string->stream "[[Math support is currently disabled]]")) (constantly stream-null) (lambda (char) (if (char? char) (stream char) stream-null)) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly (html-stream (br))) ; anchor (constantly stream-null))) ;; ;;; HTML Driver ;; ; header-start is the depth of the headers (for example, 1 makes == become ;; ;

). ;; ; ;; ; header-prefix is a function (define (make-html-header . rest) (let-optionals rest ((header-start 1)) (lambda (name depth id) (html-stream ((a name (text->html-id id))) (string->stream (format #f "" (min 6 (+ depth header-start)))) name (string->stream (format #f "" (min 6 (+ depth header-start)))))))) (define (html-driver-link check-exists? url-adjust no-follow? dst name) (assert (and 'html-driver-link (stream? dst))) (assert (and 'html-driver-link (stream? name))) (receive (type dst-real) (parse-link dst check-exists? url-adjust) (assert (and html-driver-link '(stream? dst-real))) (if (and (eq? type 'external) (no-follow? dst-real)) (html-stream ((a href dst-real class type rel "nofollow") name)) (html-stream ((a href dst-real class type) name))))) (define (html-driver-image check-exists? url-adjust dst name) (assert (and 'html-driver-image (stream? dst))) (assert (and 'html-driver-image (stream? name))) (receive (type alt) (stream-break (cut char=? <> #\|) name) (receive (_ url) (parse-link dst check-exists? url-adjust) (if (and (not (stream-null? alt)) (or (stream= char=? type (string->stream "right")) (stream= char=? type (string->stream "left")) (stream= char=? type (string->stream "center")))) (let ((class (format #f "image-~A" (stream->string type)))) (html-stream ((div class class) ((img class class src url alt (stream-cdr alt))) (if (stream-null? (stream-cdr alt)) stream-null (html-stream ((p class class) (stream-cdr alt))))))) (html-stream ((img src url alt name))))))) (define (texvc-math data-output-func text) (data-output-func (stream-append (string->stream "texvc-math:") text) "image/png" (lambda (file url) (if (file-exists? file) (html-stream ((img src url))) (let ((dir (string-intersperse (butlast (cons "" (string-split file "/"))) "/"))) (receive (in out pid) (process (format #f "texvc /tmp ~A ~A latin1" dir (shell-escape text))) (close-output-port out) (let ((texvc-in (port->stream in))) (case (and (not (stream-null? texvc-in)) (stream-car texvc-in)) ((#\+ #\c #\m #\l #\C #\M #\L #\X) (rename-file (string-append dir "/" (stream->string (stream-take (stream-cdr texvc-in) 32)) ".png") file) (html-stream ((img src url)))) (else (string->stream "[[Markup error or TexVC not found]]")))))))))) (define (html-driver make-header data-output-func check-exists? url-adjust no-follow?) (make-driver 'html ; horizontal line (constantly (html-stream (hr))) ; make header make-header ; blockquote (tags-func blockquote) ; center (tags-func center) ; small (tags-func small) ; big (tags-func big) ; literal (tags-func pre) ; literal-line (tags-func tt) ; paragraph (tags-func p) ; strong (tags-func strong) ; emphasis (tags-func em) ; link (cut html-driver-link check-exists? url-adjust no-follow? <...>) ; image (cut html-driver-image check-exists? url-adjust <...>) ; math (if data-output-func (cut texvc-math data-output-func <>) (lambda (text) (string->stream "[[Math support is currently disabled]]"))) ; ordered list (tags-func ol) ; bullets list (tags-func ul) ; list item (tags-func li) ; definition list (tags-func dl) ; definition (lambda (term definition) (html-stream (if (stream-null? term) stream-null (html-stream (dt term))) (if (stream-null? definition) stream-null (html-stream (dd definition))))) ; toc (lambda (info dst) (let* ((file (if (stream-null? dst) (wikidata-name info) (stream->string dst)))) (wiki-parse (wikidata-driver info) (wiki->toc ((wikidata-open info) file)) stream-null file (wikidata-open info) (wikidata-include info) (wikidata-extensions info)))) ; special-char (lambda (x) (string->stream (case x ((#\&) "&") ((#\<) "<") ((#\>) ">") ((copyright) "©") ((reg) "®") ((left-arrow) "←") ((right-arrow) "→") ((double-arrow) "↔") ((double-arrow-wide) "⇔") ((left-arrow-wide) "⇐") ((right-arrow-wide) "⇒") ((mdash) "—") ((ndash) "–") ((laquo) "«") ((raquo) "»") (else (cond ((char? x) (string x)) ((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))))))) ; tags (constantly stream-null) ; comments (lambda (text) (stream-append (string->stream ""))) ; line-break (constantly (html-stream (br))) (lambda (anchor text) (html-stream ((a name anchor) text))))) ;; ;;; Plain text driver ;; ; human-readable is a boolean specifying that the output should be optimized ;; ; to be read by a human (as opposed to a machine indexing the text in the ;; ; file, say a search engine). (define (text-driver human-readable) (make-driver 'text ; horizontal line (if human-readable (constantly (stream-append (make-stream 60 #\-) (stream #\newline))) (constantly stream-null)) ; make header (lambda (name depth id) (stream-append name (stream #\newline #\newline))) ; blockquote (if human-readable (lambda (text) (stream-cons* #\> #\space text)) identity) ; center identity ; small identity ; big identity ; literal identity ; literal-line identity ; paragraph (lambda (text) (assert (stream? text)) (stream-append text (stream #\newline #\newline))) ; strong identity ; emphasis identity ; link (lambda (dst name) (assert (stream? dst)) (assert (stream? name)) (if (stream= char=? dst name) (stream-append (stream #\[) dst (stream #\])) (stream-append name (stream #\space #\[) dst (stream #\])))) ; image (if human-readable (lambda (dst name) (stream-append (string->stream "[IMAGE:") name (stream #\]))) (lambda (dst name) name)) ; math identity ; ordered list identity ; bullets list identity ; list item (lambda (item) ; TODO: Somehow get the depth right! (stream-append (if human-readable (stream #\* #\space) stream-null) item (stream #\newline #\newline))) ; definition list identity ; definition (lambda (term definition) (stream-append (if human-readable (stream #\- #\space) stream-null) term (stream #\newline #\newline #\space #\space) definition (stream #\newline #\newline))) ; toc (lambda (info dst) ; TODO: write! stream-null) ; special-char (lambda (x) (string->stream (case x ((#\&) "&") ((#\<) "<") ((#\>) ">") ((copyright) "(copyright)") ((reg) "(reg)") ((left-arrow) "<-") ((right-arrow) "->") ((double-arrow) "<->") ((double-arrow-wide) "<=>") ((left-arrow-wide) "<=") ((right-arrow-wide) "=>") ((mdash) "---") ((ndash) "--") ((laquo) "<<") ((raquo) ">>") (else (cond ((char? x) (string x)) ((symbol? x) (symbol->string x))))))) ; tags (constantly stream-null) ; comments (constantly