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Re: Suggestion about print page number on first page

From: Pedro Kroger
Subject: Re: Suggestion about print page number on first page
Date: Wed, 22 Sep 2004 18:00:42 -0300
User-agent: Gnus/5.1006 (Gnus v5.10.6) Emacs/21.3.50 (gnu/linux)

Jefferson dos Santos Felix <address@hidden> writes:
> I used lilypond 2.3.13 with parts of 2.3.12 page-layout.scm file,
> because I use page number on first page of music, when the first page
> number is different than 1, but you think this is a bug! (I'm creating
> a music book with separated .ly files, where the first music page is
> not page 1; the first pages are text). My suggestion is to create a
> boolean variable (can be printfirstpagenumber, but it songs too long!)
> that control this. When a user wish to print page number on first
> page, when the first page is not 1, just set printfirstpagenumber to
> ##t.

it's added to cvs. if printfirstpagenumber is set to ##t it will print
the page number in the first page.

> Well, I don't know if lilypond-book should be better for my case, but
> I don't know how to use this program! By the way, it's only a
> suggestion!

if you need more flexibility, probably lilypond-book is for you.


Pedro Kroger

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