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intent bug on line start

From: bb
Subject: intent bug on line start
Date: Fri, 18 Aug 2017 12:23:25 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64; rv:52.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/52.2.1

indent = 0\mm
activated the first bar will be wrong, as the first notes of voice one
and two align. They should not becauser of r8 (\voiceOne ) and r16
(\voiceTwo ) in front.
Without, say
% indent = 0\mm
commented out the layout is correct.

Regards BB


\version "2.18.2"

\paper {
This is  the eval line!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
%indent = 0\mm

 one =
    { \voiceOne
      \relative c''{
  r8 a16 d f a, d f r8  a,16 d f a, d f |
  r8 g,16 d' f g, d' f r8  g,16 d' f g, d' f |
    r8 g,16 c e g, c e r8  g,16 c e g, c e |
two =
    { \voiceTwo
       \relative c'{
       r16 d8. (d4) r16 d8.(d4) |
    r16 d8. (d4) r16 d8.(d4) |
    r16 e8. (e4) r16 e8.(e4) |
    Notation = \simultaneous { %% Combine both parts for notation
\time 4/4
<< \context Voice=VoiceA \one >>
<< \context Voice=VoiceB \keepWithTag #'bassnotes \two

\score {
\context StaffGroup {
  \override Score.BarNumber.break-visibility = #'#(#t #t #t)
\set Score.currentBarNumber = #2
% Permit first bar number to be printed
\bar ""
\simultaneous {
<< \context Staff=FullNotation \Notation >>

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