stream-null) (constantly (stream #\newline)) ; anchor (lambda (anchor text) text))) ;; ;;; Special Drivers (define (stream-traverse x) (stream-null? (stream-drop-while (constantly #t) x))) (define (links-driver register) (make-driver 'links (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (lambda (dst name) (register (list (stream-take-while (complement (conjoin (cut char=? <> #\|) (cut char=? <> #\#))) dst) name)) stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (lambda (t d) (stream-traverse t) (stream-traverse d) stream-null) ; toc (constantly stream-null) ; special-char (constantly stream-null) ; tags (constantly stream-null) ; comments (constantly stream-null) ; line-break (constantly stream-null) ; anchor (constantly stream-null))) (define (tags-driver register) (make-driver 'tags (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (lambda (t d) (stream-traverse t) (stream-traverse d) stream-null) ; toc (constantly stream-null) ; special-char (constantly stream-null) ; tags (let ((old-tags (make-hash-table))) (lambda (tags) (stream-for-each (lambda (t) (let ((ts (stream->symbol t))) (unless (hash-table-ref/default old-tags ts #f) (register ts) (hash-table-set! old-tags ts #t)))) (stream-filter (complement stream-null?) (stream-split (stream-map char-downcase (stream-filter (disjoin char-numeric? char-alphabetic? char-whitespace?) tags)) char-whitespace?))) stream-null)) (compose (constantly stream-null) stream-traverse) (constantly stream-null) ; anchor (constantly stream-null))) ;;; LaTeX driver (define (latex-text-parse dst) (if (stream-null? dst) stream-null (case (stream-car dst) ((#\& #\$ #\{ #\} #\# #\_) (stream-cons* #\\ (stream-car dst) (latex-text-parse (stream-cdr dst)))) (else (stream-cons (stream-car dst) (latex-text-parse (stream-cdr dst))))))) (define (latex-wrap start end . rest) (let-optionals rest ((parse #f)) (let ((real-start (string->stream start)) (real-end (string->stream end)) (parse-func (if parse latex-text-parse identity))) (lambda (arg) (stream-append real-start (parse-func arg) real-end))))) (define *latex-default-document-class* "article") (define *latex-document-classes* '("article" "book" "report")) (define *latex-languages* '("spanish" "english" "german")) (define (latex-page lang class content) (->stream-char (format #f "\\documentclass[12pt]{~A}~%\\usepackage[~A]{babel}~%\\usepackage[T1]{fontenc}~%\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}~%\\usepackage{palatino}~%\\usepackage[pdftex]{hyperref}\\begin{document}~%" (if (and class (member class *latex-document-classes*)) class *latex-default-document-class*) (if (and lang (member lang *latex-languages*)) lang "english")) (stream-append content (string->stream "\n\\end{document}\n")))) (define (latex-environment name) (latex-wrap (format #f "\\begin{~A}\n" name) (format #f "\\end{~A}\n" name))) (define (latex-driver class links-base) (make-driver 'latex ; horizontal line (constantly stream-null) ; make header (let ((add (if (or (string=? class "book") (string=? class "report")) 0 1))) (lambda (name depth id) (stream-append (let ((real-depth (+ depth add))) (cond ((zero? real-depth) (string->stream "\\chapter{")) ((<= real-depth 3) (stream-append (stream #\\ ) (stream-concatenate (make-stream (- real-depth 1) (string->stream "sub"))) (string->stream "section{"))) (else (string->stream "\\noindent \\textbf{")))) (latex-text-parse name) (stream #\} #\newline #\newline)))) ; blockquote (latex-environment 'quote) ; center (latex-environment 'center) ; small (latex-environment 'small) ; big (latex-environment 'large) ; literal (latex-environment 'verbatim) ; literal-line (latex-wrap "\\verb|" "|") ; paragraph (latex-wrap "" "\n\n") ; strong (latex-wrap "\\textbf{" "}") ; emphasis (latex-wrap "\\textit{" "}") ; link (lambda (dst name) (string->stream (format #f "\\href{~A}{~A}" (stream->string ((if (url-external? dst) identity links-base) (latex-text-parse dst))) (stream->string (latex-text-parse name))))) ; image (lambda (dst name) (warning "Image not implemented yet in LaTeX mode.~%") (receive (type alt) (stream-break (cut char=? <> #\|) name) (string->stream (format #f "[[IMAGE:~A]]" (stream->string (or alt dst)))))) ; math (lambda (text) (string->stream (format #f "$$~A$$" (stream->string text)))) ; ordered list (latex-environment 'enumerate) ; bullets list (latex-environment 'itemize) ; list item (latex-wrap "\\item " "\n\n") ; definition list (latex-environment 'description) ; definition (lambda (term definition) (string->stream (format #f "\\item[~A]~%~%~A~%" (stream->string term) (stream->string definition)))) ; toc (lambda (info dst) (if (stream-null? dst) (string->stream "\\tableofcontents\n\n") ; Can't get TOC of other documents yet: stream-null)) ; special-character (lambda (x) (->stream-char (case x ((#\& #\$ #\{ #\} #\# #\_) (stream #\\ x)) ; Not much else we can do right now about quotation marks, is there? ; We don't know if they are opening or closing quotation marks... :-/ ((#\\ #\") stream-null) ((#\<) "<") ((#\>) ">") ((copyright) "(C)") ((reg) "(R)") ((left-arrow) "<-") ((right-arrow) "->") ((double-arrow) "<->") ((double-arrow-wide) "<=>") ((left-arrow-wide) "<=") ((right-arrow-wide) "=>") ((mdash) "---") ((ndash) "--") ((laquo) "<<") ((raquo) ">>") (else (string x))))) ; tags (constantly stream-null) ; comments (constantly stream-null) (constantly (stream #\\ #\\ )) ; anchor ; TODO: I think LaTeX does support anchor, we should get them to work. (constantly stream-null))) ;;; Parsing (define (char-blank? x) (or (equal? x #\space) (equal? x #\tab))) ; This is the parser for text that occurs inside a given set of ;


  • ,
    tags. (define (text-transform info strong em literal start newline-rep) (assert (wikidata? info)) (lambda (str fail parsed) (parse-token str fail parsed ; Cases for EOL. If it is followed by a character, we want ; to replace it with newline-rep (which is normally a space ; but is a #\newline when we're inside a
          ((#\newline (assert newline-rep) (end)) stream-null)
          ((#\newline (assert (and newline-rep start)) start) (stream newline-rep))
          ((#\newline (assert (and newline-rep (not start)))) (stream newline-rep))
          ;  and :
          ((#\' #\' #\' (assert (not strong)) (bind text (*? (rule-apply (text-transform info #t em literal start newline-rep)))) #\' #\' #\')
           (wikidata-strong info text))
          ((#\' #\' (assert (not em)) (bind text (*? (rule-apply (text-transform info strong #t literal start newline-rep)))) #\' #\')
           (wikidata-em info text))
          ; Links: [ TYPE : ] DST [ | NAME ] (type and name are
          ; optional).
