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From: David de Gruyl
Subject: None
Date: Mon, 7 Jul 2003 13:46:05 -0400

       emerge - Command-line interface to the Portage system

       eemmeerrggee [_o_p_t_i_o_n_s] [_a_c_t_i_o_n] 
[_e_b_u_i_l_d | _t_b_z_2_f_i_l_e | _c_l_a_s_s | 
_d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_y] ...

       eemmeerrggee [_o_p_t_i_o_n_s] [_a_c_t_i_o_n] 

       eemmeerrggee ssyynncc | rrssyynncc

       eemmeerrggee _-_-_h_e_l_p _-_h [ssyysstteemm | 
ccoonnffiigg | ssyynncc]

       eemmeerrggee _-_-_v_e_r_s_i_o_n

       eemmeerrggee  is  the  definitive  command-line  interface to the 
Portage system.  It is primarily used for
       installing packages, and eemmeerrggee can automatically handle any 
dependencies that  the  desired  package
       has.   eemmeerrggee  can  also  update the ppoorrttaaggee 
ttrreeee, making new and updated packages available.  eemmeerrggee
       gracefully handles updating installed packages to newer releases as 
well.  It handles both source and
       binary packages, and it can be used to create binary packages for 

       eemmeerrggee primarily installs packages.  You can specify 
packages to install in one of four main ways: an
       _e_b_u_i_l_d, a _t_b_z_2_f_i_l_e, a _c_l_a_s_s, or a 

       eebbuuiilldd An _e_b_u_i_l_d must be, at a minimum, a valid 
Portage package directory name without a  version  or
              category, such as ppoorrttaaggee or ppyytthhoonn.  
Both categories and version numbers may be used in addi-
              tion, such as ssyyss--aappppss//ppoorrttaaggee or 
==ppyytthhoonn--22..22..11--rr22. eemmeerrggee ignores a 
trailing  slash  so  that
              filename  completion  can  be  used.   The  _e_b_u_i_l_d  
may  also  be  an actual filename, such as

              A _t_b_z_2_f_i_l_e must be a valid .tbz2 created with  
ppaacckkaaggee  or
              eemmeerrggee ----bbuuiillddppkkgg 
[[ccaatteeggoorryy//]]<<ppaacckkaaggee>> or 

       ccllaassss  Package classes are a convenient shorthand for large 
groups of packages.  Two classes are cur-
              rently supported: ssyysstteemm and wwoorrlldd.  
ssyysstteemm refers to a set of packages deemed  necessary  for
              your  system  to  run  properly.  wwoorrlldd contains all of 
the packages in ssyysstteemm, along with any
              other packages listed in 
//vvaarr//ccaacchhee//eeddbb//wwoorrlldd. [See 
FFIILLEESS below for more  information.]   Note
              that these commands are generally used in conjunction with 

              A  _d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_y  describes  bounds  on  a  
package  that  you  wish  to  install.   For example,
matches the latest available version  of  Python  greater  than  or
              equal  to  2.2.1-r2.   Similarly, 
<<ddeevv--llaanngg//ppyytthhoonn--22..00 matches the latest 
available version of
              Python before 2.0.  Note that in many shells you will need to 
escape characters  such  as  '<'
              and '='; use single- or double-quotes around the 
_d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_y to get around escaping problems.

       NNoo aaccttiioonn
              If  no  action  is specified, the action is to merge in the 
specified packages, satisfying any
              dependencies that they may have.  The arguments can be 
_e_b_u_i_l_d_s, _t_b_z_2_s, _c_l_a_s_s_e_s,  or  
              _c_i_e_s.  NNoottee tthhaatt yyoouu nneeeedd 
ttoo uussee tthhee --usepkg ooppttiioonn iiff yyoouu 
wwaanntt ttoo iinnssttaallll aa ttbbzz22.  The pack-
              ages are added to the wwoorrlldd file at the end, so that 
they are considered for later updating.

       cclleeaann (--cc)
              Cleans the system by removing packages that will not effect the 
functionality of  the  system.
              The  arguments  can  be _e_b_u_i_l_d_s, 
_c_l_a_s_s_e_s, or _d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_i_e_s.  For example, 
eemmeerrggee cclleeaann bbiinnuuttiillss
              cleans out old versions of binutils; eemmeerrggee 
cleans  out  that
              specific  version of Mozilla.  This is generally safe to use.  
NNoottee tthhaatt clean ddooeess nnoott rreemmoovvee
              uunnssllootttteedd ppaacckkaaggeess..

