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Re: PATCH: fix gcc bug and big-endian issues for GPT

From: Richard Hirst
Subject: Re: PATCH: fix gcc bug and big-endian issues for GPT
Date: Sat, 6 Apr 2002 09:37:24 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.24i

On Sat, Apr 06, 2002 at 06:05:08PM +1000, Andrew Clausen wrote:
> On Fri, Apr 05, 2002 at 09:39:21AM +0100, Richard Hirst wrote:
> > 1. It wouldn't make the code work on big-endian machines.
> Why not?  I fixed the endianness issues independently.  Unless
> I missed something...

Whoa, I though we were discussing whether you would apply my patch to
the 1.4 release.  As I said, I havn't looked closely at the 1.6 code
yet.  From a quick look at 1.6 now, it does look like you have the
endian issues right.  So ignore my comments about producing a similar
patch for 1.6 - I'd wrongly assumed that the logic of the code was
basically the same.  1.4 needs my patch (or an equivalent) to get
big-endian and unique partition GUID byteorder right.

I can try 1.6 on my hppa box, to check it basically works on big-endian,
but until it displays and lets you change the flags (partition type
GUIDs) I can't test completely.

> Anyway, my main question was: "are these distro's going to be widely
> used with gpt tables?".

Most ia64 boxes are likely to use GPT, and RedHat and Debian will both
create GPT by default (although both allow MSDOS tables as well).  Don't
know about other distro's.


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