          ((#\[ #\[
            (all char-whitespace?)
            (? (bind type (*? (not (or #\[ #\: #\| #\] #\newline))))
               (all char-whitespace?) #\: (all char-whitespace?))
            (bind dst (*? (not (or #\[ #\| #\] #\newline))))
            (all char-whitespace?)
            (? #\| (all char-whitespace?)
               (bind name (*? (rule-apply (text-transform info strong em literal start newline-rep))))
               (all char-whitespace?))
            #\] #\])
           (make-link info
             (if (stream-null? type) #f type)
             (if (stream-null? name) #f name)))
          ; Typewritten text:
          ((#\{ #\{ (bind text (*? char?)) #\} #\})
           (wikidata-literal-line info
             (parse-all text (lambda () (error "bar")) (text-transform info strong em #t start newline-rep) stream-null)))
          ; Comments
          ((#\< #\! (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?)
            (bind text (*? char?))
            (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?) #\>)
           (wikidata-comment info text))
          ; Span tags:
          ((#\< (all char-whitespace?) (bind tag (all char-alphabetic?))
              (and-let* ((ext (hash-table-ref/default
                                (wikidata-extensions info)
                                (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag))
                (extension-code-span ext)))
            ; Parameters
            (* (+ char-whitespace?)
               (bind name (all char-alphabetic?))
               (all char-whitespace?)
               (? #\= (all char-whitespace?)
                  (or (#\" (bind value (all (not #\"))) #\")
                      (#\' (bind value (all (not #\'))) #\')
                      ((bind value (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?))))))
               (bind-accum (params '()) cons (cons (stream->symbol (stream-downcase name)) value)))
            (all char-whitespace?) #\>
            (bind text (*? char?))
            #\< (all char-whitespace?) #\/ tag (all char-whitespace?) #\>)
               (wikidata-extensions info)
               (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag)))
          ; Break tags:
          ((#\< (all char-whitespace?) (bind tag (all char-alphabetic?))
              (and-let* ((ext (hash-table-ref/default
                                (wikidata-extensions info)
                                (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag))
                (extension-code-break ext)))
            ; Parameters
            (* (+ char-whitespace?)
               (bind name (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)))
               (all char-whitespace?)
               (? #\= (all char-whitespace?)
                  (or (#\" (bind value (all (not #\"))) #\")
                      (#\' (bind value (all (not #\'))) #\')
                      ((bind value (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?))))))
               (bind-accum (params '()) cons (cons (stream->symbol (stream-downcase name)) value)))
            (all char-whitespace?) (? #\/) (all char-whitespace?) #\>)
               (wikidata-extensions info)
               (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag)))
          ; Replace certain sequences with HTML entities, unless we are inside a
    ,  or  tag.
          ((#\< #\< (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'laquo))
          ((#\> #\> (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'raquo))
          ((#\( (or #\R #\r) #\) (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'reg))
          ((#\( (or #\C #\c) #\) (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'copyright))
          ((#\1 #\/ #\2 (assert (not literal))) (string->stream "½"))
          ((#\1 #\/ #\4 (assert (not literal))) (string->stream "¼"))
          ((#\3 #\/ #\4 (assert (not literal))) (string->stream "¾"))
          ((#\< #\- #\> (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'double-arrow))
          ((#\< #\- (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'left-arrow))
          ((#\- #\> (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'right-arrow))
          ((#\< #\= #\> (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'double-arrow-wide))
          ((#\< #\= (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'left-arrow-wide))
          ((#\= #\> (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'right-arrow-wide))
          ((#\- #\- #\- (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'mdash))
          ((#\- #\- (assert (not literal))) (wikidata-special-char info 'ndash))
          ; Some entities that we don't want to include literally.  If you add
          ; more, make sure you also include them in the list of non-standard
          ; characters (in function standard-char?).
          (((bind char (or #\{ #\} #\@ #\# #\$ #\< #\> #\& #\_ #\\ #\")))
           (wikidata-special-char info (stream-car char)))
          ; An email address:
          (((bind initial (?? char?))
            (bind email
                  (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\. #\- #\_ #\+))
                    (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                    (* (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\-))
                    (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                  (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                  (* (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\-))
                  (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)))
             (make-link info
               (string->stream "mailto")
          ; A URL:
          (((bind initial (?? char?))
            (bind type (all char-alphabetic?))
            (assert (assoc (stream->symbol (stream-downcase type)) *allowed-url-schemes*))
            (bind dst
                  #\/ #\/
                    (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                    (* (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\-))
                    (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                  (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                  (* (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\-))
                  (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)
                  ; Port
                  (? #\: (+ char-numeric?))