              Determines all packages installed on the system that have no 
explicit reason for being  there.
              eemmeerrggee  generates  a  list of packages which it 
expects to be installed by checking the ssyysstteemm
              package list and the wwoorrlldd file.  It then compares that 
list to the list of packages which are
              actually  installed;  the differences are listed as unnecessary 
packages and are suggested for
              unmerging. WWAARRNNIINNGG:: RReemmoovviinngg 
ssoommee ppaacckkaaggeess mmaayy ccaauussee 
ppaacckkaaggeess wwhhiicchh lliinnkk ttoo tthhee 
rreemmoovveedd  ppaacckk--
              aaggee  ttoo  ssttoopp wwoorrkkiinngg aanndd 
ccoommppllaaiinn aabboouutt mmiissssiinngg 
lliibbrraarriieess..  Re-emerge the complaining package
              to fix this issue.  NNoottee tthhaatt 
cchhaannggeess iinn UUSSEE ffllaaggss ccaann 
ddrraassttiiccaallllyy aaffffeecctt tthhee 
oouuttppuutt  ooff  ddeepp--

       hheellpp (--hh)
              Displays  help  information  for  emerge.  Adding one of the 
additional arguments listed above
              will give you more specific help information on that subject.  
The internal eemmeerrggee help  docu-
              mentation  is updated more frequently than this man page; check 
it out if you are having prob-
              lems that this man page does not help resolve.

       iinnffoo   This is a list of information to include in bug reports 
which aids the developers with  fixing
              any  problems  you  may  report. PPlleeaassee 
iinncclluuddee tthhiiss iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn 
wwhheenn ssuubbmmiittttiinngg aa bbuugg rreeppoorrtt..
              Expanded output can be obtained with the 
_-_-_v_e_r_b_o_s_e option.

       iinnjjeecctt (--ii)
              Injecting a package inserts a 'stub' for that package  so  that  
Portage  thinks  that  it  is
              installed. It is handy if you need, say, a binary version of 
XFree86 for esoteric hardware, or
              you just like to roll your own packages.  You mmuusstt 
specify a category and  particular  version
              of a package for injecting.  For example, eemmeerrggee 

       pprruunnee (--PP)
              WWAARRNNIINNGG::  TThhiiss  aaccttiioonn  
ccaann  rreemmoovvee iimmppoorrttaanntt 
ppaacckkaaggeess!! Removes all but the latest versions of
              matching packages.  If there are multiple SLOTs for a package, it 
leaves the latest version in
              each  SLOT. This does no checking of dependencies, so it may 
remove packages necessary for the
              proper operation of your system. UUssee clean 
iinnsstteeaadd uunnlleessss yyoouu rreeaallllyy 
kknnooww wwhhaatt  yyoouu''rree  ddooiinngg.
              Its arguments can be _e_b_u_i_l_d_s, 
_c_l_a_s_s_e_s, or _d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_i_e_s -- see 
cclleeaann above for examples.

       rrssyynncc  See ssyynncc below.

       sseeaarrcchh (--ss)
              Searches for matches of the supplied string in the portage tree.  
The search string is a regu-
              lar expression.  For example, eemmeerrggee 
sseeaarrcchh ""^^kkddee"" searches for any package that  starts  
              "kde";  eemmeerrggee  sseeaarrcchh  
""ggcccc$$""  searches  for  any package that ends with "gcc"; 
eemmeerrggee sseeaarrcchh
              ""ooffffiiccee"" searches for any package that contains 
the word "office".  If you want to search  the
              package descriptions as well, use the 
----sseeaarrcchhddeesscc,--SS option.

       ssyynncc   Initiates  a  portage  tree  update  with  one of the 
rsync.gentoo.org mirrors.  NNoottee tthhaatt aannyy
              cchhaannggeess yyoouu hhaavvee mmaaddee ttoo 
tthhee ppoorrttaaggee ttrreeee wwiillll bbee  
eerraasseedd.   Except  for  in  special  circum-
              stances,  this uses rrssyynncc to do the update. See 
make.conf's description of PORTDIR_OVERLAY for
              a method to avoid deletions.

       uunnmmeerrggee (--CC)
              WWAARRNNIINNGG:: TThhiiss aaccttiioonn 
ccaann rreemmoovvee iimmppoorrttaanntt 
ppaacckkaaggeess!! Removes all matching packages.  This  does
              no  checking  of dependencies, so it may remove packages 
necessary for the proper operation of
              your system. Its arguments can be _e_b_u_i_l_d_s, 
_c_l_a_s_s_e_s, or _d_e_p_e_n_d_e_n_c_i_e_s --  see  
cclleeaann  above  for

              Displays the version number of eemmeerrggee.

