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Re: wrong transposition of horn

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: Re: wrong transposition of horn
Date: Sun, 26 Sep 2004 11:05:23 +0200 (CEST)

> > What I want is that a new property is added:
> > 
> >   \set Voice.transposeClefs = #'(treble . 0    % as-is, default
> >                                  bass   . -7)  % octave down
> >   \transpose f c' \sounding
> > 
> > This should then yield the same result as \notated.
> The amount of tuning that is possible with clefs is already over the
> top: you can set octavation by appending _8 or ^8, you can edit
> scm/clef.scm and add "oldbassclef" clef types, and you can define a
>       oldClef = {
>               \set Staff.clefGlyph = #"clefs-F"
>               \set Staff.clefPosition = #2
>               \set Staff.middleCPosition = #-1
>       }
> why would I want to add another layer?  If possible I can add
> another option to clef.scm to suppress printing of the 8 on the
> clef.

Sigh.  It seems that I'm not able to write what I really want.
Another try.  I know that I can tune the clefs, but this isn't my
problem.  Please concentrate on the process of transposing!  All music
I enter in LilyPond is written as it sounds, including Horn (so I
basically write Horn in C).  This is fine for the full score, and
indeed almost all full scores from today are scores in C.  For
creating the horn parts, I use

  \transpose f c'

to get a horn part in F, and here is the problem: Horn parts converted
to bass clef are written a fifth higher, but according to the
classical rules it should be a fourth lower.  My suggested property
controls \transpose, not the clefs: Notes found in bass clef should be
transposed an octave down additionally.


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