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Repeated embedded fonts in PDF documentation

From: Nick Payne
Subject: Repeated embedded fonts in PDF documentation
Date: Thu, 24 Mar 2011 14:42:35 +1100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux x86_64; en-US; rv: Gecko/20110223 Lightning/1.0b2 Thunderbird/3.1.8

When I look at the metadata for the PDF versions of the documentation, it shows hundreds and hundreds of embedded fonts. Or more correctly, it shows subsets of the same fonts embedded, in some cases, hundreds of times over.

For example, open the 2.13.55 NR in Adobe Reader, and go to the Fonts tab of the document properties. It takes about 15 or 20 seconds for acroread to enumerate all the embedded fonts and fill the list box, and if you scroll down you can see that some fonts, such as DejaVuSans and Emmentaler, have subsets embedded many many times over.

If I open the one of the manuals in Acrobat (full version) and select the Reduce File Size option from the Document menu, which consolidates fonts, then when that eventually finishes - depending on file size, it can take many hours to complete - I find that the size of the PDF file has been reduced by 40-50%.

The number of duplicate font subsets has skyrocketed at some point during the 2.13 development process. Every few subversions I make myself a PDF portfolio of the PDF docs, and I normally run a Reduce File Size on the individual PDF docs first, as that reduces the size of the portfolio from ~50Mb to ~30Mb. This used to take around 20-30 minutes to process all the English PDF docs, but it now takes about an hour for the docs excluding the NR, and many hours for the NR alone, and nearly all the processing time is spent in consolidating duplicate fonts.

Without knowing what mechanism is used for producing the PDF docs, I wonder if *not* subsetting fonts would produce smaller documentation files, as there would then be no need to include hundreds of different subsets of the same font.


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