       ----bbuuiillddppkkgg (--bb)
              Tells  emerge to build binary packages for all ebuilds processed 
in addition to actually merg-
              ing the packages.  Useful for maintainers or if you administrate 
multiple Gentoo Linux systems
              (build  once,  emerge  tbz2s  everywhere).   The  package will be 
created in the _$_{_P_K_G_D_I_R_}/All
              directory. An alternative for already-merged packages is to use 
qquuiicckkppkkgg which creates a  tbz2
              from the live filesystem.

              Used  along side _-_-_p_r_e_t_e_n_d to causes the 
package, new version, and old version to be displayed
              in an aligned format for easy cut-n-paste.

       ----ddeebbuugg (--dd)
              Tells emerge to run the emerge command in --debug mode.  In this 
mode the bash build  environ-
              ment  will  run  with the -x option, causing it to output verbose 
debug information to stdout.
              --debug is great for finding bash syntax errors.

       ----ddeeeepp When used in conjunction with 
----uuppddaattee, this flag forces eemmeerrggee to consider the 
entire  depen-
              dency  tree  of packages, instead of checking only the immediate 
dependencies of the packages.
              As an example, this catches updates in libraries that are not 
directly listed in the dependen-
              cies of a package.

       ----eemmppttyyttrreeee (--ee)
              Virtually  tweaks  the  tree of installed packages to only 
contain glibc; this is great to use
              together with --pretend. This allows developers to get a complete 
 overview  of  the  complete
              dependency  tree  of  a  package, and it enables complete trees 
to be rebuilt using the latest

       ----ffeettcchhoonnllyy (--ff)
              Instead of doing any package building, just perform fetches for 
all packages (the main package
              as well as all dependencies.)

              Causes  portage  to  disregard  merge  records  indicating that a 
config file inside of a CON-
              FIG_PROTECT directory has been merged already. Portage will 
normally merge  those  files  only
              once  to  prevent  the  user  from dealing with the same config 
multiple times. This flag will
              cause the file to always be merged.

              Merges specified packages without merging any dependencies.  Note 
that the build may  fail  if
              the dependencies aren't satisfied.

       ----nnoorreeppllaaccee (--nn)
              Skips  the  packages  specified on the command-line that have 
already been installed.  Without
              this option, any packages, ebuilds, or deps you specify on on the 
 command-line  *will*  cause
              Portage  to  remerge  the package, even if it is already 
installed. Note that Portage will not
              remerge dependencies by default.

              Disables the spinner for the session. The spinner is active when 
the terminal device is deter-
              mined to be a TTY. This flag disables it regardless.

              Emerge as normal, but do not add the packages to the world 
profile for later updating.

       ----oonnllyyddeeppss (--oo)
              Only  merge (or pretend to merge) the dependencies of the 
packages specified, not the packages

       ----pprreetteenndd (--pp)
              Instead of actually performing the merge, simply display what 
*would* have been  installed  if
              --pretend weren't used.  Using --pretend is strongly recommended 
before installing an unfamil-
              iar package. In the printout, N = new, U = upgrading, R = 
replacing, B = blocked by an already
              installed package.

       ----sseeaarrcchhddeesscc (--SS)
              Matches  the  search  string  against the description field as 
well as the package name.  TTaakkee
              ccaauuttiioonn as the descriptions are also matched as 
regular expressions.

       ----uuppddaattee (--uu)
              Updates packages to the most recent version available.  
NNoottee tthhaatt --update ddooeess nnoott hhaavvee  
              ffuunnccttiioonnaalliittyy  yyeett.   It  will  
not automatically update dependencies of packages in the wwoorrlldd
              file, unless they too are in the wwoorrlldd file.

       ----uusseeppkkgg (--kk)
              Tells emerge to use binary packages (from $PKGDIR) if they are 
available, thus possibly avoid-
              ing  some  time-consuming  compiles.  This  option  is  useful 
for CD installs; you can export
              PKGDIR=/mnt/cdrom/packages and then use this option to have 
emerge "pull" binary packages from
              the CD in order to satisfy dependencies.

       ----vveerrbboossee (--vv)
              Tell  emerge  to run in verbose mode.  Currently this flag causes 
emerge to print out GNU info
              errors, if any.

              Displays the version number of eemmeerrggee.  It cannot be 
used in conjunction with  other  options;
              the name and format of the action is a convention.

       While  utilizing  emerge and the pretend/verbose flags, the output may 
be a little hard to understand
       for the first time.  This section exists to explain what the shorthanded 
information means.

