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Re: [Bug-gnupod] mounting vfat case-sensitive

From: Adrian Ulrich
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnupod] mounting vfat case-sensitive
Date: Sun, 5 Jun 2005 18:53:53 +0200

Hi Eliot,

> So I went about making hal and fstab-sync mount the ipod drive as
> case-insensitive. Details of what I did are here:

An important note about VFAT:

VFAT is ought to be 'case preserve' , *NOT* 'case sensitive'.

VFAT knows how you called the file, but it doesn't care about 
the name (upper/lowercase) if you open/access the File!

GNUpod checks if this is true and does something like:

 * create 'csTeSt'
 * get the inode of 'csTeSt'
 * get the inode of 'CStEsT'
 * Compare it

Both inodes should be the same, because VFAT is *not* case sensitive,
only case preserve !

If the 2 inodes don't match (or one file does not exist), you'll get
this warning.. This means that someone broken VFAT for you.

It's the fault of RedHat/Fedora. Blame them.. they are morrons.
They are notorious for breaking the kernel.

The warning will only vanish if you use a correctly working Kernel
(from kernel.org).

But if you are not going to use your iPod with Windows/OSX, you can
ignore this warning.

 -- Adrian

 We're working on it, slowly but surely...or not-so-surely in the spots
we're not so sure...               -- Larry Wall
 We're working on it, slowly but surely...or not-so-surely in the spots we're 
not so sure...
               -- Larry Wall

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