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Re: Simple "print" in END condition prints last line

From: Manuel Collado
Subject: Re: Simple "print" in END condition prints last line
Date: Thu, 28 May 2009 23:29:34 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20081209)

James Kanze escribió:
Not a serious problem, but a simple "print" in the END condition
prints the last line, e.g.:

    awk 'BEGIN { printf( "     " ) } ; /^#/ { next } ; { printf( "
%s", $2 ) } ; END { print }' rebuild.cmds

Where rebuild.cmds is:
    pagnu002 linux    comp=gcc           arch=i80x86  syst=linux
    padev001 suncc    comp=suncc         arch=sparc   syst=solaris
    padev001 sunccstl comp=suncc-stlport arch=sparc   syst=solaris
    padev001 gcc      comp=gcc           arch=sparc   syst=solaris
    padev001 v9       comp=suncc         arch=sparcv9 syst=solaris
    padev001 v9stl    comp=suncc-stlport arch=sparcv9 syst=solaris
    # pahmg001 linux64  comp=gcc           arch=x86_64  syst=linux
(no leading spaces) outputs:
      linux suncc sunccstl gcc v9 v9stl# pahmg001 linux64  comp=gcc
       arch=x86_64  syst=linux
instead of the desired:
      linux suncc sunccstl gcc v9 v9stl

The obvious work-around: replace the ``print'' with ``print
""''.  But print without an argument should output $0, and the
END condition doesn't have a $0.

This is expected behaviour. Quoting the Gawk manual:

------------------- Input/Output from BEGIN and END Rules


Traditionally, due largely to implementation issues, $0 and NF were undefined inside an END rule. The POSIX standard specifies that NF is available in an END rule. It contains the number of fields from the last input record. Most probably due to an oversight, the standard does not say that $0 is also preserved, although logically one would think that it should be. In fact, gawk does preserve the value of $0 for use in END rules. Be aware, however, that Unix awk, and possibly other implementations, do not.

Manuel Collado - http://lml.ls.fi.upm.es/~mcollado

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