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[Bug-kawa] Attention, this one grows fast

From: barnstorm
Subject: [Bug-kawa] Attention, this one grows fast
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 20:13:39 -0400

Cyb erhand Tech, Inc (CYH D)

S tock Rada r Presents
Get ready! CYH D continues.
Don't you dare take your eyes off this one to morrow morning.
C u r r e n t p rice: 0.01
When this stoc k moves. W atch out.

Ne ws: 
F SBO media holdings enters into marketing and video production agreement to 
produce video-spectus 'TM' For Cyberh and Te chnologies, Inc

FS BO Medi a Holding s, Inc. announced that it has entered into a m arketing 
and production agreement with Cyberh and Techn ologies, Inc. (CYH D - N ews) 
Cyberhan d focuses on Aerospace Weapon Systems{S/!} that provide the world's 
fastest controllers and most accurate target acquisition, generating the b e s 
t field results, as well as innovative wireless ergonomic produ cts for private 
and military purposes.

The Video-Spectus(TM) is designed to complement the current written or static 
methods of information currently distributed through internet, new swires and 
compnay w e b s i t e s. It will also assist the compan y in mar keting its 
products, services or technologies. The Video-Spectus(TM) provides the viewer 
with an up close and personal look at the c ompany by having its officers or 
compan y spokesperson describe its mission, comp any achievements or prospects 
in a professionally produced TV-like infomercial. Ivnestor and Public Relation 
firms will also share in the benefit s that the Video-Spectus(TM) provides by 
pointing shareholders and clients to the compan y's website. FS BO Web TV 
utilizes state-of-the-art virtual set technology, which allows the 
multi-million d ollar studio look at a fraction of the pri ce. Dynamic tracking 
shots and corporate or hi-tech settings are the norm, not add-ons.

Bob Pianka, President of FS BO TV, Inc. said, "Our Video-Spectus(TM) 
infomercial has become a leading income generator for our compnay. Companies 
and IRPR firms are quickly recognizing the power of video to get their inve 
stor relations and n e w prod uct launch info rmation in front of our very 
targeted audiences. In addition to producing the video itself, we then put the 
co mpany's Video-Spectus(TM) where it will be seen by thousands of potential 
invsetors every day." FSBO Media Holdings Inc., is a multimedia mark eting 
conglomerate that provides a vast array of services, from real estate mark 
eting services to media exposure and distribution. FS BO Media Holdings is a 
diversified c ompany consisting of both hard assets as well as media properties 
used to promote and create strong branding programs for these assets. FS BO 
Media also works with outside companies, both public and private, with an array 
of mark eting, media and branding services.

The examples above show the awesome, earning potential of little known 
companies that explode onto inve stor's r a d a r screens; many of you are 
already familiar with this. Is C YHD poised and positioned to do that for you? 
then you may feel the time has come to act... And please w a t c h 
this one t rade tomorrow! Go C YHD.

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