       [[bblloocckkss BB ]] 
aapppp--tteexxtt//ddooss22uunniixx ((ffrroomm ppkkgg 
              Dos2unix is Blocking hd2u from being emerged.  Blockers are 
defined  when  two  packages  will
              clobber  each others files, or otherwise cause some form of 
breakage in your system.  However,
              blockers usually do not need to be simultaneously emerged because 
 they  usually  provide  the
              same functionality.

       [[eebbuuiilldd NN ]] 
              Qstat is New to your system, and will be emerged for the first 

       [[eebbuuiilldd RR ]] 
              Sed  4.0.5  has  already been emerged, but if you run the 
command, then portage will Re-emerge
              the specified package (sed in this case).

       [[eebbuuiilldd UU ]] 
              Samba 2.2.7a has already been emerged and can be Updated to 
version 2.2.8_pre1.

       [[eebbuuiilldd UUDD]] 
              Libgd 2.0.11 is already emerged, but if you run the command, then 
portage  will  Downgrade  to
              version 1.8.4 for you.
              This may occur if a newer version of a package has been masked 
because it is broken or it cre-
              ates a security risk on your system and a fix has not been 
released yet.
              Another reason this may occur is if a package you are trying to 
emerge requires an older  ver-
              sion  of  a  package  in order to emerge succesfully.  In this 
case, libgd 2.x is incompatible
              with libgd 1.x.  This means that packages that were created with 
libgd 1.x  will  not  compile
              with 2.x and must downgrade libgd first before they can emerge.

       [[eebbuuiilldd UU--]] 
              The - represents lack of SSLLOOTT information about Xfree.  
This will occur when the previous ver-
              sion emerged was injected (see iinnjjeecctt ffoorr 
mmoorree iinnffoo)) oorr vveerryy oouuttddaatteedd 
((ssoo oolldd  tthhaatt  SSLLOOTT  ddiidd
              nnoott eexxiisstt))..  EEiitthheerr wwaayy,, 
aa nneewweerr vveerrssiioonn ooff XXffrreeee iiss 
aavvaaiillaabbee ffoorr yyoouurr uuppddaattiinngg 

       [[eebbuuiilldd UU ]] 
 [[33..1155__bbeettaa11]] --ggttkk --ggnnoommee
              The  -gtk and -gnome reflect the status of UUSSEE variables 
when emerging nmap.  Here we see that
              nmap can use the UUSSEE variables gtk and gnome, but that your 
 current  settings  have  gtk  and
              gnome  disabled.   So  optional support for gtk and gnome will 
not be enabled in nmap when you
              emerge it.

       You should almost always precede any package install or update attempt 
with a  ----pprreetteenndd  install  or
       update.   This  lets you see how much will be done, and shows you any 
blocking packages that you will
       have to rectify.  This goes doubly so for the ssyysstteemm and 
wwoorrlldd classes, which can update a large num-
       ber of packages if the portage tree has been particularly active.

       You  also  want  to typically use ----uuppddaattee, which 
ignores packages that are already fully updated but
       upgrades those that are not.

       When you install a package with uninstalled dependencies and do not 
explicitly state those  dependen-
       cies  in  the  list  of parameters, they will not be added to the world 
file.  If you want them to be
       detected for world updates, make sure to explicitly list them as 
parameters to eemmeerrggee.

       UUSSEE vvaarriiaabblleess may be specified on the command 
line to override those specified in the  default  loca-
       tions,  letting  you  avoid using some dependencies you may not want to 
have.  UUSSEE ffllaaggss ssppeecciiffiieedd oonn
       tthhee ccoommmmaanndd lliinnee aarree NNOOTT 
rreemmeemmbbeerreedd.  For example, UUSSEE==""--xx 
--ggnnoommee"" eemmeerrggee  mmcc  will  emerge  mc  with
       those USE settings.

       If  eemmeerrggee  ----uuppddaattee  ssyysstteemm  or 
 eemmeerrggee ----uuppddaattee wwoorrlldd fail with an error 
message, it may be that an
       ebuild uses some newer feature not present in this version of 
eemmeerrggee.  You can  use  eemmeerrggee  ----uuppddaattee
       ppoorrttaaggee to upgrade to the lastest version, which should 
support any necessary new features.

