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Re: [CASHeW-s-editor-patches] To XMLs and XMLizable added....

From: Andrew John Hughes
Subject: Re: [CASHeW-s-editor-patches] To XMLs and XMLizable added....
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2005 17:14:46 +0000
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.6+20040907i

On Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 11:59:18AM -0000, Ravish Bhagdev wrote: > Hi,
> > I am attaching a patch.  I have added an interface XMLizable to
the Model subpackage and written toXML instead of toStrings in all the
models.  At the moment, the model is being saved in XML properly, what
remains to be done is parse it back and create the diagram objects
back from that...(patch attached) > > -Ravish

> _______________________________________________
> CASHeW-s-editor-patches mailing list
> address@hidden

I'm not sure how much of this actually made CVS.  Some of it ended up
in Diagram, but not in Node, and broke the build (myself and Roger just
commented out the offending line to get the build going again).
Please can you be careful to ensure that the tree still builds before
committing to CVS.

Also, I'd like to see more collaboration over the use of CVS.  There
seem to be lots of divergent versions of our CVS tree around.
To work on the project, one of us should be able to update, do the
job and commit.  I don't like the idea that code is festering on
local trees for long periods.

Andrew :-)

Please avoid sending me Microsoft Office (e.g. Word, PowerPoint) attachments.

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