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Re: [Bug-gnubg] gnubg-multi on Windows

From: Olivier Baur
Subject: Re: [Bug-gnubg] gnubg-multi on Windows
Date: Tue, 29 Jul 2003 16:49:35 +0200

Le mardi, 29 juil 2003, à 15:31 Europe/Paris, Holger a écrit :

How is actually the procedure to set up 2 machines (as host and slave, respectively)? Any order to follow?

Yes, any order will do.

(of course, I meant: "No, any order will do")

As I describe in another mail, I've tried to switch one instance to slave mode. It doesn't stay there, but returns to master mode immediately. I suppose it shouldn't? With any kind of notification gnubg exits with signal 03.

I have updated my sources with the Windows modifications you have made, but I haven't had time to look at the code already. I would guess that something must not be working properly with winsocks, while waiting for a new connection from a master; I'll be looking at it this evening.

Please, also be careful in using the default TCP port, since a web server might be running on your host and already listening to port 80 (this can be checked by trying to open http://localhost:80 in your web browser)

Maybe I should change the default port to something else... anyone has directions about which number to choose?

-- Olivier

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