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[bug #29762] [Gorm][WinUX

From: Lars Sonchocky-Helldorf
Subject: [bug #29762] [Gorm][WinUX
Date: Mon, 03 May 2010 23:09:02 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_5_8; de-de) AppleWebKit/533.8+ (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.5 Safari/531.22.7


                 Summary: [Gorm][WinUX
                 Project: GNUstep
            Submitted by: iooi
            Submitted on: Di 04 Mai 2010 01:09:02 CEST
                Category: Gorm
                Severity: 3 - Normal
              Item Group: Bug
                  Status: None
                 Privacy: Public
             Assigned to: None
             Open/Closed: Open
         Discussion Lock: Any



The "Hide" functionality of Gorm is broken in a subtle way when using the
WinUXTheme on Windows XP

steps to reproduce

* freshly install GNUstep on Windows XP using 
* set the GNUstep theme to WinUXTheme during installation
* install Gorm from SVN
* launch Gorm (openapp Gorm)
* choose the "Document > New Application" menu 
-> the windows "Untitled-1", "My Window" and "Main Menu" appear. See attached
* choose the "Gorm > Hide" menu 
-> the windows "Untitled-1", "My Window" and "Main Menu" hide into a single
button "Untitled-1" in the Windows XP taskbar. See attached
* click on the button "Untitled-1" in the Windows XP taskbar
-> only the window "Untitled-1" is restored, but a button "My Window" appears
in the Windows XP taskbar. See attached Gorm-hide_bug-3.png
-> clicking on that button "My Window" toggles the button but the window "My
Window" doesn't appear again. See attached Gorm-hide_bug-4.png
-> the window "Main Menu" can be opened again by double clicking on "NSMenu"
in "Untitled-1"
-> the window "My Window" can't be opened again by double clicking on "My
Window" in "Untitled-1"
-> this doesn't happen always as it seems but in about 2/3 of all tries.
-> when you get two buttons for "Untitled-1" and "My Window" in the taskbar
on "Hide" then "My Window" can be restored. It might happen again if Gorm is
relaunched or "Document > New Application" is choosen again.
-> Once you "lost" "My Window" saving and reopening doesn't help, the window
"My Window" remains lost, see attached "Test.zip" of a Gorm "Test.gorm" broken
this way.
-> That behaviour seems to go away once you install SystemPreferences from
SVN and toggle back and forth between the "GNUstep theme" and the "WinUXTheme"
several times. It seems to happen far less frequently when the "GNUstep" theme
is active.


File Attachments:

Date: Di 04 Mai 2010 01:09:02 CEST  Name: Gorm-hide_bug-1.png  Size: 177kB  
By: iooi

Date: Di 04 Mai 2010 01:09:02 CEST  Name: Gorm-hide_bug-2.png  Size: 156kB  
By: iooi



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