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Re: fonts and mostCompatibleEncodig

From: Serg Stoyan
Subject: Re: fonts and mostCompatibleEncodig
Date: Tue, 16 Apr 2002 14:40:01 +0300
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.16i

Hello, Sir Raorn.

 SR> Here it is. I don't know how, but i got koi8-1 enc-reg pair
 SR> for font -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-p-*-koi8-r.
 SR> Maybe something wrong with my fontserver? But talked to other
 SR> russian people using GNUstep I've figured that they have the
 SR> same problem. Here is the patch ("dirty hack" is better name
 SR> I think) for [+GSFontInfo encodingForRegistry: encoding:].

  The problem not in fontserver nor in gnustep. This is font problem.
  Even if you have such string in your fonts.dir or fonts.alias:

  helv12.pcf  -*-helvetica-medium-r-normal--12-*-*-*-p-*-koi8-r

  and inside the font file helv12.pcf exist such string:


  GSFontInfo returns koi8-1 enc-reg pair. So this is a font problem.
 SR> +  return NSKOI8RStringEncoding;
 SR> +      else if ([encoding isEqualToString: @"u"])

  I guess here better replace NSKOI8REncodingString with
  NSKOI8UEncodingString, but there is no such encoding in the GNUstep yet.
  There is sense to add one because of some differences between KOI8-R
  and KOI8-U encodings. Moreover, iconv() doesn't not works correctly
  while converting KOI8-U text with KOI8-R scheme. What about adding
  KOI8-U encoding? I guess a few strings:

  {NSKOIURStringEncoding, "NSKOI8UStringEncoding","KOI8-U",0,0},

  into Unicode.m file

  NSKOIURStringEncoding = 38,

  NSKOIURStringEncoding = 46,

  into NSString.h file, must be added. I can make the patch as well.

Serg Stoyan

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