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Re: distant object introspection doesn't work

From: Richard Frith-Macdonald
Subject: Re: distant object introspection doesn't work
Date: Mon, 19 Aug 2002 11:36:31 +0100

On Sunday, August 18, 2002, at 04:05 PM, Benjamin S Um wrote:

I am passing an NSMutableDictionary as an argument to an NSProxy:

myProxy=[myConnection rootProxy];
[myProxy someMessage:someArgument];

someArgument is an NSMutableDictionary and when I try to use introspection
to determine the classes of keyed objects within the dictionary I have
problems using the return value from isKindOfClass for a conditional

if ([[someArguement objectForKey:@"myNSArray"] isKindOfClass:[NSArray
class]) .....;

It seems that some objects keyed in the dictionary are being represented
as a "distant object". Does introspection not work with distant objects.
The following statement outputs something like {Distant Object 12213123}

NSLog([[someArgument objectForKey:@"myNSArray"] description]);


Thanks ... this should be fixed in CVS now.

At the time when NSProxy was implemented, the behavior of many methods was undocumented. Now the MacOS-X documentation covers more methods, and makes it clear that -isKindOfClass: should be forwarded to the remote object (though
-class apparently should not).

Sorry it took a while, but I wanted to document NSProxy and correct the
regression tests too.

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