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Re: gzip receives read error, gives up, unlinks source file

From: Andrew Brown
Subject: Re: gzip receives read error, gives up, unlinks source file
Date: Fri, 28 Mar 2003 17:37:42 -0500
User-agent: Mutt/1.2.5i

>> the attached patch checks that isize (the amount read in) is the same
>> as st_size (from the struct stat information), and makes gzip react
>> accordingly.
>This doesn't sound quite right to me, as the file could have shrunk
>during reading.

ah...uh...but...if the file is shrinking, you really don't want the
extra data in the compressed file...do you?

>Which version of gzip were you using?  As far as I can see, gzip
>1.3.5 always tests for a read error immediately after reading, so
>copy_stat shouldn't have to worry about the issue.

gzip --version says it's

        gzip 1.2.4 (18 Aug 93)
        Compilation options:

but i know it's not *quite* the same.  it's the one from the netbsd
source tree.  that said, i checked the netbsd source tree vs an
unpacked 1.2.4a tree, and the majority of the changes appeared only to
be type related (eg, lots of long -> off_t stuff, etc).

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|
address@hidden             * "ah!  i see you have the internet
address@hidden (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"
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