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Re: Support for options in valgrind-tests

From: Bernd Becker
Subject: Re: Support for options in valgrind-tests
Date: Wed, 16 Mar 2011 22:22:44 +0100
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Hi Thomas,

Am 12.03.2011 18:41, schrieb Reuben Thomas:
> Another day, another nice surprise from gnulib: it supports valgrind,
> so I can remove my own code for that...only, no I can't, because I add
> options (I add --error-exitcode=1 --leak-check=full).
> So, two alternative suggestions:
> 1. Agree that these options are must-haves (rationale: one's code
> shouldn't leak memory, so turn on full leak checking to make sure;
> tests that cause valgrind errors should count as failures).
I would like the possibility to switch off "--error-exitcode=1" option
such that it's possible to run a whole test suite during lunch-break
checking the log-file afterwards.
For this I see two alternatives:
a) making --error-exitcode mandatory, thus using "make -i" or
b) adding a possibility to switch off the error-exitcode via option.
Maybe b) is the better way, since it will also help the testsuit to tun
completely if there are other errors.

> 2. Add the possibility for options somehow. Is there a standard way in
> which like things are achieved? I would imagine setting VALGRIND to
> "VALGRIND -q \$(VALGRIND_OPTIONS)" so then I can just set
> VALGRIND_OPTIONS in Makefile.am if I want to pass options, but maybe
> that's a bad approach.
That would mean you'd have to change every Makefile of a test suite on
it's own if you want to run a test-suite with special settings- which
can be quite tedious.
I would suggest an influencing variable, which would result in a changed
configure-run like:

VALGRIND_OPTIONS=<options for this test run> ./configure ...


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