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Re: nasm problem?

From: Nick Clifton
Subject: Re: nasm problem?
Date: Tue, 16 Jan 2001 14:41:14 -0800


: hi... i have an asm source 16/32bit code mix... thus im using a.out
: file format when compiled with nasm -f aout and when I going to
: link it to another c file all the call to the c files (ex: _main)
: are ok but there is something with the offset of the data.

Note - nasm is not a GNU program, so if the bug is in this program, we
cannot help.

: 16bit code from the asm source loads my gdt and the dissasembling of
: the binary flat linkage show that this gdt is in 0x200... later on I
: add more instructions to the asm file and the dissasembling show the
: same address. 

Why is this a problem ?  I am not familiar with x86 assembler, so
maybe the answer to this is obvious.

: I link this unique file with:
:   ld b.o --stats --verbose --warn-common --warn-once -o test.bin
:     -oformat binary -Ttext=0
: and:
:    nasm -f aout b.asm...
: if you find the bug.. or let me know what im doing wrong i would
: appreciate so much... sorry for my english..

It would help if you could provide more details about the bug:

  - How do you add more instructions to the binary created by the
    linker ?

  - How do you expect the linker to behave ?

A copy of the binary file 'b.o' would also be very helpful.


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