                  ; File or QUERY STRING or Anchor
                    (or #\/ #\? #\#)
                      (* (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\~ #\/ #\. #\? #\& #\# #\% #\= #\- #\_))
                      ; The last character must not be a dot:
                      (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric? #\~ #\/ #\? #\& #\# #\% #\= #\- #\_)))))
           (stream-append initial (make-link info type dst #f)))
          ; Normal text:
          (((bind str not-newline? (all standard-char?))) str))))
    (define (not-newline? x)
      (not (char=? x #\newline)))
    (define *allowed-url-schemes*
      '((http) (https) (ftp)))
    (define (standard-char? x)
      (case x
        ((#\newline #\@ #\' #\[ #\] #\{ #\} #\< #\> #\& #\: #\| #\( #\space #\, #\. #\# #\$ #\- #\= #\_ #\\ #\") #f)
        (else #t)))
    (define (make-link info type dst name)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      ((let ((type-sym (and type (stream->symbol (stream-downcase type)))))
            ((not type-sym) make-default-link)
            ((assoc type-sym *link-types*) => cadr)
            ((hash-table-ref/default (wikidata-linktypes info) type-sym #f) => run-linktype)
            (else make-default-link)))
       info type dst name))
    (define (make-default-link info type dst name)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (let ((real-dst (if type (stream-append type (stream-cons #\: dst)) dst)))
        (wikidata-link info real-dst (or name real-dst))))
    (define (make-link-image info type dst name)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (wikidata-image info dst (or name dst)))
    (define (register-link-tag info type dst name)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (wikidata-tags info (or name dst)))
    (define (make-link-include info type dst name)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      ((wikidata-include info) (stream->string dst) stream-null))
    (define (make-link-toc info type dst name)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (wikidata-toc info info dst))
    (define (make-link-mailto info type dst name)
      (wikidata-link info (stream-append type (stream-cons #\: dst)) (or name dst)))
    (define *link-types*
      `((include ,make-link-include)
        (toc ,make-link-toc)
        (image ,make-link-image)
        (tags ,register-link-tag)
        (mailto ,make-link-mailto)))
    (define (list-transform info current)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (lambda (str fail parsed)
        (parse-token str fail parsed
          (((bind data
                  current (all #\space) (bind list-item (or #\* #\#))
                  (all (all #\space) (or #\* #\#))
                  (? #\newline)
                  (all (not (or #\* #\# #\newline))
                       (all (not #\newline))
                       (? #\newline))
                  (all #\newline)
                    current (all #\space) list-item
                    (all (all #\space) (or #\* #\#))
                    (? #\newline)
                    (all (not (or #\* #\# #\newline))
                         (all (not #\newline))
                         (? #\newline))
                    (all #\newline))))
           ((if (char=? (stream-car list-item) #\*)
            (parse-all data fail (list-transform info (stream-append current list-item)))))
          (((bind head
                  (? current (all #\space)
                     (? #\newline)
                     (bind text
                           (all (not (or #\* #\# #\newline))
                                (all (not #\newline))
                                (? #\newline)))))
            (all #\newline)
            (bind tail
                  (all current
                       (+all (all #\space) (or #\* #\#))
                       (all #\space)
                       (? #\newline)
                       (all (not (or #\* #\#))
                            (all (not #\newline))
                            (? #\newline))))
            (assert (not (and (stream-null? head) (stream-null? tail)))))
           (wikidata-list-item info
               (if (stream-null? head)
                       (stream-reverse text)))
                   (lambda () (error "foo"))
                   (text-transform info #f #f #f #f #\space)))
               (if (stream-null? tail)
                 (parse-all tail fail (list-transform info current)))))))))
    (define (definition-list info)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (lambda (str fail parsed)
        (parse-token str fail parsed
          ((#\; (all char-whitespace?)
            (bind term (*? (rule-apply (text-transform info #f #f #f #f #f))))
            (? (all char-blank?) #\: (all char-blank?)
               (bind definition (*? (not #\: #\newline) (all standard-char?)))
               (all char-blank?))
            (+ (all char-blank?) (or #\newline ((end)))))
             (parse-all definition (lambda () (error "foo")) (text-transform info #f #f #f #f #\space)))))))
    (define (global-token output open include name linktypes extensions extensions-args)
      (assert (driver? output))
      (global-token-info (make-wikidata output open include name linktypes extensions extensions-args '() (make-hash-table))))
    ; This is the global parser which gets called by wiki->html.  It
    ; splits the input in chunks of lines (corresponding to
    ; paragraphs, lists, quotes, etc.) that must be processed
    ; together.
    (define (global-token-info info)
      (assert (wikidata? info))
      (lambda (str fail parsed)
        (parse-token str fail parsed
          ; Simple line break:
          ((#\- #\- #\- #\- (all char-blank?)) (wikidata-horizontal-line info))
          ; Get all headers.  The type of header depends on the number
          ; of #\= signs:
          ((#\= (bind depth (+all #\=))
            (all char-blank?)
            (bind name (*? (not #\newline)))
            (all char-blank?)
            (? #\= depth (all char-blank?))
            (or #\newline ((end))))
               (lambda () (error "noparse" (stream->string name)))
               (text-transform info #f #f #f #f #\space))
             (min 5 (stream-length (stream-cdr depth)))
             (sections-accept-new-name! (wikidata-previous-sections info) name)))
          ; Skip empty lines:
          ((#\newline) stream-null)
          ; Process 
        lists calling the list-transform ; parser: (((bind lines (+ (+all (or #\# #\*) (all #\space)) (? #\newline) (all (not (or #\* #\# #\newline (#\= #\=))) (all (not #\newline)) (or #\newline ((end)))) (all #\newline)))) (parse-all lines (lambda () (error "list-transform failed to parse")) (list-transform info stream-null))) ; Process definition lists with the definition-list parser: (((bind lines (+ (rule-apply (definition-list info))))) (wikidata-definition-list info lines)) ; Get quoted text (lines starting with #\>) inside a pair of ;
        tags: (((+all #\> (all (or #\space #\tab)) (bind text (all (not #\newline)) (or #\newline ((end)))) (bind-accum (result '()) cons text))) (wikidata-blockquote info (parse-all (stream-concatenate (list->stream (reverse result))) (lambda () (error "noparse" (stream->string (stream-reverse (stream-cdr text))))) (global-token-info info)))) ; Get literal text (lines starting with #\space) inside a ; pair of
              (((bind text (+ #\space (*? char?) (or #\newline ((end))))))
               (wikidata-literal info
                 (parse-all (stream-cdr text) (lambda () (error "foo")) (text-transform info #f #f #t #\space #\newline))))
              ; Comments
              ((#\< #\! (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?)
                (bind text (*? char?))
                (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?) #\- (all char-whitespace?) #\>)
               (wikidata-comment info text))
              ; Detect span extensions:
              ((#\< (all char-whitespace?) (bind tag (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)))
                  (and-let* ((ext (hash-table-ref/default
                                    (wikidata-extensions info)
                                    (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag))
                    (extension-code-span ext)))
                ; Parameters
                (* (+ char-whitespace?)
                   (bind name (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)))
                   (all char-whitespace?)
                   (? #\= (all char-whitespace?)
                      (or (#\" (bind value (all (not #\"))) #\")
                          (#\' (bind value (all (not #\'))) #\')
                          ((bind value (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?))))))
                   (bind-accum (params '()) cons (cons (stream->symbol (stream-downcase name)) value)))
                (all char-whitespace?) #\>
                (bind text (*? char?))
                #\< (all char-whitespace?) #\/ tag (all char-whitespace?) #\>)
               ; *tags-span-external*
                   (wikidata-extensions info)
                   (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag)))
              ; Detect break tags:
              ((#\< (all char-whitespace?) (bind tag (all char-alphabetic?))
                  (and-let* ((ext (hash-table-ref/default
                                    (wikidata-extensions info)
                                    (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag))
                    (extension-code-break ext)))
                ; Parameters
                (* (+ char-whitespace?)
                   (bind name (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?)))
                   (all char-whitespace?)
