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Re: [bug-gsrc] Fwd: guile-ncurses

From: Mike Gran
Subject: Re: [bug-gsrc] Fwd: guile-ncurses
Date: Mon, 9 May 2016 19:14:28 +0000 (UTC)

> On Monday, May 9, 2016 1:21 AM, Brandon Invergo <address@hidden> wrote:
> > On Mon, 2016-05-09 at 00:21 -0700, carl hansen wrote:
>>  Is your RSA key registered somewhere on the internet , or something?
>>  Maybe someone else knows what's supposed to happen.
> Yes, the problem is that the key hasn't been uploaded to a public
> keyserver (only uploading to one server is necessary; the keys get
> mirrored between them).  Otherwise, the maintainer should make his
> public key available somewhere else, in which case we'd have to
> download it manually, which is a bit of a pain to automate for just one
With respect to GPG keys, I did what the GNU Maintainer Guide
(https://www.gnu.org/prep/maintain/maintain.txt) told me to do, which
is to upload it to Savannah.  The guide says...

  2. In the 'My Account Conf' page on 'savannah', upload the GPG key (in
  ASCII-armored format) that you will use to sign your packages.  If
  you haven't created one before, you can do so with the command 'gpg
  --gen-key' (you can accept and/or confirm the default answers to
  its questions).  Then, to get the ASCII-armored version, run 'gpg
  --export --armor YOUR_KEY_ID'."

But it also lists the following step, which maybe is what you guys
are talking about.  I didn't to it because it says it is optional

  Optional but recommended: Send your key to a GPG public key server:
  'gpg --keyserver keys.gnupg.net --send-keys KEYID', where KEYID is
  the eight hex digits reported by 'gpg --list-public-keys' on the
  'pub' line before the date.  For full information about GPG, see

So is that not optional then?

-Mike Gran

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