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Re: Two issue with Measure_grouping_engraver

From: James Lowe
Subject: Re: Two issue with Measure_grouping_engraver
Date: Sun, 5 Aug 2018 12:26:15 +0100
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On 05/08/18 08:38, James Lowe wrote:

On 03/08/18 16:03, Thomas Morley wrote:
2018-08-03 16:51 GMT+02:00 James Lowe <address@hidden>:

On 03/08/18 13:32, Thomas Morley wrote:

while playing with the Measure_grouping_engraver

I noticed two things which may qualify as bugs.

(1) A documentation issue

I tried to get MeasureGrouping in default 4/4-time, but nothing happened.
One has to set beatStructure and baseMoment accordingly. The current
docs make it sound it should work out of the box, though.

\version "2.19.82"

\new Staff \with { \consists "Measure_grouping_engraver" }
        %% to get MeasureGrouping, next two lines need to be uncommented
      %\set Timing.beatStructure = 4,4
      %\set Score.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/8)
      \repeat unfold 8 a'8

Is this just a documentation issue though?

*should* it work out of the box (to use your phrase) and so documentation is
correct and the bug is in the code?

We don't document bugs after all.

Hi James,

this is not a bug in the code, afaik.

But the functionality of MeasureGrouping relies on appropriate
settings for beatStructure and baseMoment.
This should be documented, that's all.

I don't know how this cannot be a bug in the code or perhaps I don't understand how this should work but giving an example for 4/4 with the one example doesn't help anyone either.

For instance in an attempt to edit the existing snippet, I played about with different \time settings to see if I could show the differences - it's always good to show a negative before showing a positive I find.

Why would using using \time values of 6/8, 5/8, 4/8 engrave something (triangles) and 3/8 not?

Playing about with the form

\score {
  \time X/Y
  \repeat unfold 16 a'4
  \layout {
    \context {
      \consists "Measure_grouping_engraver"

Where X and Y change I cannot figure out why I get some engraving with some values and not other

I've attached a screenshot of some random output values.

Why do I get something for 4/8 and not 7/8 is it because of the value of the note and how we define a group? I cannot work out the logic to it.

So explaining it for 4/4 makes no sense in that there has to be something more fundamental in the explanation or it is a bug.

Can you or anyone help?


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