                   (? #\= (all char-whitespace?)
                      (or (#\" (bind value (all (not #\"))) #\")
                          (#\' (bind value (all (not #\'))) #\')
                          ((bind value (all (or char-alphabetic? char-numeric?))))))
                   (bind-accum (params '()) cons (cons (stream->symbol (stream-downcase name)) value)))
                (all char-whitespace?) (? #\/) #\>)
                   (wikidata-extensions info)
                   (stream->symbol (stream-downcase tag)))
              ; Rule for normal paragraphs:
              (((bind text (+all (not (or #\space #\newline #\> #\* #\# (#\= #\=))) (all (not #\newline)) (or #\newline ((end))))))
               (let ((text (parse-all text (lambda () (error "noparse" (stream->string (stream-reverse (stream-cdr text))))) (text-transform info #f #f #f #f #\space))))
                 (if (stream-null? text)
                   (wikidata-paragraph info text)))))))
        (define (accum-with-driver driver)
          (lambda (str . rest)
            (let-optionals rest ((tail stream-null) (name "") (open (constantly stream-null)) (include (lambda (name tail) tail)) (linktypes (make-hash-table)) (extensions (make-hash-table)))
                (lambda (collect stop)
                    (wiki-parse (driver collect) str tail name open include linktypes extensions)))))))
        (define wiki-links
          (accum-with-driver links-driver))
        (define wiki-tags
          (accum-with-driver tags-driver))
        ; TODO: This is already broken: we need to split PROCEDURE into two procs, one
        ; to generate the file and another one to include it (which can get called even
        ; if the file does not need to be generated).
        ; data-output-func receives three arguments:
        ; - a STREAM with some representation of the contents that will get rendered to
        ; the file.  Or #f.
        ; - the MIME-TYPE (eg. "image/jpeg")
        ; - a PROCEDURE.
        ; If STREAM evaluates to true, it gets hashed and a filename (path) at some
        ; directory is created with the hash on it (only the filename, no actual file
        ; is created).  If STREAM is #f, a random path (in the same directory) is used.
        ; If data-output-func wants to allow the contents to be rendered, it calls the
        ; procedure and passes two arguments: the actual filename that should be
        ; generated and the URL where that filename can be loaded.  data-output-func
        ; returns whatever the procedure returned (or, if it doesn't want any file to
        ; be created, whatever stream it wants to display instead of the file).
        ; The caller should not assume that the file it specified was created, just
        ; assume that it may have been created.  There might have been problems that
        ; prevented the procedure from actually creating it.
        ; Alternatively, data-output-func may be just #f, in which case wiki->html will
        ; now that it is never allowed to create any files.
        ; This interface hasa the following advantages:
        ; 1. The caller to wiki->html can register all the files created as a result of
        ; the parsing.
        ; 2. The caller to wiki->html gets full control as to where the files are
        ; actually created.  It can even specify that no file should actually be
        ; created.
        ; 3. Extensions can render new files, they just need to be given access to
        ; data-output-func.
        ; 4. We reuse paths, since their names depend on the hash of the content being
        ; rendered.  That way, if some content doesn't change, wiki->html will always
        ; use the same filename for it.  While this isn't a *requirement*, it makes
        ; wiki->html generated directories/files play nice with mirror software such as
        ; the file-mirror egg (which would otherwise constantly have to reupload
        ; everything, since the paths would change).
        ; 5. The data-output-func is responsible for mapping the mime-type to the
        ; actual extension that should be used.  Which is good: wiki->html shouldn't be
        ; the one to do that (because it would require to make assumptions that may not
        ; always hold).
        ; The mime type passed is one of the following:
        ; - image/png
        ; For functions/extensions calling data-output-func, here are some guidelines:
        ; - Make sure the mime type you use is documented above.
        ; - Note that the actual pathname created will depend on the actual value of
        ; the stream (very likely be a md5 or sha1 hash of it).  You should make sure
        ; that the inputs from which your file depends are fully included in the
        ; stream.  Otherwise you could end up overwriting the file with a different
        ; one.   For that reason, your stream should always start with the name of the
        ; caller (such as "html-math") followed by a colon followed by the actual input
        ; used by that caller.  If you can't fully specify your inputs here, just use
        ; #f (but this practice is discouraged!).
        ; This interface should hopefully accomodate well the needs of extensions'
        ; creators.  I know that at some point it will break and we will need something
        ; else, but I hope quite a long time passes before that horrid day.
        (define (wiki->html str . rest)
            (let-optionals rest ((tail stream-null) (name "") (open (constantly stream-null)) (include (lambda (name tail) tail)) (linktypes (make-hash-table)) (make-header (make-html-header)) (data-output-func (constantly stream-null)) (check-exists? (constantly #t)) (extensions (make-hash-table)) (url-adjust identity) (extension-args #f) (no-follow? (constantly #f)))
              (wiki-parse (html-driver make-header data-output-func check-exists? url-adjust no-follow?) str tail name open include linktypes extensions extension-args))))
        (define (wiki->text str . rest)
            (let-optionals rest ((human-readable #t) (tail stream-null) (name "") (open (constantly stream-null)) (include (lambda (name tail) tail)) (linktypes (make-hash-table)) (extensions (make-hash-table)) (extension-args #f))
              (wiki-parse (text-driver human-readable) str tail name open include linktypes extensions extension-args))))
        (define (wiki->latex str . rest)
            (let-optionals rest ((tail stream-null) (name "") (open (constantly stream-null)) (include (lambda (name tail) tail)) (linktypes (make-hash-table)) (extensions (make-hash-table)) (class *latex-default-document-class*) (links-base identity) (extension-args #f))
              (wiki-parse (latex-driver class links-base) str tail name open include linktypes extensions extension-args))))
        (define (wiki-parse output str . rest)
          (assert (driver? output))
          (let-optionals rest ((tail stream-null) (name "") (open (constantly stream-null)) (include (lambda (name tail) tail)) (linktypes (make-hash-table)) (extensions (make-hash-table)) (extension-args #f))
            (parse-all str (lambda () (error "Syntax error")) (global-token output open include name linktypes extensions extension-args) tail)))
        ;;; Linktypes
        ; Used for interwiki links and stuff.  For example, have [[google:something]]
        ; translate into a Google search for that keyword.
        ; Load the linktypes specified in file into hash.  The file has the format
        ; NAME:CONTENT, where CONTENT is the wiki code we will replace the link with.
        ; CONTENT must have %t for the target and %n for the link's name.
        ; E.g.: google:[[http://www.google.com/search?hl=es&q=%t|%n]]
        ; All the linktypes are added to hash hash, indexed by their type.  The value
        ; is a stream where entries are either streams of characters (to be included
        ; literally) or characters for the escape sequences.
