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Deleting partition deletes other empty partitions as well

From: Nathan Boettcher
Subject: Deleting partition deletes other empty partitions as well
Date: Tue, 14 Apr 2009 13:06:56 -0700


Sorry to have to email the list but the Trac submission form is rejecting my bug as spam.  The following are the details of the bug:

Description: Created and image with 3 partitions, all primary.  2nd partition is an empty partition (0 under fdisk).  Deleted 3rd partition using 'parted -s temp.dd rm 3'.  2nd partition (the empty one) was also deleted.  1st partition remains.

Expected outcome: partition 3 should be deleted without affecting any other partitions.

Actual outcome: partition 3 and any previous 'empty' partitions are deleted.

Nathan Boettcher

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