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Re: [semi-PATCH] menu title bar sizing & menu close button

From: Willem Rein Oudshoorn
Subject: Re: [semi-PATCH] menu title bar sizing & menu close button
Date: 15 Mar 2003 17:13:29 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Serg Stoyan <stoyan@on.com.ua> writes:

> Hello Willem,
> After few hours here is an updated patch to NSMenuView. Some explanations:
> sizeToFit issues:
>   - made first attempt to cleanup the method;
>   - 15 extra pixels (for close button) added only for submenus;
>   - extra _horizontalEdgePad removed;


> close button issues:
>   - created and implemented CloseButton class;
>   - override acceptsFirstResponder and return NO to avoid drawing dotted
>     rectangle;

I renamed the class to GSCloseButton.  In my opinion CloseButton
is too generic a name and all classes inte base library should have
prefix NS or GS.

> PS: I don't resend images that i've sent in previous mail. I can send it
> anytime.

I got the images.  Now the weird thing is that I can see them just fine 
in emacs.  But when I try to open them in gimp, or use them in GNUstep
it leads to crashes.  The error is:

        Compression algorithme does not report random access

Do you know what can cause this?

If you can send the images in an uncompressed form, please.

I will combine this with some suggestions of Michael Hanni into
one patch with the appropriate ChangeLog entries.

(I do not have CVS write rights so I can not commit them.)

Wim Oudshoorn.

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