        (define (load-linktypes hash file)
          (with-input-from-file file
            (lambda ()
                (lambda (line)
                  (receive (name type)
                           (stream-break (cut char=? #\: <>) line)
                    (unless (stream-null? type)
                      (hash-table-set! hash
                        (stream->symbol (stream-downcase name))
                        (linktype-parse (stream-cdr type))))))
                  (lambda (x) (or (stream-null? x) (char=? (stream-car x) #\#)))
                    (cut stream-drop-while char-whitespace? <>)
                    (stream-lines (port->stream (current-input-port)))))))))
        (define (linktype-parse type)
          (receive (literal escape)
                   (stream-break (cut char=? #\% <>) type)
            (if (stream-null? literal)
              (linktype-parse-escape escape)
              (stream-cons literal (linktype-parse-escape escape)))))
        (define (linktype-parse-escape escape)
          (if (or (stream-null? escape) (stream-null? (stream-cdr escape)))
            (stream-cons (stream-cadr escape) (linktype-parse (stream-cddr escape)))))
        (define (run-linktype lt)
          (lambda (info type dst name)
            (let* ((type-sym (stream->symbol (stream-downcase type)))
                   (text (run-linktype-first lt dst name)))
              ; Avoid infinite recursion
              (if (member type-sym (wikidata-linktypes-current info))
                  (lambda ()
                    (error "Internal error: Unable to parse" (stream->string text)))
                    (apply make-wikidata
                             (lambda (f) (f info))
                               (lambda (o)
                                 (cons type-sym (wikidata-linktypes-current o))))))
                    #f #f #f #f #\newline)
        (define (run-linktype-first lt dst name)
          (let ((votes (delay (vote-linktype (or name dst)))))
            (let loop ((lt lt))
                (if (stream-null? lt)
                    (if (stream? (stream-car lt))
                      (stream-car lt)
                      (case (stream-car lt)
                        ((#\c) (number->stream (stream-length (force votes))))
                        ((#\n) (or name dst))
                        ((#\o) (stream-map char-downcase (or name dst)))
                        ((#\t) dst)
                        ((#\u) (stream-map char-downcase dst))
                        ((#\v) (string->stream (format #f "~,2F" (votes-average (force votes) 0 0))))
                        (else (error "Invalid escape sequence" (stream-car lt)))))
                    (loop (stream-cdr lt))))))))
        (define (votes-average str total count)
            ((not (stream-null? str)) (votes-average (stream-cdr str) (+ total (stream-car str)) (+ count 1)))
            ((zero? count) 0)
            (else (/ total count))))
        (define (vote-linktype str)
          (stream-filter identity (stream-map stream->number (stream-split str char-whitespace?))))
        (define (simple-tag-span-get name get-parser)
          (list name
                (let ((open  (stream-append (stream #\<) (symbol->stream name) (stream #\>)))
                      (close (stream-append (stream #\< #\/) (symbol->stream name) (stream #\>))))
                  (lambda (text params . args)
                        (lambda () (error "bar"))
                        (apply get-parser args)
        (define (simple-tag-span name) (simple-tag-span-get name text-transform))
        (define (shell-escape path)
            (cons #\space
                (lambda (c rest)
                  (if (or (char-alphabetic? c) (char-numeric? c) (member c '(#\/ #\-)))
                    (cons c rest)
                    (cons* #\\ c rest)))
                (stream->list path)))))
        (define *tags-span*
            ,@(map simple-tag-span '(u i span small big b sup sub))))
        ;;; Sections for wiki pages
        (define (recognize-start-wiki document)
          (receive (result rest new-fail parsed)
                   (parse-token document (constantly #f #f #f #f) stream-null
                     ((#\= #\= (bind depth (all #\=))
                       (all char-blank?)
                       (bind name (*? (not #\newline)))
                       (all char-blank?)
                       (? #\= #\= depth (all char-blank?))
                       (or #\newline ((end))))
                      (make-section (stream-length depth) name)))
            (if result
              (values result (stream-reverse parsed) rest)
              (take-one-line document))))
        (define (wiki->sections document)
          (document->sections recognize-start-wiki document))
        (define wiki->toc (compose sections->toc wiki->sections))
        ;;; Extensions
        (define (load-extensions-from-file extensions file)
          (set! *extensions* '()) ; just in case.
          (load file)
          (when (null? *extensions*)
            (warning "Extension does not define anything!" file))
            (lambda (alist)
              (and (pair? alist)
                   (not (null? alist))
                   (hash-table-set! extensions (car alist) (alist->extension alist))))
        ; TODO: This is bad, we shouldn't do this.  Ugh.  But we need some way
        ; to communicate with the code in the extensions.
        (define *extensions* '())
        (define (alist->extension alist)
          (make-extension (car alist) (cdr alist)))
        (define (extension-data ext data)
          (let ((value (assoc data (extension-table ext))))
            (and value
                 (pair? (cdr value))
                 (cadr value))))
        (define extension-code-span (cut extension-data <> 'code-span))
        (define extension-code-break (cut extension-data <> 'code-break))
        (define extension-update (cut extension-data <> 'update))
        (define extension-files-actions-links (cut extension-data <> 'files-actions-links))
        (define extension-toc-header (cut extension-data <> 'toc-header))
        (define (run-span-extension extension text params info)
          ((extension-code-span extension)
           ; TODO: This really ought to be an environment.
           (lambda (op)
             (case op
               ((text) text)
               ((params) params)
                (lambda (str)
                  (parse-all str
                             (lambda () (error "Syntax error"))
                             (global-token-info info)
               ; Function to parse some text as a paragraph.  Receives the text and an
               ; optional alist with properties corresponding to parameters for
               ; text-transform.
                (lambda (text . rest)
                  (let-optionals rest ((properties '()))
                      (lambda () (error "bar"))
                        (map (lambda (data)
                               (cadr (or (assoc (car data) properties) data)))
                             '((strong #f) (em #f) (literal #f) (start #f) (newline #\newline))))
               ; This used to be deprecated but it really is needed by some
               ; format-dependant extensions.
                (driver-output-format (wikidata-driver info)))
                (wikidata-driver info))
               (else ((wikidata-extension-args info) op))))))
        (define (run-break-extension extension params info)
          ((extension-code-break extension)
           (lambda (op)
             (case op
               ((params) params)
                (lambda (str)
                  (parse-all str
                             (lambda () (error "Syntax error"))
                             (global-token-info info)
               ; Function to parse some text as a paragraph.  Receives the text and an
               ; optional alist with properties corresponding to parameters for
               ; text-transform.
