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Re: Problem with NSProcessInfo (?)

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: Problem with NSProcessInfo (?)
Date: Tue, 20 May 2003 11:56:49 -0600

On Tuesday, May 20, 2003, at 11:18 AM, Chris B. Vetter wrote:

On Mon, 19 May 2003 19:18:35 -0600
Adam Fedor <fedor@doc.com> wrote:
Does your +load method have any Objective-C code in it? Any
Objective-C code could trigger an +initialize call, which might
eventually lead to calling +[NSProcessInfo initialize] before the
internal veriables have been set up.

I've played around a bit (using gcc32, no gcc33 here), if +load
- is completely empty, it works
- only has plain C code, it works
- has any kind of ObjC code, even a simple NSLog(@"foo"), it fails.

Yes. That's exactly what I would expect. +load methods should not have any ObjC code in them.

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