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Re: [Bug-tar] [PATCH 1/2] tests: new test sparse04 for --sparse --posix

From: Eric Blake
Subject: Re: [Bug-tar] [PATCH 1/2] tests: new test sparse04 for --sparse --posix and long names
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 2010 08:08:12 -0700
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On 12/14/2010 06:53 AM, Kamil Dudka wrote:
> On Tue December 14 2010 14:36:56 Sergey Poznyakoff wrote:
>> Kamil Dudka <address@hidden> ha escrit:
>>> It's two weeks later and I can't see your patch in the upstream git repo
>>> at git://git.savannah.gnu.org/tar.git -- is it intentionally?
>> No, it is not.  The patch was pushed on November 27.  As you might know,
>> shortly afterwards Savannah experienced certain problems which resulted
>> in all repositories being rolled back to their state as of November 23.
>> Consequently, the changes were lost.  I have just pushed them again.
> I was aware of the outage, but not of the data lost.  Thanks for the re-push.

Technically, the data wasn't lost (thank goodness for distributed VCS!),
just that the savannah copy went backwards in time compared to other
copies of tar.git :)  Had we still been on CVS, then data really would
have been lost.

Eric Blake   address@hidden    +1-801-349-2682
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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