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grep -i '[A-Z]' finds only lower case

From: Matthias . Muth
Subject: grep -i '[A-Z]' finds only lower case
Date: Tue, 23 Feb 2010 13:50:15 +0100

I have entered this bug description into the grep bug list at savannah.gnu.org:

I have installed grep 2.5.4-2 as a part of a recent upgrade of my Cygwin 
I now have problems with some scripts that use 'grep -i' with a character class 
It seems that the -i switch switches character class patterns to lower case 
instead of ignoring case.

(Using grep 2.5.4-2 on Cygwin.)
[Addition: grep 2.5.4-1 has the same problem.]

# Create a test data file containing one upper case and one lower case data 
echo "abc" > data
echo "ABC" >> data

# A fixed uppercase pattern
# should return the upper case line only:
echo "Test 1: expect ABC"
grep 'ABC' data

# Using a pattern with a character class containing
# upper case letters should return the same result:
echo "Test 2: expect ABC"
grep 'A[B]C' data

# Adding a '-i' to the first test run (fixed pattern)
# should return both upper case and lower case lines:
echo "Test 2: expect abc ABC"
grep -i 'ABC' data

# Adding a '-i' to the second test run (character class pattern)
# should also return both upper case and lower case lines:
echo "expect abc ABC"
grep -i 'A[B]C' data

Does this only not work for me or can anyone reproduce this problem?

Thanks for your support!
Best regards,

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