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[Bug #3577] EODatabaseDataSource doesn't create fetchSpecification on in

From: nobody
Subject: [Bug #3577] EODatabaseDataSource doesn't create fetchSpecification on init
Date: Tue, 13 May 2003 16:30:45 -0400

=================== BUG #3577: FULL BUG SNAPSHOT ===================

Submitted by: dlatt                   Project: GNUstep                      
Submitted on: Tue 05/13/03 at 22:30
Category:  gdl2                       Severity:  5 - Major                  
Bug Group:  Bug                       Resolution:  None                     
Assigned to:  None                    Status:  Open                         

Summary:  EODatabaseDataSource doesn't create fetchSpecification on init

Original Submission:  the method -initWithEditingContext: entityName: 
fetchSpecificationName: should create a fetchSpecification that fetches all 
entities if a name of nil is specified.  It doesn't do this, so a call to 
-entity later will fail, because it gets the entity name from the entry in the 

A feeble patch attempt is attached.

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File Attachments

Date: Tue 05/13/03 at 22:30  Name: x.  Size: 0KB   By: dlatt
naive patch attempt

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