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[GDL2]setting relationship properties in EOEntity doesn't work

From: Dirk Lattermann
Subject: [GDL2]setting relationship properties in EOEntity doesn't work
Date: Sun, 4 May 2003 18:28:49 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i


don't know if this is a bug or if I'm missing something:

I'm creating an EOEntity programmatically (using
[EOEntity new]. Then, I add some Attributes and a Relationship
(- addAttribute:, -addRelationship:). This works so far.

If I now add these attributes and relationship to an Array and call
-setClassProperties:, only the attributes are included as properties.

The test isValidClassProperty: in EOEntity seems to fail because the
method -relationshipsByName returns nil, probably because the flag
_flags.relationshipsIsLazy isn't set when creating an EOEntity

If I save the EOModel without the properties to a file
(-writeToFile) and later don't create everything programmatically
but using (-initWithContentsOfFile), I can add the relationship as
class property.

Is it ok to create an EOEntity with [EOEntity new]?

Thanks and hope this helps,
Dirk Lattermann

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