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bug#21865: Parenthesis subexpressions

From: Valerio Bozzolan
Subject: bug#21865: Parenthesis subexpressions
Date: Mon, 09 Nov 2015 17:03:39 +0100
User-agent: K-9 Mail for Android

Thanks for agreeing with the evolution of the meaning of "-o".

Just to make you a laugh: I was reproducing egrep with $BASH_REMATCH:

Definitely not beautiful... but really effective for me.

So something like "egrep -o $n regex" also can save the world from code similar 
to mine.

On 9 November 2015 14:50:46 CET, Stephane Chazelas <address@hidden> wrote:
>2015-11-08 21:49:03 +0100, Valerio Bozzolan:
>> Sorry... typo...
>>     echo abcde | grep -o -E 'b([a-z])d'
>>     => "bcd"
>> Can't I choose to have only "c"?
>That's correct, GNU grep doesn't have that capability (yet).
>Recent versions of pcregrep do:
>$ echo abc | pcregrep -o1 '.(.).'
>Now, I'm not a GNU grep maintainer but I suppose the question is
>how far do we want to take grep away from its original purpose
>(print the lines that match a pattern which is what g/re/p
>stands for).
>GNU grep is already doing find's job with -r, part of sed's job
>with -o/--colour.
>Having said that, I do agree it's the logical continuation after
>Note that for now, you can already do:
>$ echo abcde | grep -o -P 'b\K[a-z](?=d)'

Valerio Bozzolan
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