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Encoding-named locale files in po_document

From: Rafael Fontenelle
Subject: Encoding-named locale files in po_document
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2023 09:04:45 -0300


Browsing the source code repository, I noticed that the po_document directory [1] has a few locale files named with their encoding, like 'pt_BR.us-ascii.po' and 'pl.iso-8859-2.po'. Most of these have a more up-to-date $lang.po (it means duplication), except for the Norwegian translation that only has 'no.us-ascii.po'.

My suggestion is to remove these encoding-named locale files, except for Norwegian, for the reasons below.

These encoding-named locale files seem to have a long history in the source code, but currently only the $lang.po files are being updated with the contributions by translators from the TranslationProject[2] (or elsewhere). This can be confirmed looking at the date/time of their 'PO-Revision-Date' field.

The existence of both $lang.po and $lang.$encoding.po causes both of them to be shipped in the source tarball and installed by distros. For instance, the texinfo package in Arch Linux [3] ships 2 pt_BR files for 'texinfo_document' Gettext domain:


I must point out that this is the only package in my distro that installs an encoding-named directory for locale files ('/usr/share/locale/$lang.$encoding/'). Of course this is not a big deal, but to eliminate this encoding-named locale files eliminate these one-file directories.

Here are the languages that have duplicated locales files:
- da (Danish)
- de (German)
- pl (Polish)
- pt (Portuguese)
- pt_BR (Brazilian Portuguese)

Regarding Norwegian, which is not duplicated, how about renaming it to 'no.po'? The only advantage I see is to not have an extra '/usr/share/locale/no.us-ascii/' just for this locale file.

[1] https://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/texinfo.git/tree/po_document
[2] https://translationproject.org/domain/texinfo_document.html
[3] https://archlinux.org/packages/core/x86_64/texinfo/files/

Best regards,
Rafael Fontenelle

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