                (lambda (text . rest)
                  (let-optionals rest ((properties '()))
                      (lambda () (error "bar"))
                        (map (lambda (data)
                               (cadr (or (assoc (car data) properties) data)))
                             '((strong #f) (em #f) (literal #f) (start #f) (newline #\newline))))
               ; Deprecated.  The reason to deprecate it is that extensions shouldn't
               ; have to deal with having to recognize multiple formats ever.  They
               ; should really on the drivers for format-specific things.
               ; Why am I committing it if it is deprecated?  Because drivers still
               ; don't know about , , 
        and . They ought to. Once ; they do, the core-extension tags.scm won't need output-format so this ; whole thing will go away. ; ; Including this terribly nice comment, damn. ((output-format) (driver-output-format (wikidata-driver info))) ((driver) (wikidata-driver info)) (else (if (wikidata-extension-args info) ((wikidata-extension-args info) op) (warning "Requested environment object but environment is not defined~%" op))))))) ;;; TEXI driver (define (wiki->texi str . rest) (stream-delay (let-optionals rest ((tail stream-null) (name "") (open (constantly stream-null)) (include (lambda (name tail) tail)) (linktypes (make-hash-table)) (extensions (make-hash-table)) (extension-args #f)) (let-values (((texi-nodes lookup-table) (texi-menu str))) (stream-append (->stream-char (format #f "@menu\n")) texi-nodes (->stream-char (format #f "@end menu\n")) (wiki-parse (texi-driver lookup-table) str tail name open include linktypes extensions extension-args)))))) (define (texi-wrap start end) (let ((real-start (string->stream start)) (real-end (string->stream end))) (lambda (arg) (stream-append real-start arg real-end)))) (define (texi-page author title copyright first content . rest) (let-optionals rest ((subtitle #f) (month-year #f) (version #f)) (stream-append (->stream-char (string-concatenate (list (format #f "\\input texinfo @c -*- texinfo -*-\n") (format #f "@settitle ~A\n" title) (format #f "@setchapternewpage on\n") (if month-year (format #f "@set month-year ~A\n" month-year) "") (if version (format #f "@set version ~A\n" version) "") (format #f "@copying\n") (format #f "~A\n" copyright) (format #f "@end copying\n") (format #f "@titlepage\n") (format #f "@sp 10\n") (format #f "@title{~A}\n" title) (if subtitle (format #f "@subtitle{~A}\n" subtitle) "") (if version (format #f "@subtitle{Edition @value{version}}\n") "") (format #f "@author{~A}\n" author) (format #f "@comment The following two commands start the copyright page.\n") (format #f "@page\n") (format #f "@vskip 0pt plus 1fill\n") (format #f "~A\n" copyright) (format #f "@end titlepage\n")))) (->stream-char (string-concatenate (list (format #f "@node Top, ~A, (dir), (dir)\n" first) (format #f "@top ~A\n" title) (format #f "This is the top node.\n")))) content (->stream-char (string-concatenate (list (format #f "\n") (format #f "@shortcontents\n") (format #f "@contents\n") (format #f "@bye\n"))))))) (define (texi-find-node lookup-table n) (hash-table-ref lookup-table (string->symbol (escape-texi-node-name n)))) (define (texi-driver lookup-table) (make-driver 'texi ; horizontal line (constantly stream-null) ; make header (lambda (name depth id) (stream-append ;; print the @node and @menu. (with-output-to-stream (lambda () (print (texi-find-node lookup-table (stream->string name))))) (stream #\newline #\@) (string->stream (case depth ((0) "chapter") ((1) "section") ((2) "subsection") (else "subsubsection"))) (stream #\space) name (stream #\newline #\newline))) ;; blockquote (texi-wrap "@quotation\n" "address@hidden quotation\n") ; center (texi-wrap "@center " "") ; small (lambda (x) (error "Small not implemented yet in Texinfo mode.")) ; big (lambda (x) (error "Big not implemented yet in Texinfo mode.")) ; verbatim (texi-wrap "@verbatim\n" "address@hidden verbatim\n") ; code (texi-wrap "@code{" "}") ; paragraph (lambda (x) (stream-append (string->stream "") x (string->stream "\n\n"))) ; strong (texi-wrap "@b{" "}") ; emphasis (texi-wrap "@emph{" "}") ; link (lambda (dst name) (let* ((link (stream->string (texi-link-target dst))) (url (uri link #f))) (stream-append (cond ((and url (uri-scheme url)) (string->stream (conc "@uref{" (uri->string url)))) (else (string->stream (conc "@ref{" link)))) (string->stream ", ") name (stream #\})))) ; image (lambda (dst name) (warning "Image not implemented in Texinfo mode.~%") (receive (type alt) (stream-break (cut char=? <> #\|) name) (stream->string (format #f "[[IMAGE:~A]]" (stream->string (or alt dst)))))) ; math (lambda (text) (string->stream (format #f "$$~A$$" (stream->string text)))) ; ordered list (texi-wrap "@enumerate\n" "address@hidden enumerate\n") ; bullets list (texi-wrap "@itemize\n" "address@hidden itemize\n") ; list item (texi-wrap "@item " "\n\n") ; definition list (texi-wrap "@table @b\n" "address@hidden table\n") ; definition (lambda (term definition) (string->stream (format #f "@item ~A~%~%~A~%" (stream->string term) (stream->string definition)))) ;; toc (constantly stream-null) ; special-character ;; fixme: just borrowed this from latex-driver. (lambda (x) (->stream-char (case x ((#\@ #\{ #\}) (stream #\@ x)) ((copyright) "(C)") ((reg) "(R)") ((left-arrow) "<-") ((right-arrow) "->") ((double-arrow) "<->") ((double-arrow-wide) "<=>") ((left-arrow-wide) "<=") ((right-arrow-wide) "=>") ((mdash) "---") ((ndash) "--") ((laquo) #\xab) ((raquo) #\xbb) (else (stream x))))) ; tags (constantly stream-null) ; comments (constantly stream-null) ; line-break (constantly (stream #\\ #\\ )) ; anchor (lambda (anchor text) (string->stream (format #f "@anchor{~A}" (stream->string text)))) )) (define (texi-link-target dst) (cond ((stream-null? dst) stream-null) ((char=? (stream-car dst) #\#) (stream-cons* #\\ #\# (texi-link-target (stream-cdr dst)))) (else (stream-cons (stream-car dst) (texi-link-target (stream-cdr dst)))))) ;;; Texi: menus, navigation, node relationships ;; The current strategy is to do a pre-pass on the wiki-stream, and ;; build a lookup table of all the sections (which will become nodes ;; in the texi output). This table is passed as an argument when the ;; texi-driver is being created, and