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NSTimer userInfo

From: Tamas Mahr
Subject: NSTimer userInfo
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2006 22:40:11 +0200

Dear GNUstep developers,

The documentation of the + (NSTimer*) scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval: (NSTimeInterval)ti target: (id)object selector: (SEL)selector userInfo: (id)info repeats: (BOOL)f; method in the NSTimer class says: "On firing, the target object will be sent a message specified by selector and with the object info as an argument. "

What actually happens is that the argument sent to the target with the selector is the NSTimer object itself instead of the userInfo object. I am not sure if this is a documentation bug or a bug in the code, nevertheless the documentation and the code is inconsistent.

Oh, yes: I have make and base version 1.13.0 from source on a Fedora Core 5 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 and I am reading the online documentation. :)

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Tamas Mahr    |    Almende BV,  Westerstraat 50, 3016DJ Rotterdam
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