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[bug #28158] NSMutableDictionary is broken for lookup using GSUnicodeInl

From: Doug Simons
Subject: [bug #28158] NSMutableDictionary is broken for lookup using GSUnicodeInlineString key
Date: Fri, 04 Dec 2009 17:25:15 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; Intel Mac OS X 10_6_2; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.8 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Safari/531.21.10

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #28158 (project gnustep):

Whatever you changed seemed to fix one of my tests, but it's still broken. It
appears that this GSUnicodeInlineString's _contents.c are incorrect, so it
doesn't compare as equal to the other string.

Stepping through in gdb, at line 2161 in GSString.m I see this:

(gdb) po [anObject class]
(gdb) p (GSUnicodeInlineString *)anObject
$6 = (class GSUnicodeInlineString *) 0x8417748
(gdb) p *$6
$7 = {{{{{isa = 0xb7d7f720}}, _contents = {u = 0x8417758, c = 0x8417758 "c"},
_count = 3, _flags = {wide = 1, 
        owned = 1, unused = 0, hash = 111128}}}}
(gdb) p $6._contents.c
$8 = (unsigned char *) 0x8417758 "c"
(gdb) p *self
$9 = {{{{isa = 0xb7d7fb40}}, _contents = {u = 0x8417688, c = 0x8417688
"cat"}, _count = 3, _flags = {wide = 0, 
      owned = 1, unused = 0, hash = 111128}}}


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