used in the TOC and Section ;; handlers to generate the appropriate navigational cues. ;; This isn't very streamy code. :-) I'm sure we can make it more ;; consistent with the stream-wiki style once it's working correctly. ;; Values in the lookup table are texi-node records. (Keys are ;; node-names.) (define-record texi-node name next prev up submenu depth) (define (print-node node out #!optional (prologue #f)) ;; print the @node line for the node, an optional prologue, and its ;; menu if any. (fprintf out "@node ~A, ~A, ~A, ~A~%" (texi-node-name node) (or (texi-node-next node) "(dir)") (or (texi-node-prev node) "(dir)") (or (texi-node-up node) "(dir)")) (when prologue (print prologue)) (let ((sub (texi-node-submenu node))) (unless (null? sub) (fprintf out "address@hidden") (for-each (lambda (sub) (fprintf out "* ~A::~%" sub)) (reverse sub)) (fprintf out "address@hidden menu~%")))) (define-record-printer (texi-node node out) (print-node node out #f)) (define (escape-texi-node-name s) ;; commas are not allowed in node names. What else? (string-translate* s '(("," . ";")))) (define texi-menu (let ((lookup (make-hash-table))) (compose (lambda (nodes) (values nodes lookup)) (accum-with-driver (texi-node-driver lookup))))) (define (texi-node-driver lookup) (lambda (register) (let ((last-at-depth (make-vector 10 #f)) (last-link #f)) (make-driver 'texi-node (constantly stream-null) ;; make header (lambda (name depth id) (let* ((sym (string->symbol (escape-texi-node-name (stream->string name)))) (up-node (and (positive? depth) (vector-ref last-at-depth (- depth 1)))) (this-node (make-texi-node sym #f #f (and up-node (texi-node-name up-node)) (list) depth))) ;; if a node by that name already exists, there are two possibilities: ;; there are two nodes of the same name in the wiki document (which is an error) ;; or a dummy node of that name was created by a "Next" link (see below) (let ((l (hash-table-ref/default lookup sym #f))) (if (and l (texi-node-name l)) ;; ;; Texinfo does not support two nodes with the same name ;; ;; This would break svnwiki's handling of sections anyway; ;; editing one may result in overwriting the other one). ;; (error 'texi-node-driver "two nodes cannot have the same name: " (stream->string name))) ;; use the next/prev link in the dummy node, if it was created (and l (cond ((texi-node-prev l) (texi-node-prev-set! this-node (texi-node-prev l))) ((texi-node-next l) (texi-node-next-set! this-node (texi-node-next l))))) ;; discard the dummy node and insert the real node in the table (hash-table-set! lookup sym this-node) (if (= 0 depth) (stream-for-each register (string->stream (format #f "* ~A::\n" (texi-node-name this-node))))) (if up-node (texi-node-submenu-set! up-node (cons sym (texi-node-submenu up-node)))) (let ((last-node (vector-ref last-at-depth depth))) (if last-node (begin (texi-node-next-set! last-node (texi-node-name this-node)) (texi-node-prev-set! this-node (texi-node-name last-node))))) (vector-set! last-at-depth depth this-node) stream-null))) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) ;; The text "Next: " or "Previous: ", followed by a link serves to ;; override the default prev/next nodes, respectively (lambda (x) (cond ((and (<= 6 (stream-length x)) (string=? "Next: " (stream->string (stream-take x 6)))) (begin (let ((up-node (vector-ref last-at-depth 0))) (if (and up-node last-link) (let ((texi-next last-link)) (texi-node-next-set! up-node texi-next) (let ((texi-next-node (hash-table-ref/default lookup texi-next #f))) (if texi-next-node (texi-node-prev-set! texi-next-node (texi-node-name up-node)) (let ((dummy-node (make-texi-node #f #f (texi-node-name up-node) #f #f #f))) (hash-table-set! lookup texi-next dummy-node)))))) stream-null))) ((and (<= 10 (stream-length x)) (string=? "Previous: " (stream->string (stream-take x 10)))) (begin (let ((up-node (vector-ref last-at-depth 0))) (if (and up-node last-link) (let ((texi-prev last-link)) (texi-node-prev-set! up-node texi-prev) (let ((texi-prev-node (hash-table-ref/default lookup texi-prev #f))) (if texi-prev-node (texi-node-next-set! texi-prev-node (texi-node-name up-node)) (let ((dummy-node (make-texi-node #f (texi-node-name up-node) #f #f #f #f))) (hash-table-set! lookup texi-prev dummy-node)))))) stream-null))) (else (begin (set! last-link #f) stream-null)))) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) ;; Local links named "Next" or "Previous" override the default ;; prev/next nodes in the Texinfo navigation menu (lambda (dst name) (let* ((link (stream->string (texi-link-target dst))) (url (uri link #f))) (if (not (and url (uri-scheme url))) (set! last-link (string->symbol (escape-texi-node-name (stream->string dst))))) (cond ((and url (uri-scheme url)) (values)) ((string=? (stream->string name) "Next") (let ((up-node (vector-ref last-at-depth 0))) (if up-node (let ((texi-next (string->symbol (escape-texi-node-name (stream->string name))))) (texi-node-next-set! up-node texi-next) (let ((texi-next-node (hash-table-ref/default lookup texi-next #f))) (if texi-next-node (texi-node-prev-set! texi-next-node (texi-node-name up-node)) (let ((dummy-node (make-texi-node #f #f (texi-node-name up-node) #f #f #f))) (hash-table-set! lookup texi-next dummy-node)))))))) ((string=? (stream->string name) "Previous") (let ((up-node (vector-ref last-at-depth 0))) (if up-node (let ((texi-prev (string->symbol (escape-texi-node-name (stream->string name))))) (texi-node-prev-set! up-node texi-prev) (let ((texi-prev-node (hash-table-ref/default lookup texi-prev #f))) (if texi-prev-node (texi-node-next-set! texi-prev-node (texi-node-name up-node)) (let ((dummy-node (make-texi-node #f (texi-node-name up-node) #f #f #f #f))) (hash-table-set! lookup texi-prev dummy-node))))))))) stream-null)) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) ;; toc (constantly stream-null) ;; special-char (lambda (x) (->stream-char (case x ((#\@ #\{ #\}) (stream #\@ x)) ((copyright) "(C)") ((reg) "(R)") ((left-arrow) "<-") ((right-arrow) "->") ((double-arrow) "<->") ((double-arrow-wide) "<=>") ((left-arrow-wide) "<=") ((right-arrow-wide) "=>") ((mdash) "---") ((ndash) "--") ((laquo) #\xab) ((raquo) #\xbb) (else (stream x))))) ;; tags (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) (constantly stream-null) ;; anchor (constantly stream-null)))))