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Re: Include *Info.plist in bundle.make

From: Adam Fedor
Subject: Re: Include *Info.plist in bundle.make
Date: Sat, 03 Nov 2001 16:36:52 -0700
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux ppc; en-US; rv:0.9.4) Gecko/20010915

I added this. Thanks.

Stefan Urbanek wrote:


In bundle.make there is around line 251:

# GNUstep bundles
$(BUNDLE_DIR_NAME)/Resources/Info-gnustep.plist: $(BUNDLE_DIR_NAME)/Resources
        @(echo "{"; echo '  NOTE = "Automatically generated, do not edit!";'; \
          echo "  NSExecutable = 
\"$(INTERNAL_bundle_NAME)${BUNDLE_OBJ_EXT}\";"; \
          if [ "$(MAIN_MODEL_FILE)" = "" ]; then \
            echo "  NSMainNibFile = \"\";"; \
          else \
            echo "  NSMainNibFile = \"$(subst .gmodel,,$(subst .gorm,,$(subst
.nib,,$(MAIN_MODEL_FILE))))\";"; \
          fi; \
          echo "  NSPrincipalClass = \"$(PRINCIPAL_CLASS)\";"; \
          echo "}") >$@

This has to be added to include *Info.plist (same as in application.make):

          @if [ -r "$(INTERNAL_bundle_NAME)Info.plist" ]; then \
            plmerge $@ $(INTERNAL_bundle_NAME)Info.plist; \

Adam Fedor, Digital Optics            | Fudd's law of opposition: Push
fedor@doc.com  http://www.doc.com     | something hard enough, and it
fedor@gnu.org  http://www.gnustep.org | will fall over.

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