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Re: DOC NR 1.6.3 - quoting other voices (german doc) and formatiing cue

From: Werner
Subject: Re: DOC NR 1.6.3 - quoting other voices (german doc) and formatiing cue notes (english)
Date: Wed, 7 Dec 2011 11:18:21 +0000 (UTC)
User-agent: Loom/3.14 (http://gmane.org/)

> Can you provide your request in English, please? Thanks!

Because my comment concerns only the german version of NR, I think its not 
useful to provide it in english. (Perhaps there is another place than 
to post that, but I don't know, where.)

But by the way:

In the given examples i miss some very easy example without defining \addQuote 
and quoting!

I often need cue notes just to print alternetive notes for players, who cannot 
play a very high or very low tone. Or I need cue note to give an ad.lib. figure.

Not for quoting other voices! 

(At least in german the word „Stichnote“ stands for such quoting cue notes AND 
for alternative notes as i mentioned.)

In the following lilypond file I give some snippets - maybe some of that could 
be added to the doc. (I wrote about that already 2009-07-27 11:05:29 GMT on 

There are two questions about possible buggy behavior in it too.

\version "2.13.47"
\header {
        title = "cue notes / Stichnoten"
        tagline = ##f

\paper {
        #(set-paper-size "a4")
        top-margin = 0.85\cm
        bottom-margin = 0.85\cm
        left-margin = 1.1\cm
        right-margin = 1.1\cm 
        ragged-last-bottom = ##t

#(set-global-staff-size 21)

\include "deutsch.ly"

% One can obtain cue notes starting a cue voice:
% (using polyphony with << {} \\ {} >> see NR 1.5.2 “The double 
% backslash construct”)

\clef G
\relative c''
{ \times 2/3 {g4 g g } \times 2/3 {a4 a a} | 
\times 2/3 {b4 b b} \times 2/3 {cis4 d e} | 
a,1 | << \new CueVoice { r8 a \noBeam h-^ a c-^ a \noBeam cis-^ a | 
d2 c~ | c2 es4 d | } \\ { r1 | d1~ | d2 c4 b | } >>
a2 g2~ | g2. r4 | }

% (Warning: the CueVoice behaves like OneVoice also in the \\ polyphony 
% context. Therefore add stemDirection.)

% Accent to far away from notehead!!!

\clef G
\relative c''
{ \times 2/3 {g4 g g } \times 2/3 {a4 a a} | 
\times 2/3 {b4 b b} \times 2/3 {cis4 d e} | 
a,1 | << \new CueVoice { \stemUp { r8 a \noBeam h-> a c-^ a \noBeam cis-^ a | 
d2 c~ | c2 es4 d | }} \\ { d,1 \rest | d'1~ | d2 c4 b | } >>
a2 g2~ | g2. r4 | }

% (Alternatives can also be given as ossia, see “ossia”.)

% Often cue-notes are given as alternative to other notes or to rests. 

% (Also cue notes often are added to rests in one voice quoting other 
% voices, to find the start after the rests, about quoting see section 
% “quoting other voices”). 
% Examples for alternative lower notes:

\clef G
\relative c'
{ h'2 a4 g | c2 d4 e | << { f2 g4 f } \\ \new CueVoice { e4 d e f } >> |  
e2 r | }

% strange long stems (to my taste): 

\clef G
\relative c''
{ h'2 a4 g | c2 d4 e | << { f2 g4 f } \\ \new CueVoice { e4 d e f } >> |  
e2 r | }

\clef "F"
\relative c, 
{ es4 es' << {es'4 d8 d~ | d4 f cis8 a f es | d4 c' c h8 b~ | b1 | } \\ 
\new CueVoice { \stemDown es,4 d8 d~ | d4 f cis8 a f es | d4 c' c h8 b~ | 
b1 | \stemNeutral } >> r4 r8 b' a4. g8 | f4 es8 d~ d2 | }

% Example for alternative higher notes:

\clef F
\relative c 
{ es4 es <<\new CueVoice { \stemUp es } \\ es, >> es' | c g' c,2 
c g' c,2 } 

% or

\clef F
\relative c 
{ <<\new CueVoice { s4 s \stemUp es s} \\ { es es es, es' } >> | 
c g' c,2 } 

% strange accidentals:
% I think one b in one voice in one bar would 
% be enough, if needed, one gets another one with es! or es?

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