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[Chicken-users] stack overflow esoterica

From: Brandon J. Van Every
Subject: [Chicken-users] stack overflow esoterica
Date: Mon, 22 Jan 2007 23:41:48 -0800
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20061207)

I'm contemplating how Chicken Scheme might be used on the Cell Broadband Engine architecture. The Cell BE is the CPU of the Sony Playstation3. I'm reading an article about various programming "gotchas" on the Cell BE:

Let's Try Recursion

* Write recursive SPE code that uses lots of stack variables
* No problem, the compiler will handle the stack for me...
* Gotcha!
--> No stack overflow protection...
--> Stack variables start over-writing data and eventually code!

So the general question, quite apart from the Cell BE, is how does Chicken handle a fixed stack size, and / or a fixed amount of memory for both instructions and data? I think each SPE (Synergistic Processing Element) on the Cell BE has 512K of memory IIRC.

Brandon Van Every

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