       _N_O_T_E_:  _P_l_e_a_s_e  _u_s_e _c_a_u_t_i_o_n 
_w_h_e_n _u_s_i_n_g _d_e_v_e_l_o_p_m_e_n_t 
_p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s_. _P_r_o_b_l_e_m_s _a_n_d _b_u_g_s 
_r_e_s_u_l_t_i_n_g _f_r_o_m _m_i_s_u_s_i_n_g
       _m_a_s_k_e_d _p_a_c_k_a_g_e_s _d_r_a_i_n_s 
_G_e_n_t_o_o _d_e_v_e_l_o_p_e_r _t_i_m_e_. 
_P_l_e_a_s_e _b_e _s_u_r_e _y_o_u _a_r_e  
_c_a_p_a_b_l_e  _o_f  _h_a_n_d_l_i_n_g  
       _t_h_a_t _m_a_y _e_n_s_u_e_.

       Masks  in ppoorrttaaggee provide three primary functions: they 
allow a testing period where the packages can
       be used in live machines; they prevent the use of a package when it will 
fail, and they mask existing
       packages  that  are  broken or could pose a security risk.  Masking can 
be done by two methods: ppaacckk--
       aaggee..mmaasskk and KEYWORDS.

              ppaacckkaaggee..mmaasskk primarily blocks the use of 
packages that cause problems or  are  known  to  have
              issues  on  disparate  systems. It resides in 
_$_{_P_O_R_T_D_I_R_}_/_p_r_o_f_i_l_e_s. Packages may be 
unmasked in
              the file by adding a comment character (##) to the beginning of 
the line which masks the  pack-

              KEYWORDS  are also used for masking packages still in testing. 
There are architecture-specific
              keywords for each package that let ppoorrttaaggee know 
which systems are compatible with the package.
              Packages which compile on an architecture, but have not been 
proven to be "stable", are masked
              with a tilde (~~) in front of the architecture name.  
eemmeerrggee examines the AACCCCEEPPTT__KKEEYYWWOORRDDSS 
              ronment  variable  to  allow  or  disallow  the emerging of a 
package masked by a KEYWORD.  To
              inform eemmeerrggee that it  should  build  these  
'testing'  versions  of  packages,  you  may  set
"~~aarrcchh",  where  aarrcchh  is one of xx8866, ppppcc, 
ssppaarrcc, ssppaarrcc6644, or aallpphhaa.  For
eemmeerrggee xxffrreeee will cause  eemmeerrggee  to  consider 
              versions of XFree it decides the packages to build.  
WWAARRNNIINNGG:: Do _n_o_t set this variable to any-
              thing other than the value corresponding to your architecture.

       Please report any bugs you encounter through our website:


       Please include the output of eemmeerrggee iinnffoo when you 
submit your bug report.

       eemmeerrggee--help, eebbuuiilldd(1), eebbuuiilldd(5), 

       A number of helper applications reside in 

       The ggeennttoooollkkiitt package contains useful scripts such 
as qqppkkgg (a package query tool).

              Contains a list of all user-specified packages.  You can safely 
edit this file,  adding  pack-
              ages  that you want to be considered in wwoorrlldd class 
updates and removing those that you do not
              want to be considered.

              Contains variables for the build process, overriding those in 
mmaakkee..gglloobbaallss.  YYoouu  sshhoouulldd  
              tthhiiss ffiillee iinnsstteeaadd ooff tthhee 
oonneess lliisstteedd bbeellooww.

              Contains profile-specific variables for the build process. DDoo 
nnoott eeddiitt tthhiiss ffiillee.

              Contains the USE flags that are enabled by default. DDoo 
nnoott eeddiitt tthhiiss ffiillee.

              Contains  the  master list of USE flags with descriptions of 
their functions. DDoo nnoott eeddiitt tthhiiss

              Contains a list of default packages used to resolve virtual 
dependencies.  DDoo  nnoott  eeddiitt  tthhiiss

              Contains  a list of packages used to resolve virtual 
dependencies. In the case of failing vir-
              tual matches, you may reorder the entries for the corresponding 
virtual here. The first  pack-
              age listed after the virtual is the entry used for matching the 

              Contains  a  list  of  packages used for the base system. The 
ssyysstteemm and wwoorrlldd classes consult
              this file. DDoo nnoott eeddiitt tthhiiss 

              Contains the default variables for the build process. DDoo 
nnoott eeddiitt tthhiiss ffiillee.

       Daniel Robbins <address@hidden>
       Geert Bevin <address@hidden>
       Achim Gottinger <address@hidden>
       Nicholas Jones <address@hidden>
       Phil Bordelon <address@hidden>

       $Id: emerge.1,v 1.37 2003/05/20 09:16:00 carpaski Exp $

Portage 2.0.47                     Feb 2003                          EMERGE(1)

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