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Re: libgcj-java-placeholder.sh problem with db4 and gettext packages

From: Michael Chastain
Subject: Re: libgcj-java-placeholder.sh problem with db4 and gettext packages
Date: Sun, 22 Aug 2004 11:22:46 -0400
User-agent: nail 10.8 6/28/04

Bruno Haible <address@hidden> wrote:
bh> Maybe you could please post the source of this placeholder, so I can make
bh> up an autoconf test against it?

Sure.  The entire script is appended.

It looks like one more special case in javacomp.m4 could catch this.
Something like:

  && (if javac -help 2> /dev/null | grep libgcj-java-placeholder.sh > /dev/null 
 ; then exit 1; else exit 0; fi) \

Again the symlinks leading up to this are:

  /usr/bin/javac -> /etc/alternatives/javac
  /etc/alternatives/javac -> /usr/share/java/libgcj-java-placeholder.sh

But I don't think javacomp.m4 has to be aware of the symlinks.

libgcj-java-placeholder.sh is part of the "libgcj" package on this
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu system.  /etc/redhat-release says:

  Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 2)
bh> If your placeholder is nonfunctional, let it return a different exit
bh> code, such as 125. Or move it away entirely from your */bin directories.

I don't know enough about Java and jpackage.org.
Somebody wrote libgcj-java-placeholder.sh for a reason.
I'm looking around jpackage.org, but I don't see any good info.
(and "google libgcj-java-placeholder.sh" does not help either).

Perhaps somebody reading this on taroon-list can enlighten us
on that part.

I can't touch /usr/bin/javac .  I'm running on HP Test Drive machines as
an ordinary user, not root.



echo "libgcj-java-placeholder.sh"
echo "This script is a placeholder for the /usr/bin/java and /usr/bin/javac"
echo "master links required by jpackage.org conventions.  libgcj's"
echo "rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools are now slave symlinks to these"
echo "masters, and are managed by the alternatives(8) system."
echo "This change was necessary because the rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools"
echo "installed by previous versions of libgcj conflicted with symlinks"
echo "installed by jpackage.org JVM packages."

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