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[bug #25064] seg.fault on FT_New_Size when using art back

From: Mauro Panigada
Subject: [bug #25064] seg.fault on FT_New_Size when using art back
Date: Thu, 11 Dec 2008 00:12:46 +0000
User-agent: Opera/9.62 (X11; Linux i686; U; en) Presto/2.1.1

Follow-up Comment #2, bug #25064 (project gnustep):

the freetype lib has 6.3.16 (system is GNU/Linux mandriva 2008.0, but after
this bug, I've updated freetype, cairo, xft, glibc and some more thing I can't
remember ---it did it automatically---, from mandriva 2008.1); but .la file

# Version information for libfreetype.

is this an issue? (current!=6 ?i suppose i should study better what that
numbers exactly mean for libtool)

all the output is almost nothing (see attached file); I suppose XIM is not an

Since the previous post, I've did some more test and noticed that even though
cairo backend works, it seems not to compute rightly something and the lower
part of the window is a dark stripe (to me, it seems it does not consider the
title bar, but shouldn't this be a window manager task?)

As last resort I've tried the xlib backend, and it both works and (until
now:D) has no graphical issue (but I had a seg. fault testing one of the app
in the gnustep-example package)

One thing per step. The application is rather small, as said before I've
taken it from gnustep.it, but I attach it too and another app source I've
tried and that rise the same problem (access the alert using NSAlert)

(file #17024, file #17025, file #17026)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: reportcmd.txt                  Size:0 KB
File name: gnustepalert.m                 Size:0 KB
File name: mbox.m                         Size:0 KB


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