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Re: [Chicken-users] non-finalized object in SWIG

From: John Lenz
Subject: Re: [Chicken-users] non-finalized object in SWIG
Date: Tue, 06 Jun 2006 09:15:13 -0500
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20060521)

Daishi Kato wrote:
> To SWIG experts,
> My question is if it is possible to create
> an object that is not garbage collected.
> DISOWN can be specified to input typemaps,
> but can an object that is created by a constructor
> be DISOWNed?

Yes, if you pass an object that was originally created by a constructor
(and is marked for garbage collection), the DISOWN typemap will remove
it from the garbage collector.  The typemap basically just calls

> I would like to have sort of output typemaps with DISOWN.
> Note that I'm not yet used to SWIG, but it looks pretty nice.
> Daishi

Perhaps the easiest way would be to create a helper function:  something

%inline %{
Foo *makeFoo(...) {
  return new Foo(...);

SWIG assumes by default that pointers that are returned from functions
are not added for garbage collection.  You have to specifically add a
%newobject tag to functions when you want the return value to be
collected.  (Note that from SWIGs point of view, a constructor is just
another function, except that SWIG automatically adds the %newobject tag
to constructors)

You could play some games with the definition of this function on the
chicken/scheme side too, so the helper looks like the real constructor.
(define old-new-Foo new-Foo) (set! new-Foo makeFoo)


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