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Re: Issue 1752 in lilypond: redesigning G clef in our Feta font

From: lilypond
Subject: Re: Issue 1752 in lilypond: redesigning G clef in our Feta font
Date: Mon, 11 Jul 2011 18:35:10 +0000

Comment #13 on issue 1752 by percival.music.ca: redesigning G clef in our Feta font

Unless absolutely every single person prefers the new clef, I have serious concerns about changing it. This sounds like a Critical regression to me.

It would be nice if somebody (not necessarily you) could spend at least 30 minutes looking at the Gonville font switching. I mean, if we can switch the entire font to use an otf font, then surely it should only be a few lines of scheme to switch the entire set of fonts to a metafont solution!

If somebody can give a solid technical reason why this not possible, then ok, we can discuss changing the clef even if some people don't like it. But unless there's a solid technical reason why we can't support an alternate metafont font, then I think we should do this, and let users choose the old font if the prefer.

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