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Issue 928 in lilypond: `Dynamics' items aren't vertically centered

From: lilypond
Subject: Issue 928 in lilypond: `Dynamics' items aren't vertically centered
Date: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 08:13:18 +0000

Status: Accepted
Owner: lemzwerg
Labels: Type-Defect Priority-Medium

New issue 928 by lemzwerg: `Dynamics' items aren't vertically centered

% git version cd13e633

\version "2.13.9"

\header { texidoc = "
  Items in a @code{Dynamics} context should be vertically centered.

  Here is a counterexample.
" }

  \new Voice \relative {
    c1 | c1 | c1

  \new Dynamics {
\override TextSpanner #'(bound-details left text) = "rit."
    s1\f | s1\startTextSpan | s1\stopTextSpan

  \new Voice \relative {
    c1 | c1 | c1


        dynamics-textspanner.png  4.7 KB

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